pulibrary / lib_jobs

Enterprise Services batch processing tasks. Rails 7 Ruby 3.1.0
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Create Weekly Slips by LC call number Jobs Task #234

Closed kevinreiss closed 1 year ago

kevinreiss commented 3 years ago

Selectors want to know books that have been cataloged by LC that have come out recently that they may not have heard of yet. @mzelesky has created a report via WorldShare Collection Manager, an OCLC project, to create data dumps of relevant records, and this job will take those datadumps and create a spreadsheet of relevant books for selectors that is easy for them to go over quickly.

Create a rake task that can be scheduled to process LC Slips

  1. Grab Current File Set from OCLC SFTP Server
    • Username & password are in LastPass - OCLC DataSync Credentials under Shared-EUS
    • Server: filex-m1.oclc.org
    • Directory: /xfer/metacoll/out/ongoing/new
    • relevant files have MZallDLC in filename
    • Files are added to this server weekly
  2. Run LC Slips routine over new files - https://github.com/PrincetonUniversityLibrary/lib_reports/blob/main/ruby/tasks/lc_slips_combined.rb
    • Should be moved into LibJobs and made Object Oriented
    • This job currently also creates Marc files, these are not needed.
  3. Produce CSV file w/ UTF8 Files for selectors
    • These files should be as easy as possible to open in Excel on a Windows machine. There have been issues in the past with character encoding, where the file was encoded with UTF-8 and Excel tried to open it using Latin1, resulting in bad diacritics.
    • For the first stage of this project, we will use the configuration for Bobray Bordelon and Jeremy Darrington (Wayne Bivens-Tatum is not presently interested in receiving these), but we should keep in mind extensibility for more selectors in the near future. Jeremy Darrington would like his to be updated to only include the J ranges.
  4. Distribute files to selectors via email (each selector gets their own report) (do under #564)
kevinreiss commented 2 years ago

@pdiskin @mzelesky is this still desirable?

maxkadel commented 1 year ago

Notes on meeting - @pdiskin will circle back with selectors to ensure this is still something that would be useful.

maxkadel commented 1 year ago

Emailed selectors 8/1/2023 to get feedback on CSVs.

maxkadel commented 1 year ago

Heard back from Bobray, generally positive, although interested in excluding:

maxkadel commented 1 year ago

Heard back from Jeremy, also generally positive. Requests included:

maxkadel commented 1 year ago

Code has been merged, deployed, and is working, feedback has been ticketed.