pulibrary / princeton_ansible

Ansible Roles and Playbooks for Princeton University Library
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Configure production and staging appropriately #4876

Open acozine opened 5 months ago

acozine commented 5 months ago

As part of our response to a recent nginx outage, we discovered how easy it is to run commands on a production machine while believing you are logged into a staging machine. We have two goals in configuring our two environments:

  1. Make production and staging work as similarly as possible, to support "muscle memory" of commands and to make sure that when we test changes in staging we have a realistic preview of how those changes will affect our production systems. We do fairly well at this already and we don't want to lose that.
  2. Make production and staging look and possibly respond differently enough that we are aware of which environment we are logged into at any time.

We have already added a banner to production machines, but that only appears on first login. Can/should we do more? We have a wide range of options for making production noticeably different from staging, including some fairly draconian changes. For example, we could:

Let's add more options, discuss/debate, and come up with acceptance criteria for this ticket.

tpendragon commented 5 months ago

It looks like one option is a little sudo script that says "Are you sure?" and then delegates out to /bin/sudo