We had ?fish command in our previous bot, Rubbergoddess. Our folks quite enjoyed it.
You can take an inspration from its code, from Virtual Fisher bot or just think of something new. The module should support fishing, multiple fish types, extra stuff (think Minecraft's fishing system), inventory...
It could also work on the principles of Discord's Trick-or-Treat bot; you could start fishing and after a random amount of time an embed would show up, and you would have to claim it before it gets lost again.
It could also be an opportunity for custom-drawn images.
We had
command in our previous bot, Rubbergoddess. Our folks quite enjoyed it.You can take an inspration from its code, from Virtual Fisher bot or just think of something new. The module should support fishing, multiple fish types, extra stuff (think Minecraft's fishing system), inventory...
It could also work on the principles of Discord's Trick-or-Treat bot; you could start fishing and after a random amount of time an embed would show up, and you would have to claim it before it gets lost again.
It could also be an opportunity for custom-drawn images.