pwnieexpress / blue_hydra

Blue Hydra
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Blue Hydra not detecting anything #132

Open btlvr opened 5 years ago

btlvr commented 5 years ago

I have blue_hydra running on Arch Linux, and it never detects any devices.

I can list these discoverable devices with hcitool scan.

solsticedhiver commented 4 years ago

I can confirm this. It was working fine on ubuntu and since I switched to archlinux, blue_hydra detects nothing.

It seems to be because of the upgrade of bluez-utils-compat

It works fine with 5.50 but not with 5.52 and possibly 5.51

It even works with a recent bluez and with an old bluez-utils-compat. So don't upgrade that lib as work-around....

deciacco commented 1 year ago

doesn't detect anything on the Ubuntu 22.04.01/5.15.0-48-generic and the UD100... hcitool scan returns devices, but blue_hydra doesn't...

ZeroChaos- commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am one of the original authors of blue_hydra. Since my position at Pwnie Express was eliminated a few years ago, I have been maintaining blue_hydra on my own over on my github page

Since this bug is a few years old, maybe use my maintained version instead.

deciacco commented 1 year ago

thank you!!!!!!