pwyq / Fill-Game

Two Player (Adversarial) Version of Fillomino | (Depth-First) Proof Number Search, Monte Carlo Tree Search, Minimax, Negamax, Alpha-beta pruning
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 0 forks source link

PNS #36

Closed pwyq closed 1 year ago

pwyq commented 1 year ago

Unlike the search algorithms in the minimax family, PN search is aimed exclusively at exhaustively searching a game node to solve it, which is to say to prove that the position is a forced win for one side (or a forced draw with optimal play by both players). It can be thought of a best-first search algorithm over the game tree, examining nodes based on an estimate of their promise towards contribuing to a solution to the overall node.

Other than init pn = dn = 1, we can init pn = dn = num. of moves