pxi-gmbh / slidenotes

public repository for slidenotes.io, an agnostic web editor to turn text into responsive presentations
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Show live highlighted Text to viewers in multi user session #7

Open manikani opened 3 years ago

manikani commented 3 years ago


As a host of a session, I want my live text highlighting to be broadcasted to my viewers.

example workflow

While holding a presentation in a multi user session, I want to be able to mark text and the marking is shown to my viewers just like it is shown on my presentation on my device.


The marking of text works differently on mobile devices. That might turn out to be a problem.

additional information

It needs to work on mobile devices as well. It would be fatal if you share a presentation and rely on the fact that everyone is seeing the same, but some viewers are basically excluded.

gaenseklein commented 2 years ago

marking of text does not work automaticaly on mobile devices. that is a problem, because marking text can go over html-elements (e.g. marking a title and text in next paragraph, marking "over" an image...) and often will do it without the user noticing it. to rebuild the "marking" with html and css one had to deeply change some html coding on the mobile-site which leads to different html on host and client and therefore very hard and complicated to yield exact results. all intentions so far have not yield a useable result. possible would be to restrict textmarking to one element - on both sides - or "doable" elements like lists.