Closed juandavidgutier closed 2 years ago
From your code, it looks like you're plotting the results of est2_Constrained, which has a degree 2 polynomial rather than the degree 3 polynomial that corresponds to the shap results.
The plot basically says that if 'Hesitant' is 0, then a one-unit increase in T should cause a roughly 0.48 unit increase in Y, if 'Hesitant' is 2, then a one-unit increase in T should cause a roughly 0.1 unit decrease, etc. (I'm just reading off the approximate values from the chart).
As a side note, you can probably get more accurate confidence intervals from the default "debiasedLasso" inference rather than explicitly using "bootstrap".
I believe you should be able to pass the feature names through like this: shap_values = estimate_Constrained.shap_values(X, feature_names=['Hesitant'])
OK @kbattocchi, thanks for your useful cooperation.
Hello @kbattocchi,
I have a model with a X variable=Hesitant and I can get the shap_values for my model too. The model has PolynomialFeatures(degree=3). Simillarly, I estimated the CATE for the variable Hesitant. These are the figures I obtain for shap values and CATE:
My question is how to interpret the CATE results? It means that if the X0 row in the figure of shape values shows that high values of Hesitant are more likely to give high values of output variable. But in the CATE figure, the high values of Hesitant trend to reduce the effect of treatment on the output variable.
I assume that the difference can be explained by the PolynomialFeatures argument, but if you can give me details, I'll appreciate it.
By the way, is possible that my shap values figure shows the name of the X variable?
I'll appreciate a lot your cooperation.
Here is my dataset dataset_covid.csv
and here is my code: ` import os, warnings, random import dowhy import econml from dowhy import CausalModel import pandas as pd import numpy as np import econml from econml.dml import DML, LinearDML, SparseLinearDML, NonParamDML, CausalForestDML from econml.dr import DRLearner, ForestDRLearner, SparseLinearDRLearner from econml.orf import DROrthoForest, DMLOrthoForest from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures from sklearn.linear_model import LassoCV from econml.inference import BootstrapInference import numpy as np, scipy.stats as st import arviz as az import scipy.stats as stats from econml.metalearners import TLearner, SLearner, XLearner, DomainAdaptationLearner from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, RandomForestClassifier, GradientBoostingRegressor, GradientBoostingClassifier import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from import EffectMeasurePlot from zepid.causal.causalgraph import DirectedAcyclicGraph from joblib import Parallel, delayed from econml.score import RScorer from plotnine import ggplot, aes, geom_line, geom_ribbon, ggtitle, labs import shap from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import warnings
def seed_everything(seed=123): random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed) os.environ['TF_DETERMINISTIC_OPS'] = '1'
seed = 123 seed_everything(seed) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.2f' % x)
import data
data = pd.read_csv("D:/dataset_covid.csv", encoding='latin-1') data = data.dropna()
Constrained = data[['output50', 'Constrained', 'SVI', 'Access', 'HC_Accessibility_Barriers', 'Hesitant', 'Sociodemographic_Barriers', 'PopDensity', 'broadband']] print(Constrained.std()) Constrained.PopDensity = stats.zscore(Constrained.PopDensity) Constrained.Hesitant = stats.zscore(Constrained.Hesitant)
Y = Constrained.output50.to_numpy() #Y = data_card['incidencia100k_cardiovasculares'].values T = Constrained.Constrained.to_numpy() W = Constrained[['SVI', 'HC_Accessibility_Barriers', 'Access']].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 3) X = Constrained[['Hesitant']].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1)
X_train, X_val, T_train, T_val, Y_train, Y_val, W_train, W_val = train_test_split(X, T, Y, W, test_size=.4)
reg1 = lambda: GradientBoostingClassifier() reg2 = lambda: GradientBoostingRegressor()
models = [ ('ldml', LinearDML(model_y=reg1(), model_t=reg2(), discrete_treatment=False, linear_first_stages=False, cv=3, random_state=123)), ('sldml', SparseLinearDML(model_y=reg1(), model_t=reg2(), discrete_treatment=False, featurizer=PolynomialFeatures(degree=3, include_bias=False), linear_first_stages=False, cv=3, random_state=123)), ('dml', DML(model_y=reg1(), model_t=reg2(), model_final=LassoCV(), discrete_treatment=False, featurizer=PolynomialFeatures(degree=3), linear_first_stages=False, cv=3, random_state=123)),
('ortho', DMLOrthoForest(model_Y=reg1(), model_T=reg2(), model_T_final=LassoCV(), model_Y_final=LassoCV(),
def fit_model(name, model): return name,, T_train, X=X_train, W=W_train)
models = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, verbose=1, backend="threading")(delayed(fit_model)(name, mdl) for name, mdl in models)
Choose model with highest RScore
scorer = RScorer(model_y=reg1(), model_t=reg2(), discrete_treatment=False, cv=3, mc_iters=3, mc_agg='median'), T_val, X=X_val, W=W_val)
rscore = [scorer.score(mdl) for _, mdl in models] print(rscore)#best model SparseLinearDML
Step 1: Modeforestg the causal mechanism
model_Constrained=CausalModel( data = Constrained, treatment=['Constrained'], outcome=['output50'], graph= """graph[directed 1 node[id "Constrained" label "Constrained"] node[id "output50" label "output50"] node[id "SVI" label "SVI"] node[id "HC_Accessibility_Barriers" label "HC_Accessibility_Barriers"] node[id "Access" label "Access"] node[id "Hesitant" label "Hesitant"] edge[source "Access" target "SVI"] edge[source "Access" target "HC_Accessibility_Barriers"] edge[source "Access" target "Hesitant"] edge[source "Access" target "output50"] edge[source "Access" target "Constrained"] edge[source "SVI" target "Constrained"] edge[source "SVI" target "output50"] edge[source "HC_Accessibility_Barriers" target "Constrained"] edge[source "HC_Accessibility_Barriers" target "output50"] edge[source "SVI" target "HC_Accessibility_Barriers"] edge[source "SVI" target "Hesitant"] edge[source "HC_Accessibility_Barriers" target "Hesitant"] edge[source "Constrained" target "Hesitant"]
edge[source "Constrained" target "output50"] edge[source "Hesitant" target "output50"] ]""" )
view model
Step 2: Identifying effects
identified_estimand_Constrained = model_Constrained.identify_effect(proceed_when_unidentifiable=False) print(identified_estimand_Constrained)
Step 3: Estimating effects
estimate_Constrained = SparseLinearDML(model_y=reg1(), model_t=reg2(), discrete_treatment=False, featurizer=PolynomialFeatures(degree=3, include_bias=False), linear_first_stages=False, cv=3, random_state=123)
estimate_Constrained = estimate_Constrained.dowhy, T=T, X=X, W=W, inference='bootstrap')
ate_Constrained = estimate_Constrained.ate(X) print(ate_Constrained)
ci_Constrained = estimate_Constrained.ate_interval(X) print(ci_Constrained)
shap_values = estimate_Constrained.shap_values(X)
shap.plots.beeswarm(shap_values['Y0']['T0']) shap.summary_plot(shap_values['Y0']['T0'], plot_type="violin")
range of hesitancy
min_Hesitant = -2.45 max_Hesitant = 2.35 delta = (max_Hesitant - min_Hesitant) / 100 X_test = np.arange(min_Hesitant, max_Hesitant + delta - 0.001, delta).reshape(-1, 1)
treatment_effects = estimate_Constrained.const_marginal_effect(X_test)
te_upper, te_lower = estimate_Constrained.const_marginal_effect_interval(X_test)
est2_Constrained = SparseLinearDML(model_y=reg1(), model_t=reg2(), discrete_treatment=False, featurizer=PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, include_bias=False), linear_first_stages=False, cv=3, random_state=123), T=T, X=X, inference="bootstrap")
treatment_effects2 = est2_Constrained.effect(X_test) te_lower2_cons, te_upper2_cons = est2_Constrained.effect_interval(X_test)
plot elasticity
( ggplot(aes(x=X_test.flatten(), y=treatment_effects2))