pyGrowler / Growler

A micro web-framework using asyncio coroutines and chained middleware.
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Clarify how to use the ext namespace and RendererEngine #12

Open lmergner opened 8 years ago

lmergner commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to build a growler-jinja extension by copying growler-jade and growler.renderer.RendererEngine. However, I'm getting an import error running from the REPL (after a pip install -e .):

>>> from growler.ext import JinjaRenderer
ImportError: No module named 'growler_ext.JinjaRenderer

I don't fully understand setuptools namespaces, so this is partly my own ignorance.

I also see that the api for subclassing RenderEngine has changed subtly. Does the growler-jade source reflect the current api?

After using node's koa framework, I'm excited to try to port my Flask app to Growler.

ubuntu 16 python 3.5.2 virtualenv 15.0.2 setuptools 26.0.0 growler 0.7.5

akubera commented 8 years ago

Hey, thanks for your interest in my little project! Yeah the growler.ext vs growler_ext is kinda hacky and not straightforward at all to implement. As it works right now, the line from growler.ext import JinjaRenderer calls a function which translates to import growler_ext.JinjaRenderer as JinjaRenderer. This is just a convenience for the user.

Your current implementation is using the MakoRenderer - so changing the contents of that file to JinjaRenderer might be the solution.

Or it might be a bug in setuptools; when installing in editable mode -e it does not create the namespace package growler_ext, so the package could not be found. I had that problem a while ago, but I thought I had fixed it; I guess it was not a universal fix.

I've been working on an 0.8 release I'll push soon, there should be many fixes with the error handling, but the extension importer has not been touched.

I'm sorry about the lack of documentation. You're probably the only other person to have written an extension, so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on what could use some work.

Thanks, Andrew

akubera commented 8 years ago

I found and pushed my updated mako renderer code that uses the "new" RenderEngine interface - which isn't nailed down and would really appreciate some thoughts on how it could work better.

The biggest change is the class must not overload __call__ anymore, it's the render_source method that does the templating. The TEMPLATES_DIR classmemeber was removed and replaced with default_file_extensions which gives a clue to the Renderer which files to send to your render_source method.

lmergner commented 8 years ago

I forgot to push -f my last changes. oops. Knowing that -e flag doesn't work is helpful. I need to think through the tests too. I don't know how much time I have to play around with Growler, but hopefully I can contribute something. I'd like get sqlalchemy running as middleware too.

  1. Is there a reason to distinguish between "extensions" and "middleware"?
  2. When do extensions and middleware take (req, res) and when can they have their own signatures?
  3. Does it make sense to reimplement the base class as abc.ABCMeta? I'm never sure when that's useful.
  4. I've used stevedore to write a library that dynamically loads plugins. That's an option, though setuptools doesn't add another requirement. This is my first time using setuptools, and the docs are not... great.

(Just to fully disclose, I'm not a very good programmer, so if I suggest or ask something ridiculous, please gently correct me. I am a fairly good editor and writer if you need help on the docs, though.)

akubera commented 8 years ago

Good news! It looks as though I never fully understood "modern" namespace packages. As I now understand it, since Python 3.3, any directory without an file is treated as a namespace package, implicitly. This means my current method of defining growler_ext as a namespace package in is a deprecated feature.

I don't have to do anything, and as long as other projects define growler_ext in their packages parameter to setup, (i.e. setup(packages=['growler_jinja', 'growler_ext'], ...)), I will get the behavior I want.

This means you don't need growler_ext/JinjaRenderer/ but just growler_ext/, which I like a lot better.

And yes, this even works with -e.

The only thing to worry about with this scheme is some package adding to their growler_ext folder - which would would ruin the package loader's dynamic loading - but I think that would just be a bug to file with the package maintainers.

It's way too late right now to commit any code with confidence, but I'll probably have some time tomorrow to finally push my changes and do a version bump.