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Pre-submission Inquiry for QuadratiK #168

Closed rmj3197 closed 1 month ago

rmj3197 commented 3 months ago

Submitting Author: Raktim Mukhopadhyay (@rmj3197)
Package Name: QuadratiK One-Line Description of Package: QuadratiK includes test for multivariate normality, test for uniformity on the sphere, non-parametric two- and k-sample tests, random generation of points from the Poisson kernel-based density and clustering algorithm for spherical data. Repository Link (if existing):

Code of Conduct & Commitment to Maintain Package


Documentation link :

We introduce the QuadratiK package that incorporates innovative data analysis methodologies. The presented software, implemented in both R and Python, offers a comprehensive set of novel goodness-of-fit tests and clustering techniques using kernel-based quadratic distances. Our software implements one, two and k-sample tests for goodness of fit, providing an efficient and mathematically sound way to assess the fit of probability distributions. Expanded capabilities of our software include supporting tests for uniformity on the $d$-dimensional Sphere based on Poisson kernel densities, and algorithms for generating random samples from Poisson kernel densities. Particularly noteworthy is the incorporation of a unique clustering algorithm specifically tailored for spherical data that leverages a mixture of Poisson kernel-based densities on the sphere. Alongside this, our software includes additional graphical functions, aiding the users in validating, as well as visualizing and representing clustering results. This enhances interpretability and usability of the analysis. In summary, our R and Python packages serve as a powerful suite of tools, offering researchers and practitioners the means to delve deeper into their data, draw robust inference, and conduct potentially impactful analyses and inference across a wide array of disciplines.

Community Partnerships

We partner with communities to support peer review with an additional layer of checks that satisfy community requirements. If your package fits into an existing community please check below:



Domain Specific

Community Partnerships

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We are unsure of the categorization of the package. The contents of the package are described in detail below.

Please see our comment presented in the bullet point regarding the category of the software. Are we fitting into technical, specialized domains? Please advise.

P.S. Have feedback/comments about our review process? Leave a comment here

rmj3197 commented 2 months ago

Hello, I just wanted to ask if anyone had a chance to review the inquiry for this package. Thank you very much for your time and efforts.

isabelizimm commented 2 months ago

Hello there 👋 Thank you so much for your submission! I'm taking a look now and discussing the scope of this package internally. We hope to get back to you shortly!

rmj3197 commented 2 months ago

Hello @isabelizimm , thank you very much for looking into our package. I was wondering if you could provide any updates on it as it has been about three weeks since your last communication. We are eagerly looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much for your time.

isabelizimm commented 2 months ago

Hello there! To give some clarity on what is the happening behind the scenes, pyOpenSci is currently updating its scope around analytic/modeling packages, which will affect the decision around QuadratiK. This is something that we want to do thoughtfully, to make sure we have clear guidelines and support on what that scope should be.

Thank you so much for your patience and your submission! We are wrapping up this process and hope to have our updated scope and decision on Quadratik to share with you soon.

rmj3197 commented 1 month ago

Hello @isabelizimm , Could you please inform us of your decision.

It's been a while, and having your decision would be greatly appreciated, as it will assist us in planning our next steps.

Thank you very much for looking into our package.

Batalex commented 1 month ago

Hello @rmj3197! I am Alex, and I have taken the Editor-in-Chief mantel for now! We have decided that QuadratiK is in scope for us. I just want to make one thing clear, as the documentation highlights the novelty of the clustering algorithm, that our expertise is focused on good development and packaging practices, and not so much as a technical endorsement of the approach. If that works for you, you are welcome to open a new issue referencing this pre-submission inquiry. Thank you for your patience.

rmj3197 commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for looking into our package and the clarification. We will proceed with the submission now.