pyros-dev / rostful

A lightweight package for providing and consuming ROS services, actions, and topics as RESTful web services
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Release Processes (sticky) #20

Open stonier opened 9 years ago

stonier commented 9 years ago

We have a few means of releasing software

System Debs

If they're already on ubuntu, simply a matter of adding them to the rosdep database. Regular debs into base.yaml and python debs into python.yaml.

Catkin Debs

Just regular catkin open source packages that can be rolled on the osrf build farm. The software that does this is bloom.

Some notes on how to do this at yujin_release. There are references back to more detailed pages there.

Can also build the debs locally if you want to test them.

Catkin 3rd Party Debs

This lets you build 3rd party debs from other people's sources (so you don't have to fork/maintain yourself). It also uses bloom. Notes at the same page as above. Can also build the debs locally if you want to test them.

Catkin 3rd party debs go into /opt/ros/indigo. Touching system files is awkward, but there is some conversation from Mike Purvis about this on the mailing lists (just google).

Yujin Debs

For custom rolling debs of our own. This is useful for things that would effect system directories (e.g. /etc) that catkin 3rd party debs dont. I use CPack to do this but can also be a custom build. Ping me (dan) if you need to do this.

Python Pips

Rosdep used to install these way back. Haven't seen anything to do this after the new catkin build system came out, but it may still be possible. Need to google it.

asmodehn commented 9 years ago

We might want to keep this in mind :

stonier commented 9 years ago

Got it :neckbeard:

asmodehn commented 8 years ago

The goal here is to release rostful first on yujin buildbot, with the minimum set of dependencies ( released as third party ). So we should try to avoid too many dependencies. This is still an ongoing task.