### 3.6.1
- Compatibility with Python 3.8.
`4056 <>`_
- correct some exception string format
`4068 <>`_
- Emit a warning when ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION`` is
unavailable because the runtime is built against
an outdated OpenSSL.
`4052 <>`_
- Update multidict requirement to >= 4.5
`4057 <>`_
Improved Documentation
- Provide pytest-aiohttp namespace for pytest fixtures in docs.
`3723 <>`_
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 1.3.0
- Added ``xdel`` and ``xtrim`` method which missed in ``commands/`` & also added unit test code for them
(see `438 <>`_);
- Add ``count`` argument to ``spop`` command
(see `485 <>`_);
- Add support for ``zpopmax`` and ``zpopmin`` redis commands
(see `550 <>`_);
- Add ``towncrier``: change notes are now stored in ``CHANGES.txt``
(see `576 <>`_);
- Type hints for the library
(see `584 <>`_);
- A few additions to the sorted set commands:
- the blocking pop commands: ``BZPOPMAX`` and ``BZPOPMIN``
- the ``CH`` and ``INCR`` options of the ``ZADD`` command
(see `618 <>`_);
- Added ``no_ack`` parameter to ``xread_group`` streams method in ``commands/``
(see `625 <>`_);
- Fix for sensitive logging
(see `459 <>`_);
- Fix slow memory leak in ``wait_closed`` implementation
(see `498 <>`_);
- Fix handling of instances were Redis returns null fields for a stream message
(see `605 <>`_);
Improved Documentation
- Rewrite "Getting started" documentation.
(see `641 <>`_);
- `585 <>`_,
`611 <>`_,
`612 <>`_,
`619 <>`_,
`620 <>`_,
`642 <>`_;
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 2.4.2
Release date: 2019-09-30
* ``ignored-modules`` can skip submodules. Close 3135
* ``self-assigning-variable`` skips class level assignments.
Close 2930
* ``consider-using-sys-exit`` is exempted when `exit()` is imported from `sys`
Close 3145
* Exempt annotated assignments without variable from ``class-variable-slots-conflict``
Close 3141
* Fix ``utils.is_error`` to account for functions returning early.
This fixes a false negative with ``unused-variable`` which was no longer triggered
when a function raised an exception as the last instruction, but the body of the function
still had unused variables.
Close 3028
### 2.4.1
Release date: 2019-09-25
* Exempt type checking definitions defined in both clauses of a type checking guard
Close 3127
* Exempt type checking definitions inside the type check guard
In a7f236528bb3758886b97285a56f3f9ce5b13a99 we added basic support
for emitting `used-before-assignment` if a variable was only defined
inside a type checking guard (using `TYPE_CHECKING` variable from `typing`)
Unfortunately that missed the case of using those type checking imports
inside the guard itself, which triggered spurious used-before-assignment errors.
Close 3119
* Require astroid >= 2.3 to avoid any compatibility issues.
### 2.4.0
Release date: 2019-09-24
* New check: ``import-outside-toplevel``
This check warns when modules are imported from places other than a
module toplevel, e.g. inside a function or a class.
* Handle inference ambiguity for ``invalid-format-index``
Close 2752
* Removed Python 2 specific checks such as ``relative-import``,
``invalid-encoded-data``, ``missing-super-argument``.
* Support forward references for ``function-redefined`` check.
Close 2540
* Handle redefinitions in case of type checking imports.
Close 2834
* Added a new check, ``consider-using-sys-exit``
This check is emitted when we detect that a quit() or exit() is invoked
instead of sys.exit(), which is the preferred way of exiting in program.
Close 2925
* ``useless-suppression`` check now ignores ``cyclic-import`` suppressions,
which could lead to false postiives due to incomplete context at the time
of the check.
Close 3064
* Added new checks, ``no-else-break`` and ``no-else-continue``
These checks highlight unnecessary ``else`` and ``elif`` blocks after
``break`` and ``continue`` statements.
Close 2327
* Don't emit ``protected-access`` when a single underscore prefixed attribute
is used inside a special method
Close 1802
* Fix the "statement" values in the PyLinter's stats reports by module.
* Added a new check, ``invalid-overridden-method``
This check is emitted when we detect that a method is overridden
as a property or a property is overridden as a method. This can indicate
a bug in the application code that will trigger a runtime error.
Close 2670
* Added a new check, ``arguments-out-of-order``
This check warns if you have arguments with names that match those in
a function's signature but you are passing them in to the function
in a different order.
Close 2975
* Added a new check, ``redeclared-assigned-name``
This check is emitted when ``pylint`` detects that a name
was assigned one or multiple times in the same assignment,
which indicate a potential bug.
Close 2898
* Ignore lambda calls with variadic arguments without a context.
Inferring variadic positional arguments and keyword arguments
will result into empty Tuples and Dicts, which can lead in
some cases to false positives with regard to no-value-for-parameter.
In order to avoid this, until we'll have support for call context
propagation, we're ignoring such cases if detected.
We already did that for function calls, but the previous fix
was not taking in consideration ``lambdas``
Close 2918
* Added a new check, ``self-assigning-variable``
This check is emitted when we detect that a variable is assigned
to itself, which might indicate a potential bug in the code application.
Close 2930
* Added a new check, ``property-with-parameters``.
This check is emitted when we detect that a defined property also
has parameters, which are useless.
Close 3006
* Excluded protocol classes from a couple of checks. Close 3002.
* Add a check `unnecessary-comprehension` that detects unnecessary comprehensions.
This check is emitted when ``pylint`` finds list-, set- or dict-comprehensions,
that are unnecessary and can be rewritten with the list-, set- or dict-constructors.
Close 2905
* Excluded PEP 526 instance and class variables from ``no-member``. Close 2945
* Excluded `attrs` from `too-few-public-methods` check. Close 2988.
* ``unused-import`` emitted for the right import names in function scopes.
Close 2928
* Dropped support for Python 3.4.
* ``assignment-from-no-return`` not triggered for async methods.
Close 2902
* Don't emit ``attribute-defined-outside-init`` for variables defined in setters.
Close 409
* Syntax errors report the column number.
Close 2914
* Support fully qualified typing imports for type annotations.
Close 2915
* Exclude ``__dict__`` from ``attribute-defined-outside-init``
* Fix pointer on spelling check when the error are more than one time in the same line.
Close 2895
* Fix crash happening when parent of called object cannot be determined
* Allow of in `GoogleDocstring.re_multiple_type`
* Added `subprocess-run-check` to handle without explicitly set `check` keyword.
Close 2848
* When we can't infer bare except handlers, skip ``try-except-raise``
Close 2853
* Handle more `unnecessary-lambda` cases when dealing with additional kwargs in wrapped calls
Close 2845
* Better postponed evaluation of annotations handling
Close 2847
* Support postponed evaluation of annotations for variable annotations.
Close 2838
* ``epylint.py_run`` defaults to ``python`` in case the current executable is not a Python one.
Close 2837
* Ignore raw docstrings when running Similarities checker with `ignore-docstrings=yes` option
* Fix crash when calling ``inherit_from_std_ex`` on a class which is its own ancestor
Close 2680
* Added a new check that warns the user if a function call is used inside a test but parentheses are missing.
Close 2658
* ``len-as-condition`` now only fires when a ``len(x)`` call is made without an explicit comparison
The message and description accompanying this checker has been changed
reflect this new behavior, by explicitly asking to either rely on the
fact that empty sequence are false or to compare the length with a scalar.
Close 2684
* Add ``preferred-module`` checker that notify if an import has a replacement module that should be used.
This check is emitted when ``pylint`` finds an imported module that has a
preferred replacement listed in ``preferred-modules``.
* ``assigning-non-slot`` not emitted for classes with unknown base classes.
Close 2807
* ``old-division`` is not emitted for non-Const nodes.
Close 2808
* Added method arguments to the dot writer for pyreverse.
Close 2139
* Support for linting file from stdin.
IDEs may benefit from the support for linting from an in-memory file.
Close 1187
* Added a new check `class-variable-slots-conflict`
This check is emitted when ``pylint`` finds a class variable that conflicts with a slot
name, which would raise a ``ValueError`` at runtime.
* Added new check: dict-iter-missing-items (E1141)
Close 2761
* Fix issue with pylint name in output of python -m pylint --version
Close 2764
* Relicense logo material under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
* Skip `if` expressions from f-strings for the `check_elif` checker
Close 2816
* C0412 (ungrouped-import) is now compatible with isort.
Close 2806
* Added new extension to detect too much code in a try clause
Close 2877
* ``signature-mutators`` option was added
With this option, users can choose to ignore `too-many-function-args`, `unexpected-keyword-arg`,
and `no-value-for-parameter` for functions decorated with decorators that change
the signature of a decorated function.
Close 259
* Fixed a pragma comment on its own physical line being ignored when part
of a logical line with the previous physical line.
Close 199
* Fixed false `undefined-loop-variable` for a function defined in the loop,
that uses the variable defined in that loop.
Close 202
* Fixed `unused-argument` and `function-redefined` getting raised for
functions decorated with `typing.overload`.
Close 1581
* Fixed a false positive with ``consider-using-dict-comprehension`` for constructions that can't be converted to a comprehension
Close 2963
* Added ``__post_init__`` to ``defining-attr-methods`` in order to avoid ``attribute-defined-outside-init`` in dataclasses.
Close 2581
* Changed description of W0199 to use the term 2-item-tuple instead of 2-uple.
* Allow a `.` as a prefix for Sphinx name resolution.
* Checkers must now keep a 1 to 1 relationship between "msgid" (ie: C1234) and "symbol" (ie : human-readable-symbol)
* In checkers, an old_names can now be used for multiple new messages and pylint is now a little faster
Caused by 1164. It means if you do a partial old_names for a message definition an exception will tell you that you
must rename the associated identification.
* Allow the choice of f-strings as a valid way of formatting logging strings.
Closes 2395
* Added ``--list-msgs-enabled`` command to list all enabled and disabled messages given the current RC file and command line arguments.
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 5.2.1
Bug Fixes
- `5902 <>`_: Fix warnings about deprecated ``cmp`` attribute in ``attrs>=19.2``.
### 5.2.0
- `1682 <>`_: Passing arguments to pytest.fixture() as positional arguments is deprecated - pass them
as a keyword argument instead.
- `1682 <>`_: The ``scope`` parameter of ``pytest.fixture`` can now be a callable that receives
the fixture name and the ``config`` object as keyword-only parameters.
See `the docs <>`__ for more information.
- `5764 <>`_: New behavior of the ``--pastebin`` option: failures to connect to the pastebin server are reported, without failing the pytest run
Bug Fixes
- `5806 <>`_: Fix "lexer" being used when uploading to from ``--pastebin`` to "text".
- `5884 <>`_: Fix ``--setup-only`` and ``--setup-show`` for custom pytest items.
Trivial/Internal Changes
- `5056 <>`_: The HelpFormatter uses ```` for better width detection.
### 5.1.3
Bug Fixes
- `5807 <>`_: Fix pypy3.6 (nightly) on windows.
- `5811 <>`_: Handle ``--fulltrace`` correctly with ``pytest.raises``.
- `5819 <>`_: Windows: Fix regression with conftest whose qualified name contains uppercase
characters (introduced by 5792).
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Homepage:
### 2.8.1
* Fixed `348 <>`_ -
regression when only certain reports (html or xml) are used then ``--cov-fail-under`` always fails.
### 2.8.0
* Fixed ``RecursionError`` that can occur when using
`cleanup_on_signal <>`__ or
`cleanup_on_sigterm <>`__.
See: `294 <>`_.
The 2.7.x releases of pytest-cov should be considered broken regarding aforementioned cleanup API.
* Added compatibility with future xdist release that deprecates some internals
(match pytest-xdist master/worker terminology).
Contributed by Thomas Grainger in `321 <>`_
* Fixed breakage that occurs when multiple reporting options are used.
Contributed by Thomas Grainger in `338 <>`_.
* Changed internals to use a stub instead of ``os.devnull``.
Contributed by Thomas Grainger in `332 <>`_.
* Added support for Coverage 5.0.
Contributed by Ned Batchelder in `319 <>`_.
* Added support for float values in ``--cov-fail-under``.
Contributed by Martín Gaitán in `311 <>`_.
* Various documentation fixes. Contributed by
Juanjo Bazán,
Andrew Murray and
Albert Tugushev in
`298 <>`_,
`299 <>`_ and
`307 <>`_.
* Various testing improvements. Contributed by
Ned Batchelder,
Daniel Hahler,
Ionel Cristian Mărieș and
Hugo van Kemenade in
`313 <>`_,
`314 <>`_,
`315 <>`_,
`316 <>`_,
`325 <>`_,
`326 <>`_,
`334 <>`_ and
`335 <>`_.
* Added the ``--cov-context`` CLI options that enables coverage contexts. Only works with coverage 5.0+.
Contributed by Ned Batchelder in `345 <>`_.
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
Update aiohttp from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1.
### 3.6.1 ``` ================== Features -------- - Compatibility with Python 3.8. `4056 <>`_ Bugfixes -------- - correct some exception string format `4068 <>`_ - Emit a warning when ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION`` is unavailable because the runtime is built against an outdated OpenSSL. `4052 <>`_ - Update multidict requirement to >= 4.5 `4057 <>`_ Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Provide pytest-aiohttp namespace for pytest fixtures in docs. `3723 <>`_ ---- ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: aioredis from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0.
### 1.3.0 ``` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Features ~~~~~~~~ - Added ``xdel`` and ``xtrim`` method which missed in ``commands/`` & also added unit test code for them (see `438 <>`_); - Add ``count`` argument to ``spop`` command (see `485 <>`_); - Add support for ``zpopmax`` and ``zpopmin`` redis commands (see `550 <>`_); - Add ``towncrier``: change notes are now stored in ``CHANGES.txt`` (see `576 <>`_); - Type hints for the library (see `584 <>`_); - A few additions to the sorted set commands: - the blocking pop commands: ``BZPOPMAX`` and ``BZPOPMIN`` - the ``CH`` and ``INCR`` options of the ``ZADD`` command (see `618 <>`_); - Added ``no_ack`` parameter to ``xread_group`` streams method in ``commands/`` (see `625 <>`_); Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fix for sensitive logging (see `459 <>`_); - Fix slow memory leak in ``wait_closed`` implementation (see `498 <>`_); - Fix handling of instances were Redis returns null fields for a stream message (see `605 <>`_); Improved Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Rewrite "Getting started" documentation. (see `641 <>`_); Misc ~~~~ - `585 <>`_, `611 <>`_, `612 <>`_, `619 <>`_, `620 <>`_, `642 <>`_; ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: marshmallow from 3.1.1 to 3.2.1.
### 3.2.1 ``` ++++++++++++++++++ Bug fixes: - Fix typing for ``Schema.dump[s]`` (:pr:`1416`). ``` ### 3.2.0 ``` ++++++++++++++++++ Features: - Add type annotations to ``marshmallow.schema`` and ``marshmallow.validate`` (:pr:`1407`, :issue:`663`). Bug fixes: - Fix compatibility with Python < 3.5.3 (:issue:`1409`). Thanks :user:`lukaszdudek-silvair` for reporting. Refactoring: - Remove unnecessary ``BaseSchema`` superclass (:pr:`1406`). ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: sentry-sdk from 0.11.2 to 0.12.3.
The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?
- PyPI: - Repo: pylint from 2.3.1 to 2.4.2.
### 2.4.2 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-09-30 * ``ignored-modules`` can skip submodules. Close 3135 * ``self-assigning-variable`` skips class level assignments. Close 2930 * ``consider-using-sys-exit`` is exempted when `exit()` is imported from `sys` Close 3145 * Exempt annotated assignments without variable from ``class-variable-slots-conflict`` Close 3141 * Fix ``utils.is_error`` to account for functions returning early. This fixes a false negative with ``unused-variable`` which was no longer triggered when a function raised an exception as the last instruction, but the body of the function still had unused variables. Close 3028 ``` ### 2.4.1 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-09-25 * Exempt type checking definitions defined in both clauses of a type checking guard Close 3127 * Exempt type checking definitions inside the type check guard In a7f236528bb3758886b97285a56f3f9ce5b13a99 we added basic support for emitting `used-before-assignment` if a variable was only defined inside a type checking guard (using `TYPE_CHECKING` variable from `typing`) Unfortunately that missed the case of using those type checking imports inside the guard itself, which triggered spurious used-before-assignment errors. Close 3119 * Require astroid >= 2.3 to avoid any compatibility issues. ``` ### 2.4.0 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-09-24 * New check: ``import-outside-toplevel`` This check warns when modules are imported from places other than a module toplevel, e.g. inside a function or a class. * Handle inference ambiguity for ``invalid-format-index`` Close 2752 * Removed Python 2 specific checks such as ``relative-import``, ``invalid-encoded-data``, ``missing-super-argument``. * Support forward references for ``function-redefined`` check. Close 2540 * Handle redefinitions in case of type checking imports. Close 2834 * Added a new check, ``consider-using-sys-exit`` This check is emitted when we detect that a quit() or exit() is invoked instead of sys.exit(), which is the preferred way of exiting in program. Close 2925 * ``useless-suppression`` check now ignores ``cyclic-import`` suppressions, which could lead to false postiives due to incomplete context at the time of the check. Close 3064 * Added new checks, ``no-else-break`` and ``no-else-continue`` These checks highlight unnecessary ``else`` and ``elif`` blocks after ``break`` and ``continue`` statements. Close 2327 * Don't emit ``protected-access`` when a single underscore prefixed attribute is used inside a special method Close 1802 * Fix the "statement" values in the PyLinter's stats reports by module. * Added a new check, ``invalid-overridden-method`` This check is emitted when we detect that a method is overridden as a property or a property is overridden as a method. This can indicate a bug in the application code that will trigger a runtime error. Close 2670 * Added a new check, ``arguments-out-of-order`` This check warns if you have arguments with names that match those in a function's signature but you are passing them in to the function in a different order. Close 2975 * Added a new check, ``redeclared-assigned-name`` This check is emitted when ``pylint`` detects that a name was assigned one or multiple times in the same assignment, which indicate a potential bug. Close 2898 * Ignore lambda calls with variadic arguments without a context. Inferring variadic positional arguments and keyword arguments will result into empty Tuples and Dicts, which can lead in some cases to false positives with regard to no-value-for-parameter. In order to avoid this, until we'll have support for call context propagation, we're ignoring such cases if detected. We already did that for function calls, but the previous fix was not taking in consideration ``lambdas`` Close 2918 * Added a new check, ``self-assigning-variable`` This check is emitted when we detect that a variable is assigned to itself, which might indicate a potential bug in the code application. Close 2930 * Added a new check, ``property-with-parameters``. This check is emitted when we detect that a defined property also has parameters, which are useless. Close 3006 * Excluded protocol classes from a couple of checks. Close 3002. * Add a check `unnecessary-comprehension` that detects unnecessary comprehensions. This check is emitted when ``pylint`` finds list-, set- or dict-comprehensions, that are unnecessary and can be rewritten with the list-, set- or dict-constructors. Close 2905 * Excluded PEP 526 instance and class variables from ``no-member``. Close 2945 * Excluded `attrs` from `too-few-public-methods` check. Close 2988. * ``unused-import`` emitted for the right import names in function scopes. Close 2928 * Dropped support for Python 3.4. * ``assignment-from-no-return`` not triggered for async methods. Close 2902 * Don't emit ``attribute-defined-outside-init`` for variables defined in setters. Close 409 * Syntax errors report the column number. Close 2914 * Support fully qualified typing imports for type annotations. Close 2915 * Exclude ``__dict__`` from ``attribute-defined-outside-init`` * Fix pointer on spelling check when the error are more than one time in the same line. Close 2895 * Fix crash happening when parent of called object cannot be determined * Allow of in `GoogleDocstring.re_multiple_type` * Added `subprocess-run-check` to handle without explicitly set `check` keyword. Close 2848 * When we can't infer bare except handlers, skip ``try-except-raise`` Close 2853 * Handle more `unnecessary-lambda` cases when dealing with additional kwargs in wrapped calls Close 2845 * Better postponed evaluation of annotations handling Close 2847 * Support postponed evaluation of annotations for variable annotations. Close 2838 * ``epylint.py_run`` defaults to ``python`` in case the current executable is not a Python one. Close 2837 * Ignore raw docstrings when running Similarities checker with `ignore-docstrings=yes` option * Fix crash when calling ``inherit_from_std_ex`` on a class which is its own ancestor Close 2680 * Added a new check that warns the user if a function call is used inside a test but parentheses are missing. Close 2658 * ``len-as-condition`` now only fires when a ``len(x)`` call is made without an explicit comparison The message and description accompanying this checker has been changed reflect this new behavior, by explicitly asking to either rely on the fact that empty sequence are false or to compare the length with a scalar. Close 2684 * Add ``preferred-module`` checker that notify if an import has a replacement module that should be used. This check is emitted when ``pylint`` finds an imported module that has a preferred replacement listed in ``preferred-modules``. * ``assigning-non-slot`` not emitted for classes with unknown base classes. Close 2807 * ``old-division`` is not emitted for non-Const nodes. Close 2808 * Added method arguments to the dot writer for pyreverse. Close 2139 * Support for linting file from stdin. IDEs may benefit from the support for linting from an in-memory file. Close 1187 * Added a new check `class-variable-slots-conflict` This check is emitted when ``pylint`` finds a class variable that conflicts with a slot name, which would raise a ``ValueError`` at runtime. * Added new check: dict-iter-missing-items (E1141) Close 2761 * Fix issue with pylint name in output of python -m pylint --version Close 2764 * Relicense logo material under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. * Skip `if` expressions from f-strings for the `check_elif` checker Close 2816 * C0412 (ungrouped-import) is now compatible with isort. Close 2806 * Added new extension to detect too much code in a try clause Close 2877 * ``signature-mutators`` option was added With this option, users can choose to ignore `too-many-function-args`, `unexpected-keyword-arg`, and `no-value-for-parameter` for functions decorated with decorators that change the signature of a decorated function. Close 259 * Fixed a pragma comment on its own physical line being ignored when part of a logical line with the previous physical line. Close 199 * Fixed false `undefined-loop-variable` for a function defined in the loop, that uses the variable defined in that loop. Close 202 * Fixed `unused-argument` and `function-redefined` getting raised for functions decorated with `typing.overload`. Close 1581 * Fixed a false positive with ``consider-using-dict-comprehension`` for constructions that can't be converted to a comprehension Close 2963 * Added ``__post_init__`` to ``defining-attr-methods`` in order to avoid ``attribute-defined-outside-init`` in dataclasses. Close 2581 * Changed description of W0199 to use the term 2-item-tuple instead of 2-uple. * Allow a `.` as a prefix for Sphinx name resolution. * Checkers must now keep a 1 to 1 relationship between "msgid" (ie: C1234) and "symbol" (ie : human-readable-symbol) * In checkers, an old_names can now be used for multiple new messages and pylint is now a little faster Caused by 1164. It means if you do a partial old_names for a message definition an exception will tell you that you must rename the associated identification. * Allow the choice of f-strings as a valid way of formatting logging strings. Closes 2395 * Added ``--list-msgs-enabled`` command to list all enabled and disabled messages given the current RC file and command line arguments. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: pytest from 5.1.2 to 5.2.1.
### 5.2.1 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `5902 <>`_: Fix warnings about deprecated ``cmp`` attribute in ``attrs>=19.2``. ``` ### 5.2.0 ``` ========================= Deprecations ------------ - `1682 <>`_: Passing arguments to pytest.fixture() as positional arguments is deprecated - pass them as a keyword argument instead. Features -------- - `1682 <>`_: The ``scope`` parameter of ``pytest.fixture`` can now be a callable that receives the fixture name and the ``config`` object as keyword-only parameters. See `the docs <>`__ for more information. - `5764 <>`_: New behavior of the ``--pastebin`` option: failures to connect to the pastebin server are reported, without failing the pytest run Bug Fixes --------- - `5806 <>`_: Fix "lexer" being used when uploading to from ``--pastebin`` to "text". - `5884 <>`_: Fix ``--setup-only`` and ``--setup-show`` for custom pytest items. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `5056 <>`_: The HelpFormatter uses ```` for better width detection. ``` ### 5.1.3 ``` ========================= Bug Fixes --------- - `5807 <>`_: Fix pypy3.6 (nightly) on windows. - `5811 <>`_: Handle ``--fulltrace`` correctly with ``pytest.raises``. - `5819 <>`_: Windows: Fix regression with conftest whose qualified name contains uppercase characters (introduced by 5792). ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage: pytest-cov from 2.7.1 to 2.8.1.
### 2.8.1 ``` ------------------ * Fixed `348 <>`_ - regression when only certain reports (html or xml) are used then ``--cov-fail-under`` always fails. ``` ### 2.8.0 ``` ------------------ * Fixed ``RecursionError`` that can occur when using `cleanup_on_signal <>`__ or `cleanup_on_sigterm <>`__. See: `294 <>`_. The 2.7.x releases of pytest-cov should be considered broken regarding aforementioned cleanup API. * Added compatibility with future xdist release that deprecates some internals (match pytest-xdist master/worker terminology). Contributed by Thomas Grainger in `321 <>`_ * Fixed breakage that occurs when multiple reporting options are used. Contributed by Thomas Grainger in `338 <>`_. * Changed internals to use a stub instead of ``os.devnull``. Contributed by Thomas Grainger in `332 <>`_. * Added support for Coverage 5.0. Contributed by Ned Batchelder in `319 <>`_. * Added support for float values in ``--cov-fail-under``. Contributed by Martín Gaitán in `311 <>`_. * Various documentation fixes. Contributed by Juanjo Bazán, Andrew Murray and Albert Tugushev in `298 <>`_, `299 <>`_ and `307 <>`_. * Various testing improvements. Contributed by Ned Batchelder, Daniel Hahler, Ionel Cristian Mărieș and Hugo van Kemenade in `313 <>`_, `314 <>`_, `315 <>`_, `316 <>`_, `325 <>`_, `326 <>`_, `334 <>`_ and `335 <>`_. * Added the ``--cov-context`` CLI options that enables coverage contexts. Only works with coverage 5.0+. Contributed by Ned Batchelder in `345 <>`_. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: mypy from 0.720 to 0.730.
The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?
- PyPI: - Homepage: