### 1.6
- Switch to ``aiohttp.web.AppKey``, and deprecate the old 'static_root_url' key.
- Drop Python 3.7, add Python 3.12.
### 1.5.1
- Add support for Python 3.11.
- Drop support for decorating non-async functions with template (deprecated since 0.16).
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 0.0.5
This fixes when oauth2 resource providers are more technically correct in validating the content-type they receive, specifically for form data.
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 2.0.1
- Added Python 3.10 to CI & Updated the Docs
(see 1160)
- Enable mypy in CI (see 1101)
- Synchronized reading the responses from a connection
(see 1106)
- Remove __del__ from Redis (Fixes 1115)
(see 1227)
- fix socket.error raises (see 1129)
- Fix buffer is closed error when using PythonParser class
(see 1213)
### 2.0.0
- Port redis-py's client implementation to aioredis.
(see 891)
- Make hiredis an optional dependency.
(see 917)
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
### 3.9.1
* Removed a leftover check for pytz ``localize()`` and ``normalize()`` methods
### 3.9.0
- Added support for PySide6 to the Qt scheduler
- No longer enforce pytz time zones (support for others is experimental in the 3.x series)
- Fixed compatibility with PyMongo 4
- Fixed pytz deprecation warnings
- Fixed RuntimeError when shutting down the scheduler from a scheduled job
### 3.8.1
- Allowed the use of tzlocal v4.0+ in addition to v2.*
### 3.8.0
- Allowed passing through keyword arguments to the underlying stdlib executors in the
thread/process pool executors (PR by Albert Xu)
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Repo:
- Docs:
### 23.0.0
- minor docs fixes (:pr:`3217`, :pr:`3089`, :pr:`3167`)
- worker_class parameter accepts a class (:pr:`3079`)
- fix deadlock if request terminated during chunked parsing (:pr:`2688`)
- permit receiving Transfer-Encodings: compress, deflate, gzip (:pr:`3261`)
- permit Transfer-Encoding headers specifying multiple encodings. note: no parameters, still (:pr:`3261`)
- sdist generation now explicitly excludes sphinx build folder (:pr:`3257`)
- decode bytes-typed status (as can be passed by gevent) as utf-8 instead of raising `TypeError` (:pr:`2336`)
- raise correct Exception when encounting invalid chunked requests (:pr:`3258`)
- the SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO headers, when received from allowed forwarders, are no longer restricted for containing an underscore (:pr:`3192`)
- include IPv6 loopback address ``[::1]`` in default for :ref:`forwarded-allow-ips` and :ref:`proxy-allow-ips` (:pr:`3192`)
** NOTE **
- The SCRIPT_NAME change mitigates a regression that appeared first in the 22.0.0 release
- Review your :ref:`forwarded-allow-ips` setting if you are still not seeing the SCRIPT_NAME transmitted
- Review your :ref:`forwarder-headers` setting if you are missing headers after upgrading from a version prior to 22.0.0
** Breaking changes **
- refuse requests where the uri field is empty (:pr:`3255`)
- refuse requests with invalid CR/LR/NUL in heade field values (:pr:`3253`)
- remove temporary ``--tolerate-dangerous-framing`` switch from 22.0 (:pr:`3260`)
- If any of the breaking changes affect you, be aware that now refused requests can post a security problem, especially so in setups involving request pipe-lining and/or proxies.
### 22.0.0
- use `utime` to notify workers liveness
- migrate setup to pyproject.toml
- fix numerous security vulnerabilities in HTTP parser (closing some request smuggling vectors)
- parsing additional requests is no longer attempted past unsupported request framing
- on HTTP versions < 1.1 support for chunked transfer is refused (only used in exploits)
- requests conflicting configured or passed SCRIPT_NAME now produce a verbose error
- Trailer fields are no longer inspected for headers indicating secure scheme
- support Python 3.12
** Breaking changes **
- minimum version is Python 3.7
- the limitations on valid characters in the HTTP method have been bounded to Internet Standards
- requests specifying unsupported transfer coding (order) are refused by default (rare)
- HTTP methods are no longer casefolded by default (IANA method registry contains none affected)
- HTTP methods containing the number sign () are no longer accepted by default (rare)
- HTTP versions < 1.0 or >= 2.0 are no longer accepted by default (rare, only HTTP/1.1 is supported)
- HTTP versions consisting of multiple digits or containing a prefix/suffix are no longer accepted
- HTTP header field names Gunicorn cannot safely map to variables are silently dropped, as in other software
- HTTP headers with empty field name are refused by default (no legitimate use cases, used in exploits)
- requests with both Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length are refused by default (such a message might indicate an attempt to perform request smuggling)
- empty transfer codings are no longer permitted (reportedly seen with really old & broken proxies)
- fix CVE-2024-1135
### 21.2.0
- fix thread worker: revert change considering connection as idle .
*** NOTE ***
This is fixing the bad file description error.
### 21.1.0
- fix thread worker: fix socket removal from the queue
### 21.0.1
- fix documentation build
### 21.0.0
- support python 3.11
- fix gevent and eventlet workers
- fix threads support (gththread): improve performance and unblock requests
- SSL: now use SSLContext object
- HTTP parser: miscellaneous fixes
- remove unnecessary setuid calls
- fix testing
- improve logging
- miscellaneous fixes to core engine
We made this release major to start our new release cycle. More info will be provided on our discussion forum.
Changelog - 2024
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
### 3.23.1
- Document ``absolute`` parameter of ``URL`` field (:pr:`2327`).
- Documentation: Remove (outdated) minimum Python 3 minor version in
documentation and README (:pr:`2323`).
### 3.23.0
- Typing: replace "type" with specific metaclass for ``Schema`` and ``Field``.
Other changes:
- Officially support Python 3.13 (:pr:`2319`).
- Drop support for Python 3.8 (:pr:`2318`).
### 3.22.0
- Add ``many`` Meta option to ``Schema`` so it expects a collection by default (:issue:`2270`).
Thanks :user:`himalczyk` for reporting and :user:`deckar01` for the PR.
- Refactor hooks (:pr:`2279`).
Thanks :user:`deckar01` for the PR.
### 3.21.3
Bug fixes:
- Fix memory leak that prevented schema instances from getting GC'd (:pr:`2277`).
Thanks :user:`mrcljx` for the PR.
### 3.21.2
Bug fixes:
- Allow timestamp 0 in ``fields.DateTime`` (:issue:`2133`).
Thanks :user:`flydzen` for reporting.
### 3.21.1
Bug fixes:
- Fix error message when field is declared as a class and not an instance (:issue:`2245`).
Thanks :user:`travnick` for reporting.
### 3.21.0
Bug fixes:
- Fix validation of ``URL`` fields to allow missing user field,
per NWG RFC 3986 (:issue:`2232`). Thanks :user:`ddennerline3` for reporting
and :user:`deckar01` for the PR.
Other changes:
- *Backwards-incompatible*: ``__version__``, ``__parsed_version__``, and ``__version_info__``
attributes are deprecated (:issue:`2227`). Use feature detection or
``importlib.metadata.version("marshmallow")`` instead.
### 3.20.2
Bug fixes:
- Fix ``Nested`` field type hint for lambda ``Schema`` types (:pr:`2164`).
Thanks :user:`somethingnew2-0` for the PR.
Other changes:
- Officially support Python 3.12 (:pr:`2188`).
Thanks :user:`hugovk` for the PR.
### 3.20.1
Bug fixes:
- Fix call to ``get_declared_fields``: pass ``dict_cls`` again (:issue:`2152`).
Thanks :user:`Cheaterman` for reporting.
### 3.20.0
- Add ``absolute`` parameter to ``URL`` validator and ``Url`` field (:pr:`2123`).
Thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR.
- Use Abstract Base Classes to define ``FieldABC`` and ``SchemaABC``
(:issue:`1449`). Thanks :user:`aditkumar72` for the PR.
- Use `OrderedSet` as default `set_class`. Schemas are now ordered by default.
Bug fixes:
- Handle ``OSError`` and ``OverflowError`` in ``utils.from_timestamp`` (:pr:`2102`).
Thanks :user:`TheBigRoomXXL` for the PR.
- Fix the default inheritance of nested partial schemas (:issue:`2149`).
Thanks :user:`matejsp` for reporting.
Other changes:
- Officially support Python 3.11 (:pr:`2067`).
- Drop support for Python 3.7 (:pr:`2135`).
### 3.19.0
- Add ``timestamp`` and ``timestamp_ms`` formats to ``fields.DateTime``
Thanks :user:`vgavro` for the suggestion and thanks :user:`vanHoi` for
the PR.
### 3.18.0
- Add ``Enum`` field (:pr:`2017`) and (:pr:`2044`).
Bug fixes:
- Fix typing in ``Field._serialize`` signature (:pr:`2046`).
### 3.17.1
Bug fixes:
- Add return type to ``fields.Email.__init__`` (:pr:`2018`).
Thanks :user:`kkirsche` for the PR.
- Add missing type hint to IPInterface __init__ (:pr:`2036`).
### 3.17.0
- Support serialization as float in ``TimeDelta`` field (:pr:`1998`).
Thanks :user:`marcosatti` for the PR.
- Add ``messages_dict`` property to ``ValidationError`` to facilitate type checking
Thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR.
### 3.16.0
- Raise ``ValueError`` if an invalid value is passed to the ``unknown``
argument (:issue:`1721`, :issue:`1732`).
Thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR.
Other changes:
- Set lower bound for ``packaging`` requirement (:issue:`1957`).
Thanks :user:`MatthewNicolTR` for reporting and thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR.
- Improve warning messages by passing ``stacklevel`` (:pr:`1986`).
Thanks :user:`tirkarthi` for the PR.
### 3.15.0
- Allow passing a ``dict`` to ``fields.Nested`` (:pr:`1935`).
Thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR.
Other changes:
- Address distutils deprecation warning in Python 3.10 (:pr:`1903`).
Thanks :user:`kkirsche` for the PR.
- Add py310 to black target-version (:pr:`1921`).
- Drop support for Python 3.6 (:pr:`1923`).
- Use postponed evaluation of annotations (:pr:`1932`).
Thanks :user:`Isira-Seneviratne` for the PR.
### 3.14.1
Bug fixes:
- Fix publishing type hints per `PEP-561 <>`_
(:pr:`1905`). Thanks :user:`bwindsor` for the catch and patch.
### 3.14.0
Bug fixes:
- Fix ``fields.TimeDelta`` serialization precision (:issue:`1865`).
Thanks :user:`yarsanich` for reporting.
Other changes:
- Fix type-hints for ``data`` arg in ``Schema.validate`` to accept
list of dictionaries (:issue:`1790`, :pr:`1868`).
Thanks :user:`yourun-proger` for PR.
- Improve warning when passing metadata as keyword arguments (:pr:`1882`).
Thanks :user:`traherom` for the PR.
- Don't build universal wheels. We don't support Python 2 anymore.
(:issue:`1860`) Thanks :user:`YKdvd` for reporting.
- Make the build reproducible (:pr:`1862`).
- Drop support for Python 3.5 (:pr:`1863`).
- Test against Python 3.10 (:pr:`1888`).
### 3.13.0
- Replace ``missing``/``default`` field parameters with
``load_default``/``dump_default`` (:pr:`1742`).
Thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR.
- The use of ``missing``/``default`` field parameters is deprecated and will be
removed in marshmallow 4. ``load_default``/``dump_default`` should be used
### 3.12.2
Bug fixes:
- Don't expose ``Field``\s as ``Schema`` attributes. This reverts a change
introduced in 3.12.0 that causes issues when field names conflict with
``Schema`` attributes or methods. ``Fields``\s are still accessible on a
``Schema`` instance through the ``fields`` attribute. (:pr:`1843`)
### 3.12.1
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug that raised an ``AttributeError`` when instantiating a
``Schema`` with a field named ``parent`` (:issue:`1808`).
Thanks :user:`flying-sheep` for reporting and helping with the fix.
### 3.12.0
- Add ``validate.And`` (:issue:`1768`).
Thanks :user:`rugleb` for the suggestion.
- Add type annotations to ``marshmallow.decorators`` (:issue:`1788`, :pr:`1789`).
Thanks :user:`michaeldimchuk` for the PR.
- Let ``Field``\s be accessed by name as ``Schema`` attributes (:pr:`1631`).
Other changes:
- Improve types in ``marshmallow.validate`` (:pr:`1786`).
- Make ``marshmallow.validate.Validator`` an abstract base class (:pr:`1786`).
- Remove unnecessary list cast (:pr:`1785`).
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
### 0.21.0
* Add cleanup_socket param on create_unix_server()
(623) (by fantix in d6114d2)
* Use cythonized SO_REUSEPORT rather than the unwrapped native one. (609)
(by ptribble in 4083a94e for 550)
* UDP errors should result in protocol.error_received (601)
(by jensbjorgensen in 3c3bbeff)
* Updates for Cython3 (587)
(by alan-brooks in 3fba9fab for 587)
* Test with Python 3.13 (610)
(by edgarrmondragon in fb5a139)
### 0.20.0
* Upgrade libuv to v1.48.0 (600)
(by niklasr22 fantix in 77778525 for 596 615)
* Fix test_create_server_4 with Python 3.12.5 (614)
(by shadchin in 62f92393)
* Use len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) instead of os.cpu_count() (591)
(by avkarenow in c8531c24 for 591)
* Inline _Py_RestoreSignals() from CPython (604)
(by befeleme in 8511ba1f for 603)
### 0.19.0
* Drop support of Python 3.7 and update CI (578)
(by fantix in ee5ad26a for 578)
* Restore uvloop.new_event_loop and other missing uvloop members to typing (573)
(by graingert in 5c500ee2 for 573)
* Fix docstring of loop.shutdown_default_executor (535)
(by Gelbpunkt in 919da567 for 535)
* Fix CI status badge (522)
(by shuuji3 in 0e9ff6cd for 522)
### 0.18.0
* CI fixes (520, 553)
(by altendky in 7783f1c5, dulmandakh in 1dd40f17)
* Make extract_stack resilient to lacking frames. (563)
(by jhance in 06876434 for 563)
* Port uvloop to Python 3.12 (570)
(by 1st1, fantix in 9f82bd74 for 569)
### 0.17.0
This release adds Python 3.11 support, updates bundled libuv to 1.43.0
and fixes a handful of issues.
* Expose uv_loop_t pointer for integration with other C-extensions (310)
(by pranavtbhat in b332eb85 for 310)
* Support python 3.11+ (473)
(by zeroday0619 in 8e42921d for 473)
* Expose libuv uv_fs_event functionality (474)
(by jensbjorgensen fantix in 74d381e8 for 474)
* Activate debug mode when `-X dev` is used
(by jack1142 in 637a77a3)
* Expose uv_version() for libuv API compatibility (491)
(by fantix in 089f6cbf for 491)
* Fix loop.getaddrinfo() and tests (495)
(by fantix in 598b16fd for 495)
* Bump to libuv 1.43.0
(by fantix in 94e5e535)
* _TransProtPair is no longer defined in
(by jensbjorgensen in fae5f7fb)
* use a TypeVar for asyncio.BaseProtocol (478)
(by graingert in 3aacb352 for 478)
* Fix segfault in TimerHandle.when() after cleared
(by jensbjorgensen in c39afff8 for 469)
* Avoid self._errpipe_write double close (466)
(by graingert in 72140d7e for 466)
* Fix typo in test (456)
(by kianmeng in 033d52d0 for 456)
* Fix potential infinite loop (446)
(by kfur in ada43c06 for 446)
* use a stack of self._fds_to_close to prevent double closes (481)
(by graingert in 3214cf68 for 481)
* Fix incorrect main thread id value forking from a thread (453)
(by horpto fantix in e7934c88 for 453)
* create_subprocess_exec should treat env={} as empty environment (439) (454)
(by byllyfish in e04637e0 for 439)
* Queue write only after processing all buffers (445)
(by jakirkham fantix in 9c6ecb62 for 445)
* Drop Python 3.6 support for thread ident
(by fantix in 9c37930e)
* bugfix: write to another transport in resume_writing() fails (498)
(by fantix in d2deffef for 498)
* Upgrade GitHub Actions (477) (480)
(by cclauss in fcbf422d for 477, 10086942 for 480)
* typo `same as same`
(by YoSTEALTH in fedba80a)
* allow to override extra_compile_args (443)
(by giuliobenetti in a130375f for 443)
* Drop hack in in finalize_options (492)
(by fantix in 2f1bc83c for 492)
* Fix tests invocation on release CI worklow (489)
(by ben9923 in d6a2b597 for 489)
* use asyncio.Runner loop_factory on 3.11+ (472)
(by graingert in 31ba48ca for 472)
* Fix CI badge in docs, remove remaining Travis CI references from docs
(by Nothing4You in c6901a74)
* Fix typo in README
(by monosans in 73d7253b)
### 0.16.0
This release adds Python 3.10 support, updates bundled libuv to 1.42.0
and fixes a handful of issues.
* Python 3.10 support (432)
(by elprans in 2519e2df for 432)
* Bump vendored libuv to 1.42.0 (433)
(by elprans in a62f7818 for 433)
* Use cibuildwheel to build wheels (435)
(by elprans in 20febe0b for 435)
* Add support for `<timer handle>.when()`
(by Jens Jorgensen in 62b2af9c)
* Fix ref issue when protocol is in Cython
(by fantix in 70cafc82 for 2222)
* Set `python_requires` in
(by graingert in c808a663)
* SSL: schedule first data after waiter wakeup
(by fantix in 2081db89)
* Fix a possible race condition in sslproto test
(by fantix in b0526cd5 for 412)
* Fix `call_soon_threadsafe` thread safety
(by fantix in 4b803b15)
### 0.15.3
Bug Fixes
* SSL: schedule first data after waiter wakeup
(by fantix in 0df12282)
* Fix a possible race condition in sslproto test
(by fantix in 2e71c4c2 for 412)
* Fix `call_soon_threadsafe` thread safety
(by fantix and hehaha in 6387a4e4 for 408)
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
### 2.0.36
:released: October 15, 2024
.. change::
:tags: bug, schema
:tickets: 11317
Fixed bug where SQL functions passed to
:paramref:`_schema.Column.server_default` would not be rendered with the
particular form of parenthesization now required by newer versions of MySQL
and MariaDB. Pull request courtesy of huuya.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11912
Fixed bug in ORM bulk update/delete where using RETURNING with bulk
update/delete in combination with ``populate_existing`` would fail to
accommodate the ``populate_existing`` option.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11917
Continuing from :ticket:`11912`, columns marked with
:paramref:`.mapped_column.server_onupdate`, or :class:`.Computed` are now
refreshed in ORM instances when running an ORM enabled UPDATE with WHERE
criteria, even if the statement does not use RETURNING or
.. change::
:tags: usecase, orm
:tickets: 11923
Added new parameter :paramref:`_orm.mapped_column.hash` to ORM constructs
such as :meth:`_orm.mapped_column`, :meth:`_orm.relationship`, etc.,
which is interpreted for ORM Native Dataclasses in the same way as other
dataclass-specific field parameters.
.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql, reflection
:tickets: 11961
Fixed bug in reflection of table comments where unrelated text would be
returned if an entry in the ``pg_description`` table happened to share the
same oid (objoid) as the table being reflected.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11965
Fixed regression caused by fixes to joined eager loading in :ticket:`11449`
released in 2.0.31, where a particular joinedload case could not be
asserted correctly. We now have an example of that case so the assertion
has been repaired to allow for it.
.. change::
:tags: orm, bug
:tickets: 11973
Improved the error message emitted when trying to map as dataclass a class
while also manually providing the ``__table__`` attribute.
This usage is currently not supported.
.. change::
:tags: mysql, performance
:tickets: 11975
Improved a query used for the MySQL 8 backend when reflecting foreign keys
to be better optimized. Previously, for a database that had millions of
columns across all tables, the query could be prohibitively slow; the query
has been reworked to take better advantage of existing indexes.
.. change::
:tags: usecase, sql
:tickets: 11978
Datatypes that are binary based such as :class:`.VARBINARY` will resolve to
:class:`.LargeBinary` when the :meth:`.TypeEngine.as_generic()` method is
.. change::
:tags: postgresql, bug
:tickets: 11994
The :class:`.postgresql.JSON` and :class:`.postgresql.JSONB` datatypes will
now render a "bind cast" in all cases for all PostgreSQL backends,
including psycopg2, whereas previously it was only enabled for some
backends. This allows greater accuracy in allowing the database server to
recognize when a string value is to be interpreted as JSON.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11995
Refined the check which the ORM lazy loader uses to detect "this would be
loading by primary key and the primary key is NULL, skip loading" to take
into account the current setting for the
:paramref:`.orm.Mapper.allow_partial_pks` parameter. If this parameter is
``False``, then a composite PK value that has partial NULL elements should
also be skipped. This can apply to some composite overlapping foreign key
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11997
Fixed bug in ORM "update with WHERE clause" feature where an explicit
``.returning()`` would interfere with the "fetch" synchronize strategy due
to an assumption that the ORM mapped class featured the primary key columns
in a specific position within the RETURNING. This has been fixed to use
appropriate ORM column targeting.
.. change::
:tags: bug, sql, regression
:tickets: 12002
Fixed regression from 1.4 where some datatypes such as those derived from
:class:`.TypeDecorator` could not be pickled when they were part of a
larger SQL expression composition due to internal supporting structures
themselves not being pickleable.
.. changelog::
### 2.0.35
:released: September 16, 2024
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, typing
:tickets: 11820
Fixed issue where it was not possible to use ``typing.Literal`` with
``Mapped[]`` on Python 3.8 and 3.9. Pull request courtesy Frazer McLean.
.. change::
:tags: bug, sqlite, regression
:tickets: 11840
The changes made for SQLite CHECK constraint reflection in versions 2.0.33
and 2.0.34 , :ticket:`11832` and :ticket:`11677`, have now been fully
reverted, as users continued to identify existing use cases that stopped
working after this change. For the moment, because SQLite does not
provide any consistent way of delivering information about CHECK
constraints, SQLAlchemy is limited in what CHECK constraint syntaxes can be
reflected, including that a CHECK constraint must be stated all on a
single, independent line (or inline on a column definition) without
newlines, tabs in the constraint definition or unusual characters in the
constraint name. Overall, reflection for SQLite is tailored towards being
able to reflect CREATE TABLE statements that were originally created by
SQLAlchemy DDL constructs. Long term work on a DDL parser that does not
rely upon regular expressions may eventually improve upon this situation.
A wide range of additional cross-dialect CHECK constraint reflection tests
have been added as it was also a bug that these changes did not trip any
existing tests.
.. change::
:tags: orm, bug
:tickets: 11849
Fixed issue in ORM evaluator where two datatypes being evaluated with the
SQL concatenator operator would not be checked for
:class:`.UnevaluatableError` based on their datatype; this missed the case
of :class:`_postgresql.JSONB` values being used in a concatenate operation
which is supported by PostgreSQL as well as how SQLAlchemy renders the SQL
for this operation, but does not work at the Python level. By implementing
:class:`.UnevaluatableError` for this combination, ORM update statements
will now fall back to "expire" when a concatenated JSON value used in a SET
clause is to be synchronized to a Python object.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11853
An warning is emitted if :func:`_orm.joinedload` or
:func:`_orm.subqueryload` are used as a top level option against a
statement that is not a SELECT statement, such as with an
``insert().returning()``. There are no JOINs in INSERT statements nor is
there a "subquery" that can be repurposed for subquery eager loading, and
for UPDATE/DELETE joinedload does not support these either, so it is never
appropriate for this use to pass silently.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11855
Fixed issue where using loader options such as :func:`_orm.selectinload`
with additional criteria in combination with ORM DML such as
:func:`_sql.insert` with RETURNING would not correctly set up internal
contexts required for caching to work correctly, leading to incorrect
.. change::
:tags: bug, mysql
:tickets: 11870
Fixed issue in mariadbconnector dialect where query string arguments that
weren't checked integer or boolean arguments would be ignored, such as
string arguments like ``unix_socket``, etc. As part of this change, the
argument parsing for particular elements such as ``client_flags``,
``compress``, ``local_infile`` has been made more consistent across all
MySQL / MariaDB dialect which accept each argument. Pull request courtesy
Tobias Alex-Petersen.
.. changelog::
### 2.0.34
:released: September 4, 2024
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11831
Fixed regression caused by issue :ticket:`11814` which broke support for
certain flavors of :pep:`593` ``Annotated`` in the type_annotation_map when
builtin types such as ``list``, ``dict`` were used without an element type.
While this is an incomplete style of typing, these types nonetheless
previously would be located in the type_annotation_map correctly.
.. change::
:tags: bug, sqlite
:tickets: 11832
Fixed regression in SQLite reflection caused by :ticket:`11677` which
interfered with reflection for CHECK constraints that were followed
by other kinds of constraints within the same table definition. Pull
request courtesy Harutaka Kawamura.
.. changelog::
### 2.0.33
:released: September 3, 2024
.. change::
:tags: bug, sqlite
:tickets: 11677
Improvements to the regex used by the SQLite dialect to reflect the name
and contents of a CHECK constraint. Constraints with newline, tab, or
space characters in either or both the constraint text and constraint name
are now properly reflected. Pull request courtesy Jeff Horemans.
.. change::
:tags: bug, engine
:tickets: 11687
Fixed issue in internal reflection cache where particular reflection
scenarios regarding same-named quoted_name() constructs would not be
correctly cached. Pull request courtesy Felix Lüdin.
.. change::
:tags: bug, sql, regression
:tickets: 11703
Fixed regression in :meth:`_sql.Select.with_statement_hint` and others
where the generative behavior of the method stopped producing a copy of the
.. change::
:tags: bug, mysql
:tickets: 11731
Fixed issue in MySQL dialect where using INSERT..FROM SELECT in combination
with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE would erroneously render on MySQL 8 and above
the "AS new" clause, leading to syntax failures. This clause is required
on MySQL 8 to follow the VALUES clause if use of the "new" alias is
present, however is not permitted to follow a FROM SELECT clause.
.. change::
:tags: bug, sqlite
:tickets: 11746
Improvements to the regex used by the SQLite dialect to reflect the name
and contents of a UNIQUE constraint that is defined inline within a column
definition inside of a SQLite CREATE TABLE statement, accommodating for tab
characters present within the column / constraint line. Pull request
courtesy John A Stevenson.
.. change::
:tags: bug, typing
:tickets: 11782
Fixed typing issue with :meth:`_sql.Select.with_only_columns`.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11788
Correctly cleanup the internal top-level module registry when no
inner modules or classes are registered into it.
.. change::
:tags: bug, schema
:tickets: 11802
Fixed bug where the ``metadata`` element of an ``Enum`` datatype would not
be transferred to the new :class:`.MetaData` object when the type had been
copied via a :meth:`.Table.to_metadata` operation, leading to inconsistent
behaviors within create/drop sequences.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11814
Improvements to the ORM annotated declarative type map lookup dealing with
composed types such as ``dict[str, Any]`` linking to JSON (or others) with
or without "future annotations" mode.
.. change::
:tags: change, general
:tickets: 11818
The pin for ``setuptools<69.3`` in ``pyproject.toml`` has been removed.
This pin was to prevent a sudden change in setuptools to use :pep:`625`
from taking place, which would change the file name of SQLAlchemy's source
distribution on pypi to be an all lower case name, which is likely to cause
problems with various build environments that expected the previous naming
style. However, the presence of this pin is holding back environments that
otherwise want to use a newer setuptools, so we've decided to move forward
with this change, with the assumption that build environments will have
largely accommodated the setuptools change by now.
.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql
:tickets: 11821
Revising the asyncpg ``terminate()`` fix first made in :ticket:`10717`
which improved the resiliency of this call under all circumstances, adding
``asyncio.CancelledError`` to the list of exceptions that are intercepted
as failing for a graceful ``.close()`` which will then proceed to call
.. change::
:tags: bug, mssql
:tickets: 11822
Added error "The server failed to resume the transaction" to the list of
error strings for the pymssql driver in determining a disconnect scenario,
as observed by one user using pymssql under otherwise unknown conditions as
leaving an unusable connection in the connection pool which fails to ping
.. change::
:tags: bug, tests
Added missing ``array_type`` property to the testing suite
``SuiteRequirements`` class.
.. changelog::
### 2.0.32
:released: August 5, 2024
.. change::
:tags: bug, examples
:tickets: 10267
Fixed issue in history_meta example where the "version" column in the
versioned table needs to default to the most recent version number in the
history table on INSERT, to suit the use case of a table where rows are
deleted, and can then be replaced by new rows that re-use the same primary
key identity. This fix adds an additonal SELECT query per INSERT in the
main table, which may be inefficient; for cases where primary keys are not
re-used, the default function may be omitted. Patch courtesy Philipp H.
v. Loewenfeld.
.. change::
:tags: bug, oracle
:tickets: 11557
Fixed table reflection on Oracle 10.2 and older where compression options
are not supported.
.. change::
:tags: oracle, usecase
:tickets: 10820
Added API support for server-side cursors for the oracledb async dialect,
allowing use of the :meth:`` and similar
stream methods.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 10834
Fixed issue where using the :meth:`_orm.Query.enable_eagerloads` and
:meth:`_orm.Query.yield_per` methods at the same time, in order to disable
eager loading that's configured on the mapper directly, would be silently
ignored, leading to errors or unexpected eager population of attributes.
.. change::
:tags: orm
:tickets: 11163
Added a warning noting when an
:meth:`_engine.ConnectionEvents.engine_connect` event may be leaving
a transaction open, which can alter the behavior of a
:class:`_orm.Session` using such an engine as bind.
On SQLAlchemy 2.1 :paramref:`_orm.Session.join_transaction_mode` will
instead be ignored in all cases when the session bind is
an :class:`_engine.Engine`.
.. change::
:tags: bug, general, regression
:tickets: 11435
Restored legacy class names removed from
``sqlalalchemy.orm.collections.*``, including
:class:`_orm.MappedCollection`, :func:`_orm.mapped_collection`,
:func:`_orm.attribute_mapped_collection`. Pull request courtesy Takashi
.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 11471
Follow up of :ticket:`11471` to fix caching issue where using the
:meth:`.CompoundSelectState.add_cte` method of the
:class:`.CompoundSelectState` construct would not set a correct cache key
which distinguished between different CTE expressions. Also added tests
that would detect issues similar to the one fixed in :ticket:`11544`.
.. change::
:tags: bug, mysql
:tickets: 11479
Fixed issue in MySQL dialect where ENUM values that contained percent signs
were not properly escaped for the driver.
.. change::
:tags: usecase, oracle
:tickets: 11480
Implemented two-phase transactions for the oracledb dialect. Historically,
this feature never worked with the cx_Oracle dialect, however recent
improvements to the oracledb successor now allow this to be possible. The
two phase transaction API is available at the Core level via the
:meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_twophase` method.
.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql
:tickets: 11522
It is now considered a pool-invalidating disconnect event when psycopg2
throws an "SSL SYSCALL error: Success" error message, which can occur when
the SSL connection to Postgres is terminated abnormally.
.. change::
:tags: bug, schema
:tickets: 11530
Fixed additional issues in the event system triggered by unpickling of a
:class:`.Enum` datatype, continuing from :ticket:`11365` and
:ticket:`11360`, where dynamically generated elements of the event
structure would not be present when unpickling in a new process.
.. change::
:tags: bug, engine
:tickets: 11532
Fixed issue in "insertmanyvalues" feature where a particular call to
``cursor.fetchall()`` were not wrapped in SQLAlchemy's exception wrapper,
which apparently can raise a database exception during fetch when using
.. change::
:tags: usecase, orm
:tickets: 11575
The :paramref:`` parameter to :func:`_orm.aliased` may now
be combined with the :paramref:`_orm.aliased.flat` parameter, producing
per-table names based on a name-prefixed naming convention. Pull request
courtesy Eric Atkin.
.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql
:tickets: 11576
Fixed issue where the :func:`_sql.collate` construct, which explicitly sets
a collation for a given expression, would maintain collation settings for
the underlying type object from the expression, causing SQL expressions to
have both collations stated at once when used in further expressions for
specific dialects that render explicit type casts, such as that of asyncpg.
The :func:`_sql.collate` construct now assigns its own type to explicitly
include the new collation, assuming it's a string type.
.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 11592
Fixed bug where the :meth:`.Operators.nulls_first()` and
:meth:`.Operators.nulls_last()` modifiers would not be treated the same way
as :meth:`.Operators.desc()` and :meth:`.Operators.asc()` when determining
if an ORDER BY should be against a label name already in the statement. All
four modifiers are now treated the same within ORDER BY.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, regression
:tickets: 11625
Fixed regression appearing in 2.0.21 caused by :ticket:`10279` where using
a :func:`_sql.delete` or :func:`_sql.update` against an ORM class that is
the base of an inheritance hierarchy, while also specifying that subclasses
should be loaded polymorphically, would leak the polymorphic joins into the
UPDATE or DELETE statement as well creating incorrect SQL.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, regression
:tickets: 11661
Fixed regression from version 1.4 in
:meth:`_orm.Session.bulk_insert_mappings` where using the
:paramref:`_orm.Session.bulk_insert_mappings.return_defaults` parameter
would not populate the passed in dictionaries with newly generated primary
key values.
.. change::
:tags: bug, oracle, sqlite
:tickets: 11663
Implemented bitwise operators for Oracle which was previously
non-functional due to a non-standard syntax used by this database.
Oracle's support for bitwise "or" and "xor" starts with server version 21.
Additionally repaired the implementation of "xor" for SQLite.
As part of this change, the dialect compliance test suite has been enhanced
to include support for server-side bitwise tests; third party dialect
authors should refer to new "supports_bitwise" methods in the file to enable these tests.
.. change::
:tags: bug, typing
Fixed internal typing issues to establish compatibility with mypy 1.11.0.
Note that this does not include issues which have arisen with the
deprecated mypy plugin used by SQLAlchemy 1.4-style code; see the addiional
change note for this plugin indicating revised compatibility.
.. changelog::
### 2.0.31
:released: June 18, 2024
.. change::
:tags: usecase, reflection, mysql
:tickets: 11285
Added missing foreign key reflection option ``SET DEFAULT``
in the MySQL and MariaDB dialects.
Pull request courtesy of Quentin Roche.
.. change::
:tags: usecase, orm
:tickets: 11361
Added missing parameter :paramref:`` that
allows specifying the name of returned :class:`_orm.AliasedClass`.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11365
Fixed issue where a :class:`.MetaData` collection would not be
serializable, if an :class:`.Enum` or :class:`.Boolean` datatype were
present which had been adapted. This specific scenario in turn could occur
when using the :class:`.Enum` or :class:`.Boolean` within ORM Annotated
Declarative form where type objects frequently get copied.
.. change::
:tags: schema, usecase
:tickets: 11374
Added :paramref:`_schema.Column.insert_default` as an alias of
:paramref:`_schema.Column.default` for compatibility with
.. change::
:tags: bug, general
:tickets: 11417
Set up full Python 3.13 support to the extent currently possible, repairing
issues within internal language helpers as well as the serializer extension
.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 11422
Fixed issue when serializing an :func:`_sql.over` clause with
unbounded range or rows.
.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 11423
Added missing methods :meth:`_sql.FunctionFilter.within_group`
and :meth:`_sql.WithinGroup.filter`
.. change::
:tags: bug, sql
:tickets: 11426
Fixed bug in :meth:`_sql.FunctionFilter.filter` that would mutate
the existing function in-place. It now behaves like the rest of the
SQLAlchemy API, returning a new instance instead of mutating the
original one.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11446
Fixed issue where the :func:`_orm.selectinload` and
:func:`_orm.subqueryload` loader options would fail to take effect when
made against an inherited subclass that itself included a subclass-specific
:paramref:`_orm.Mapper.with_polymorphic` setting.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11449
Fixed very old issue involving the :paramref:`_orm.joinedload.innerjoin`
parameter where making use of this parameter mixed into a query that also
included joined eager loads along a self-referential or other cyclical
relationship, along with complicating factors like inner joins added for
secondary tables and such, would have the chance of splicing a particular
inner join to the wrong part of the query. Additional state has been added
to the internal method that does this splice to make a better decision as
to where splicing should proceed.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, regression
:tickets: 11509
Fixed bug in ORM Declarative where the ``__table__`` directive could not be
declared as a class function with :func:`_orm.declared_attr` on a
superclass, including an ``__abstract__`` class as well as coming from the
declarative base itself. This was a regression since 1.4 where this was
working, and there were apparently no tests for this particular use case.
.. changelog::
### 2.0.30
:released: May 5, 2024
.. change::
:tags: bug, typing, regression
:tickets: 11200
Fixed typing regression caused by :ticket:`11055` in version 2.0.29 that
added ``ParamSpec`` to the asyncio ``run_sync()`` methods, where using
:meth:`_asyncio.AsyncConnection.run_sync` with
:meth:`_schema.MetaData.reflect` would fail on mypy due to a mypy issue.
Pull request courtesy of Francisco R. Del Roio.
.. change::
:tags: bug, engine
:tickets: 11210
Fixed issue in the
:paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.logging_token` option,
where changing the value of ``logging_token`` on a connection that has
already logged messages would not be updated to reflect the new logging
token. This in particular prevented the use of
:meth:`_orm.Session.connection` to change the option on the connection,
since the BEGIN logging message would already have been emitted.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11220
Added new attribute :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_from_statement` to
detect statements created using :meth:`_sql.Select.from_statement`, and
enhanced ``FromStatement`` to set :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_select`,
:attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_update`, and
:attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_delete` according to the element that is
sent to the :meth:`_sql.Select.from_statement` method itself.
.. change::
:tags: bug, test
:tickets: 11268
Ensure the ``PYTHONPATH`` variable is properly initialized when
using ```` in the tests.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11291
Fixed issue in :func:`_orm.selectin_polymorphic` loader option where
attributes defined with :func:`_orm.composite` on a superclass would cause
an internal exception on load.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, regression
:tickets: 11292
Fixed regression from 1.4 where using :func:`_orm.defaultload` in
conjunction with a non-propagating loader like :func:`_orm.contains_eager`
would nonetheless propagate the :func:`_orm.contains_eager` to a lazy load
operation, causing incorrect queries as this option is only intended to
come from an original load.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11305
Fixed issue in ORM Annotated Declarative where typing issue where literals
defined using :pep:`695` type aliases would not work with inference of
:class:`.Enum` datatypes. Pull request courtesy of Alc-Alc.
.. change::
:tags: bug, engine
:tickets: 11306
Fixed issue in cursor handling which affected handling of duplicate
:class:`_sql.Column` or similar objcts in the columns clause of
:func:``, both in combination with arbitary :func:`_sql.text()`
clauses in the SELECT list, as well as when attempting to retrieve
:meth:`_engine.Result.mappings` for the object, which would lead to an
internal error.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11327
Fixed issue in :func:`_orm.selectin_polymorphic` loader option where the
SELECT emitted would only accommodate for the child-most class among the
result rows that were returned, leading intermediary-class attributes to be
unloaded if there were no concrete instances of that intermediary-class
present in the result. This issue only presented itself for multi-level
inheritance hierarchies.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11332
Fixed issue in :meth:`_orm.Session.bulk_save_objects` where the form of the
identity key produced when using ``return_defaults=True`` would be
incorrect. This could lead to an errors during pickling as well as identity
map mismatches.
.. change::
:tags: bug, installation
:tickets: 11334
Fixed an internal class that was testing for unexpected attributes to work
correctly under upcoming Python 3.13. Pull request courtesy Edgar
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11347
Fixed issue where attribute key names in :class:`_orm.Bundle` would not be
correct when using ORM enabled :class:`` vs.
:class:`_orm.Query`, when the statement contained duplicate column names.
.. change::
:tags: bug, typing
Fixed issue in typing for :class:`_orm.Bundle` where creating a nested
:class:`_orm.Bundle` structure were not allowed.
.. changelog::
### 2.0.29
:released: March 23, 2024
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 10611
Fixed Declarative issue where typing a relationship using
:class:`_orm.Relationship` rather than :class:`_orm.Mapped` would
inadvertently pull in the "dynamic" relationship loader strategy for that
.. change::
:tags: postgresql, usecase
:tickets: 10693
The PostgreSQL dialect now returns :class:`_postgresql.DOMAIN` instances
when reflecting a column that has a domain as type. Previously, the domain
data type was returned instead. As part of this change, the domain
reflection was improved to also return the collation of the text types.
Pull request courtesy of Thomas Stephenson.
.. change::
:tags: bug, typing
:tickets: 11055
Fixed typing issue allowing asyncio ``run_sync()`` methods to correctly
type the parameters according to the callable that was passed, making use
of :pep:`612` ``ParamSpec`` variables. Pull request courtesy Francisco R.
Del Roio.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm
:tickets: 11091
Fixed issue in ORM annotated declarative where using
:func:`_orm.mapped_column()` with an :paramref:`_orm.mapped_column.index`
or :paramref:`_orm.mapped_column.unique` setting of False would be
overridden by an incoming ``Annotated`` element that featured that
parameter set to ``True``, even though the immediate
:func:`_orm.mapped_column()` element is more specific and should take
precedence. The logic to reconcile the booleans has been enhanced to
accommodate a local value of ``False`` as still taking precedence over an
incoming ``True`` value from the annotated element.
.. change::
:tags: usecase, orm
:tickets: 11130
Added support for the :pep:`695` ``TypeAliasType`` construct as well as the
python 3.12 native ``type`` keyword to work with ORM Annotated Declarative
form when using these constructs to link to a :pep:`593` ``Annotated``
container, allowing the resolution of the ``Annotated`` to proceed when
these constructs are used in a :class:`_orm.Mapped` typing container.
.. change::
:tags: bug, engine
:tickets: 11157
Fixed issue in :ref:`engine_insertmanyvalues` feature where using a primary
key column with an "inline execute" default generator such as an explicit
:class:`.Sequence` with an explcit schema name, while at the same time
using the
feature would fail to render the sequence or the parameters properly,
leading to errors.
.. change::
:tags: bug, engine
:tickets: 11160
Made a change to the adjustment made in version 2.0.10 for :ticket:`9618`,
which added the behavior of reconciling RETURNING rows from a bulk INSERT
to the parameters that were passed to it. This behavior included a
comparison of already-DB-converted bound parameter values against returned
row values that was not always "symmetrical" for SQL column types such as
UUIDs, depending on specifics of how different DBAPIs receive such values
versus how they return them, necessitating the need for additional
"sentinel value resolver" methods on these column types. Unfortunately
this broke third party column types such as UUID/GUID types in libraries
like SQLModel which did not implement this special method, raising an error
"Can't match sentinel values in result set to parameter sets". Rather than
attempt to further explain and document this implementation detail of the
"insertmanyvalues" feature including a public version of the new
method, the approach is intead revised to no longer need this extra
conversion step, and the logic that does the comparison now works on the
pre-converted bound parameter value compared to the post-result-processed
value, which should always be of a matching datatype. In the unusual case
that a custom SQL column type that also happens to be used in a "sentinel"
column for bulk INSERT is not receiving and returning the same value type,
the "Can't match" error will be raised, however the mitigation is
straightforward in that the same Python datatype should be passed as that
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, regression
:tickets: 11173
Fixed regression from version 2.0.28 caused by the fix for :ticket:`11085`
where the newer method of adjusting post-cache bound parameter values would
interefere with the implementation for the :func:`_orm.subqueryload` loader
option, which has some more legacy patterns in use internally, when
the additional loader criteria feature were used with this loader option.
.. change::
:tags: bug, sql, regression
:tickets: 11176
Fixed regression from the 1.4 series where the refactor of the
:meth:`_types.TypeEngine.with_variant` method introduced at
:ref:`change_6980` failed to accommodate for the ``.copy()`` method, which
will lose the variant mappings that are set up. This becomes an issue for
the very specific case of a "schema" type, which includes types such as
:class:`.Enum` and :class:`_types.ARRAY`, when they are then used in the context
of an ORM Declarative mapping with mixins where copying of types comes into
play. The variant mapping is now copied as well.
.. change::
:tags: bug, tests
:tickets: 11187
Backported to SQLAlchemy 2.0 an improvement to the test suite with regards
to how asyncio related tests are run, now using the newer Python 3.11
``asyncio.Runner`` or a backported equivalent, rather than relying on the
previous implementation based on ``asyncio.get_running_loop()``. This
should hopefully prevent issues with large suite runs on CPU loaded
hardware where the event loop seems to become corrupted, leading to
cascading failures.
.. changelog::
### 2.0.28
:released: March 4, 2024
.. change::
:tags: engine, usecase
:tickets: 10974
Added new core execution option
:paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.preserve_rowcount`. When
set, the ``cursor.rowcount`` attribute from the DBAPI cursor will be
unconditionally memoized at statement execution time, so that whatever
value the DBAPI offers for any kind of statement will be available using
the :attr:`_engine.CursorResult.rowcount` attribute from the
:class:`_engine.CursorResult`. This allows the rowcount to be accessed for
statements such as INSERT and SELECT, to the degree supported by the DBAPI
in use. The :ref:`engine_insertmanyvalues` also supports this option and
will ensure :attr:`_engine.CursorResult.rowcount` is correctly set for a
bulk INSERT of rows when set.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, regression
:tickets: 11010
Fixed regression caused by :ticket:`9779` where using the "secondary" table
in a relationship ``and_()`` expression would fail to be aliased to match
how the "secondary" table normally renders within a
:meth:`_sql.Select.join` expression, leading to an invalid query.
.. change::
:tags: bug, orm, performance, regression
:tickets: 11085
Adjusted the fix made in :ticket:`10570`, released in 2.0.23, where new
logic was added to reconcile possibly changing bound parameter values
across cache key generations used within the :func:`_orm.with_expression`
construct. The new logic changes the approach by which the new bound
parameter values are associated with the statement, avoiding the need to
deep-copy the statement which can result in a significant performance
penalty for very deep / complex SQL constructs. The new approach no longer
requires this deep-copy step.
.. change::
:tags: bug, asyncio
:tickets: 8771
An error is raised if a :class:`.QueuePool` or other non-asyncio pool class
is passed to :func:`_asyncio.create_async_engine`. This engine only
accepts asyncio-compatible pool classes including
:class:`.AsyncAdaptedQueuePool`. Other pool classes such as
:class:`.NullPool` are compatible with both synchronous and asynchronous
engines as they do not perform any locking.
.. seealso::
.. change::
:tags: change, tests
pytest support in the tox.ini file has been updated to support pytest 8.1.
.. changelog::
### 2.0.27
:released: February 13, 2024
.. change::
:tags: bug, postgresql, regression
:tickets: 11005
Fixed regression caused by just-released fix for :ticket:`10863` where an
invalid exception class were added to the "except" block, which does not
get exercised unless such a catch actually happens. A moc
Update aiohttp-jinja2 from 1.5 to 1.6.
### 1.6 ``` ================ - Switch to ``aiohttp.web.AppKey``, and deprecate the old 'static_root_url' key. - Drop Python 3.7, add Python 3.12. ``` ### 1.5.1 ``` ================== - Add support for Python 3.11. - Drop support for decorating non-async functions with template (deprecated since 0.16). ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: aiohttp-oauth2 from 0.0.3 to 0.0.5.
### 0.0.5 ``` This fixes when oauth2 resource providers are more technically correct in validating the content-type they receive, specifically for form data. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: aiohttp-remotes from 1.0.0 to 1.3.0.
### 1.3.0 ``` ================== * Added explicit tests for running with Python 3.11, 3.12, 3.13 Bugfixes -------- - Fix for ``X-Forwarded-Host`` parsing when it contains multiple hosts. (`436 <>`_) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Dropped Python 3.7 and 3.8 support, the minimal supported aiohttp is 3.9 ``` ### 1.2.0 ``` ================== * Raise a ``HTTPBadRequest`` instead of ``ValueError`` when ``X-Forwarded-For`` header is not a valid IP. (`311 <>`_) * Dropped Python 3.6 support, the minimal supported aiohttp is 3.8.1 (`331 <>`_) ``` ### 1.1.0 ``` ================== * Added support for Python 3.10 ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: aiohttp from 3.7.4.post0 to 3.11.2.
The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?
- PyPI: - Repo: aioredis from 1.3.1 to 2.0.1.
### 2.0.1 ``` Features - Added Python 3.10 to CI & Updated the Docs (see 1160) - Enable mypy in CI (see 1101) - Synchronized reading the responses from a connection (see 1106) Fixes - Remove __del__ from Redis (Fixes 1115) (see 1227) - fix socket.error raises (see 1129) - Fix buffer is closed error when using PythonParser class (see 1213) ``` ### 2.0.0 ``` Features - Port redis-py's client implementation to aioredis. (see 891) - Make hiredis an optional dependency. (see 917) ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: alembic from 1.5.8 to 1.14.0.
The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?
- PyPI: - Homepage: - Docs: apscheduler from 3.7.0 to 3.10.4.
### 3.9.1 ``` * Removed a leftover check for pytz ``localize()`` and ``normalize()`` methods ``` ### 3.9.0 ``` - Added support for PySide6 to the Qt scheduler - No longer enforce pytz time zones (support for others is experimental in the 3.x series) - Fixed compatibility with PyMongo 4 - Fixed pytz deprecation warnings - Fixed RuntimeError when shutting down the scheduler from a scheduled job ``` ### 3.8.1 ``` - Allowed the use of tzlocal v4.0+ in addition to v2.* ``` ### 3.8.0 ``` - Allowed passing through keyword arguments to the underlying stdlib executors in the thread/process pool executors (PR by Albert Xu) ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: - Docs: gunicorn from 20.1.0 to 23.0.0.
### 23.0.0 ``` =================== - minor docs fixes (:pr:`3217`, :pr:`3089`, :pr:`3167`) - worker_class parameter accepts a class (:pr:`3079`) - fix deadlock if request terminated during chunked parsing (:pr:`2688`) - permit receiving Transfer-Encodings: compress, deflate, gzip (:pr:`3261`) - permit Transfer-Encoding headers specifying multiple encodings. note: no parameters, still (:pr:`3261`) - sdist generation now explicitly excludes sphinx build folder (:pr:`3257`) - decode bytes-typed status (as can be passed by gevent) as utf-8 instead of raising `TypeError` (:pr:`2336`) - raise correct Exception when encounting invalid chunked requests (:pr:`3258`) - the SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO headers, when received from allowed forwarders, are no longer restricted for containing an underscore (:pr:`3192`) - include IPv6 loopback address ``[::1]`` in default for :ref:`forwarded-allow-ips` and :ref:`proxy-allow-ips` (:pr:`3192`) ** NOTE ** - The SCRIPT_NAME change mitigates a regression that appeared first in the 22.0.0 release - Review your :ref:`forwarded-allow-ips` setting if you are still not seeing the SCRIPT_NAME transmitted - Review your :ref:`forwarder-headers` setting if you are missing headers after upgrading from a version prior to 22.0.0 ** Breaking changes ** - refuse requests where the uri field is empty (:pr:`3255`) - refuse requests with invalid CR/LR/NUL in heade field values (:pr:`3253`) - remove temporary ``--tolerate-dangerous-framing`` switch from 22.0 (:pr:`3260`) - If any of the breaking changes affect you, be aware that now refused requests can post a security problem, especially so in setups involving request pipe-lining and/or proxies. ``` ### 22.0.0 ``` =================== - use `utime` to notify workers liveness - migrate setup to pyproject.toml - fix numerous security vulnerabilities in HTTP parser (closing some request smuggling vectors) - parsing additional requests is no longer attempted past unsupported request framing - on HTTP versions < 1.1 support for chunked transfer is refused (only used in exploits) - requests conflicting configured or passed SCRIPT_NAME now produce a verbose error - Trailer fields are no longer inspected for headers indicating secure scheme - support Python 3.12 ** Breaking changes ** - minimum version is Python 3.7 - the limitations on valid characters in the HTTP method have been bounded to Internet Standards - requests specifying unsupported transfer coding (order) are refused by default (rare) - HTTP methods are no longer casefolded by default (IANA method registry contains none affected) - HTTP methods containing the number sign () are no longer accepted by default (rare) - HTTP versions < 1.0 or >= 2.0 are no longer accepted by default (rare, only HTTP/1.1 is supported) - HTTP versions consisting of multiple digits or containing a prefix/suffix are no longer accepted - HTTP header field names Gunicorn cannot safely map to variables are silently dropped, as in other software - HTTP headers with empty field name are refused by default (no legitimate use cases, used in exploits) - requests with both Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length are refused by default (such a message might indicate an attempt to perform request smuggling) - empty transfer codings are no longer permitted (reportedly seen with really old & broken proxies) ** SECURITY ** - fix CVE-2024-1135 ``` ### 21.2.0 ``` =================== - fix thread worker: revert change considering connection as idle . *** NOTE *** This is fixing the bad file description error. ``` ### 21.1.0 ``` =================== - fix thread worker: fix socket removal from the queue ``` ### 21.0.1 ``` =================== - fix documentation build ``` ### 21.0.0 ``` =================== - support python 3.11 - fix gevent and eventlet workers - fix threads support (gththread): improve performance and unblock requests - SSL: now use SSLContext object - HTTP parser: miscellaneous fixes - remove unnecessary setuid calls - fix testing - improve logging - miscellaneous fixes to core engine *** RELEASE NOTE *** We made this release major to start our new release cycle. More info will be provided on our discussion forum. ================ Changelog - 2024 ================ ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: marshmallow from 3.11.1 to 3.23.1.
### 3.23.1 ``` ******************* Support: - Document ``absolute`` parameter of ``URL`` field (:pr:`2327`). - Documentation: Remove (outdated) minimum Python 3 minor version in documentation and README (:pr:`2323`). ``` ### 3.23.0 ``` ******************* Features: - Typing: replace "type" with specific metaclass for ``Schema`` and ``Field``. Other changes: - Officially support Python 3.13 (:pr:`2319`). - Drop support for Python 3.8 (:pr:`2318`). ``` ### 3.22.0 ``` ******************* Features: - Add ``many`` Meta option to ``Schema`` so it expects a collection by default (:issue:`2270`). Thanks :user:`himalczyk` for reporting and :user:`deckar01` for the PR. - Refactor hooks (:pr:`2279`). Thanks :user:`deckar01` for the PR. ``` ### 3.21.3 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Fix memory leak that prevented schema instances from getting GC'd (:pr:`2277`). Thanks :user:`mrcljx` for the PR. ``` ### 3.21.2 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Allow timestamp 0 in ``fields.DateTime`` (:issue:`2133`). Thanks :user:`flydzen` for reporting. ``` ### 3.21.1 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Fix error message when field is declared as a class and not an instance (:issue:`2245`). Thanks :user:`travnick` for reporting. ``` ### 3.21.0 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Fix validation of ``URL`` fields to allow missing user field, per NWG RFC 3986 (:issue:`2232`). Thanks :user:`ddennerline3` for reporting and :user:`deckar01` for the PR. Other changes: - *Backwards-incompatible*: ``__version__``, ``__parsed_version__``, and ``__version_info__`` attributes are deprecated (:issue:`2227`). Use feature detection or ``importlib.metadata.version("marshmallow")`` instead. ``` ### 3.20.2 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Fix ``Nested`` field type hint for lambda ``Schema`` types (:pr:`2164`). Thanks :user:`somethingnew2-0` for the PR. Other changes: - Officially support Python 3.12 (:pr:`2188`). Thanks :user:`hugovk` for the PR. ``` ### 3.20.1 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Fix call to ``get_declared_fields``: pass ``dict_cls`` again (:issue:`2152`). Thanks :user:`Cheaterman` for reporting. ``` ### 3.20.0 ``` ******************* Features: - Add ``absolute`` parameter to ``URL`` validator and ``Url`` field (:pr:`2123`). Thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR. - Use Abstract Base Classes to define ``FieldABC`` and ``SchemaABC`` (:issue:`1449`). Thanks :user:`aditkumar72` for the PR. - Use `OrderedSet` as default `set_class`. Schemas are now ordered by default. (:issue:`1744`) Bug fixes: - Handle ``OSError`` and ``OverflowError`` in ``utils.from_timestamp`` (:pr:`2102`). Thanks :user:`TheBigRoomXXL` for the PR. - Fix the default inheritance of nested partial schemas (:issue:`2149`). Thanks :user:`matejsp` for reporting. Other changes: - Officially support Python 3.11 (:pr:`2067`). - Drop support for Python 3.7 (:pr:`2135`). ``` ### 3.19.0 ``` ******************* Features: - Add ``timestamp`` and ``timestamp_ms`` formats to ``fields.DateTime`` (:issue:`612`). Thanks :user:`vgavro` for the suggestion and thanks :user:`vanHoi` for the PR. ``` ### 3.18.0 ``` ******************* Features: - Add ``Enum`` field (:pr:`2017`) and (:pr:`2044`). Bug fixes: - Fix typing in ``Field._serialize`` signature (:pr:`2046`). ``` ### 3.17.1 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Add return type to ``fields.Email.__init__`` (:pr:`2018`). Thanks :user:`kkirsche` for the PR. - Add missing type hint to IPInterface __init__ (:pr:`2036`). ``` ### 3.17.0 ``` ******************* Features: - Support serialization as float in ``TimeDelta`` field (:pr:`1998`). Thanks :user:`marcosatti` for the PR. - Add ``messages_dict`` property to ``ValidationError`` to facilitate type checking (:pr:`1976`). Thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR. ``` ### 3.16.0 ``` ******************* Features: - Raise ``ValueError`` if an invalid value is passed to the ``unknown`` argument (:issue:`1721`, :issue:`1732`). Thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR. Other changes: - Set lower bound for ``packaging`` requirement (:issue:`1957`). Thanks :user:`MatthewNicolTR` for reporting and thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR. - Improve warning messages by passing ``stacklevel`` (:pr:`1986`). Thanks :user:`tirkarthi` for the PR. ``` ### 3.15.0 ``` ******************* Features: - Allow passing a ``dict`` to ``fields.Nested`` (:pr:`1935`). Thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR. Other changes: - Address distutils deprecation warning in Python 3.10 (:pr:`1903`). Thanks :user:`kkirsche` for the PR. - Add py310 to black target-version (:pr:`1921`). - Drop support for Python 3.6 (:pr:`1923`). - Use postponed evaluation of annotations (:pr:`1932`). Thanks :user:`Isira-Seneviratne` for the PR. ``` ### 3.14.1 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Fix publishing type hints per `PEP-561 <>`_ (:pr:`1905`). Thanks :user:`bwindsor` for the catch and patch. ``` ### 3.14.0 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Fix ``fields.TimeDelta`` serialization precision (:issue:`1865`). Thanks :user:`yarsanich` for reporting. Other changes: - Fix type-hints for ``data`` arg in ``Schema.validate`` to accept list of dictionaries (:issue:`1790`, :pr:`1868`). Thanks :user:`yourun-proger` for PR. - Improve warning when passing metadata as keyword arguments (:pr:`1882`). Thanks :user:`traherom` for the PR. - Don't build universal wheels. We don't support Python 2 anymore. (:issue:`1860`) Thanks :user:`YKdvd` for reporting. - Make the build reproducible (:pr:`1862`). - Drop support for Python 3.5 (:pr:`1863`). - Test against Python 3.10 (:pr:`1888`). ``` ### 3.13.0 ``` ******************* Features: - Replace ``missing``/``default`` field parameters with ``load_default``/``dump_default`` (:pr:`1742`). Thanks :user:`sirosen` for the PR. Deprecations: - The use of ``missing``/``default`` field parameters is deprecated and will be removed in marshmallow 4. ``load_default``/``dump_default`` should be used instead. ``` ### 3.12.2 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Don't expose ``Field``\s as ``Schema`` attributes. This reverts a change introduced in 3.12.0 that causes issues when field names conflict with ``Schema`` attributes or methods. ``Fields``\s are still accessible on a ``Schema`` instance through the ``fields`` attribute. (:pr:`1843`) ``` ### 3.12.1 ``` ******************* Bug fixes: - Fix bug that raised an ``AttributeError`` when instantiating a ``Schema`` with a field named ``parent`` (:issue:`1808`). Thanks :user:`flying-sheep` for reporting and helping with the fix. ``` ### 3.12.0 ``` ******************* Features: - Add ``validate.And`` (:issue:`1768`). Thanks :user:`rugleb` for the suggestion. - Add type annotations to ``marshmallow.decorators`` (:issue:`1788`, :pr:`1789`). Thanks :user:`michaeldimchuk` for the PR. - Let ``Field``\s be accessed by name as ``Schema`` attributes (:pr:`1631`). Other changes: - Improve types in ``marshmallow.validate`` (:pr:`1786`). - Make ``marshmallow.validate.Validator`` an abstract base class (:pr:`1786`). - Remove unnecessary list cast (:pr:`1785`). ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: sentry-sdk from 1.0.0 to 2.18.0.
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- PyPI: - Repo: psycopg2-binary from 2.8.6 to 2.9.10.
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- PyPI: - Homepage: pyyaml from 5.4.1 to 6.0.2.
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- PyPI: - Homepage: uvloop from 0.15.2 to 0.21.0.
### 0.21.0 ``` Changes ======= * Add cleanup_socket param on create_unix_server() (623) (by fantix in d6114d2) Fixes ===== * Use cythonized SO_REUSEPORT rather than the unwrapped native one. (609) (by ptribble in 4083a94e for 550) * UDP errors should result in protocol.error_received (601) (by jensbjorgensen in 3c3bbeff) * Updates for Cython3 (587) (by alan-brooks in 3fba9fab for 587) * Test with Python 3.13 (610) (by edgarrmondragon in fb5a139) ``` ### 0.20.0 ``` Changes ======= * Upgrade libuv to v1.48.0 (600) (by niklasr22 fantix in 77778525 for 596 615) Fixes ===== * Fix test_create_server_4 with Python 3.12.5 (614) (by shadchin in 62f92393) * Use len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) instead of os.cpu_count() (591) (by avkarenow in c8531c24 for 591) * Inline _Py_RestoreSignals() from CPython (604) (by befeleme in 8511ba1f for 603) ``` ### 0.19.0 ``` Changes ======= * Drop support of Python 3.7 and update CI (578) (by fantix in ee5ad26a for 578) Fixes ===== * Restore uvloop.new_event_loop and other missing uvloop members to typing (573) (by graingert in 5c500ee2 for 573) * Fix docstring of loop.shutdown_default_executor (535) (by Gelbpunkt in 919da567 for 535) * Fix CI status badge (522) (by shuuji3 in 0e9ff6cd for 522) ``` ### 0.18.0 ``` Fixes ===== * CI fixes (520, 553) (by altendky in 7783f1c5, dulmandakh in 1dd40f17) * Make extract_stack resilient to lacking frames. (563) (by jhance in 06876434 for 563) * Port uvloop to Python 3.12 (570) (by 1st1, fantix in 9f82bd74 for 569) ``` ### 0.17.0 ``` This release adds Python 3.11 support, updates bundled libuv to 1.43.0 and fixes a handful of issues. Changes ======= * Expose uv_loop_t pointer for integration with other C-extensions (310) (by pranavtbhat in b332eb85 for 310) * Support python 3.11+ (473) (by zeroday0619 in 8e42921d for 473) * Expose libuv uv_fs_event functionality (474) (by jensbjorgensen fantix in 74d381e8 for 474) * Activate debug mode when `-X dev` is used (by jack1142 in 637a77a3) * Expose uv_version() for libuv API compatibility (491) (by fantix in 089f6cbf for 491) * Fix loop.getaddrinfo() and tests (495) (by fantix in 598b16fd for 495) * Bump to libuv 1.43.0 (by fantix in 94e5e535) Fixes ===== * _TransProtPair is no longer defined in (by jensbjorgensen in fae5f7fb) * use a TypeVar for asyncio.BaseProtocol (478) (by graingert in 3aacb352 for 478) * Fix segfault in TimerHandle.when() after cleared (by jensbjorgensen in c39afff8 for 469) * Avoid self._errpipe_write double close (466) (by graingert in 72140d7e for 466) * Fix typo in test (456) (by kianmeng in 033d52d0 for 456) * Fix potential infinite loop (446) (by kfur in ada43c06 for 446) * use a stack of self._fds_to_close to prevent double closes (481) (by graingert in 3214cf68 for 481) * Fix incorrect main thread id value forking from a thread (453) (by horpto fantix in e7934c88 for 453) * create_subprocess_exec should treat env={} as empty environment (439) (454) (by byllyfish in e04637e0 for 439) * Queue write only after processing all buffers (445) (by jakirkham fantix in 9c6ecb62 for 445) * Drop Python 3.6 support for thread ident (by fantix in 9c37930e) * bugfix: write to another transport in resume_writing() fails (498) (by fantix in d2deffef for 498) Build ===== * Upgrade GitHub Actions (477) (480) (by cclauss in fcbf422d for 477, 10086942 for 480) * typo `same as same` (by YoSTEALTH in fedba80a) * allow to override extra_compile_args (443) (by giuliobenetti in a130375f for 443) * Drop hack in in finalize_options (492) (by fantix in 2f1bc83c for 492) * Fix tests invocation on release CI worklow (489) (by ben9923 in d6a2b597 for 489) Documentation ============= * use asyncio.Runner loop_factory on 3.11+ (472) (by graingert in 31ba48ca for 472) * Fix CI badge in docs, remove remaining Travis CI references from docs (by Nothing4You in c6901a74) * Fix typo in README (by monosans in 73d7253b) ``` ### 0.16.0 ``` This release adds Python 3.10 support, updates bundled libuv to 1.42.0 and fixes a handful of issues. Changes ======= * Python 3.10 support (432) (by elprans in 2519e2df for 432) * Bump vendored libuv to 1.42.0 (433) (by elprans in a62f7818 for 433) * Use cibuildwheel to build wheels (435) (by elprans in 20febe0b for 435) * Add support for `<timer handle>.when()` (by Jens Jorgensen in 62b2af9c) Fixes ===== * Fix ref issue when protocol is in Cython (by fantix in 70cafc82 for 2222) * Set `python_requires` in (by graingert in c808a663) * SSL: schedule first data after waiter wakeup (by fantix in 2081db89) * Fix a possible race condition in sslproto test (by fantix in b0526cd5 for 412) * Fix `call_soon_threadsafe` thread safety (by fantix in 4b803b15) ``` ### 0.15.3 ``` Bug Fixes * SSL: schedule first data after waiter wakeup (by fantix in 0df12282) * Fix a possible race condition in sslproto test (by fantix in 2e71c4c2 for 412) * Fix `call_soon_threadsafe` thread safety (by fantix and hehaha in 6387a4e4 for 408) ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: sqlalchemy from 1.3.23 to 2.0.36.
### 2.0.36 ``` :released: October 15, 2024 .. change:: :tags: bug, schema :tickets: 11317 Fixed bug where SQL functions passed to :paramref:`_schema.Column.server_default` would not be rendered with the particular form of parenthesization now required by newer versions of MySQL and MariaDB. Pull request courtesy of huuya. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11912 Fixed bug in ORM bulk update/delete where using RETURNING with bulk update/delete in combination with ``populate_existing`` would fail to accommodate the ``populate_existing`` option. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11917 Continuing from :ticket:`11912`, columns marked with :paramref:`.mapped_column.onupdate`, :paramref:`.mapped_column.server_onupdate`, or :class:`.Computed` are now refreshed in ORM instances when running an ORM enabled UPDATE with WHERE criteria, even if the statement does not use RETURNING or ``populate_existing``. .. change:: :tags: usecase, orm :tickets: 11923 Added new parameter :paramref:`_orm.mapped_column.hash` to ORM constructs such as :meth:`_orm.mapped_column`, :meth:`_orm.relationship`, etc., which is interpreted for ORM Native Dataclasses in the same way as other dataclass-specific field parameters. .. change:: :tags: bug, postgresql, reflection :tickets: 11961 Fixed bug in reflection of table comments where unrelated text would be returned if an entry in the ``pg_description`` table happened to share the same oid (objoid) as the table being reflected. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11965 Fixed regression caused by fixes to joined eager loading in :ticket:`11449` released in 2.0.31, where a particular joinedload case could not be asserted correctly. We now have an example of that case so the assertion has been repaired to allow for it. .. change:: :tags: orm, bug :tickets: 11973 Improved the error message emitted when trying to map as dataclass a class while also manually providing the ``__table__`` attribute. This usage is currently not supported. .. change:: :tags: mysql, performance :tickets: 11975 Improved a query used for the MySQL 8 backend when reflecting foreign keys to be better optimized. Previously, for a database that had millions of columns across all tables, the query could be prohibitively slow; the query has been reworked to take better advantage of existing indexes. .. change:: :tags: usecase, sql :tickets: 11978 Datatypes that are binary based such as :class:`.VARBINARY` will resolve to :class:`.LargeBinary` when the :meth:`.TypeEngine.as_generic()` method is called. .. change:: :tags: postgresql, bug :tickets: 11994 The :class:`.postgresql.JSON` and :class:`.postgresql.JSONB` datatypes will now render a "bind cast" in all cases for all PostgreSQL backends, including psycopg2, whereas previously it was only enabled for some backends. This allows greater accuracy in allowing the database server to recognize when a string value is to be interpreted as JSON. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11995 Refined the check which the ORM lazy loader uses to detect "this would be loading by primary key and the primary key is NULL, skip loading" to take into account the current setting for the :paramref:`.orm.Mapper.allow_partial_pks` parameter. If this parameter is ``False``, then a composite PK value that has partial NULL elements should also be skipped. This can apply to some composite overlapping foreign key configurations. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11997 Fixed bug in ORM "update with WHERE clause" feature where an explicit ``.returning()`` would interfere with the "fetch" synchronize strategy due to an assumption that the ORM mapped class featured the primary key columns in a specific position within the RETURNING. This has been fixed to use appropriate ORM column targeting. .. change:: :tags: bug, sql, regression :tickets: 12002 Fixed regression from 1.4 where some datatypes such as those derived from :class:`.TypeDecorator` could not be pickled when they were part of a larger SQL expression composition due to internal supporting structures themselves not being pickleable. .. changelog:: ``` ### 2.0.35 ``` :released: September 16, 2024 .. change:: :tags: bug, orm, typing :tickets: 11820 Fixed issue where it was not possible to use ``typing.Literal`` with ``Mapped[]`` on Python 3.8 and 3.9. Pull request courtesy Frazer McLean. .. change:: :tags: bug, sqlite, regression :tickets: 11840 The changes made for SQLite CHECK constraint reflection in versions 2.0.33 and 2.0.34 , :ticket:`11832` and :ticket:`11677`, have now been fully reverted, as users continued to identify existing use cases that stopped working after this change. For the moment, because SQLite does not provide any consistent way of delivering information about CHECK constraints, SQLAlchemy is limited in what CHECK constraint syntaxes can be reflected, including that a CHECK constraint must be stated all on a single, independent line (or inline on a column definition) without newlines, tabs in the constraint definition or unusual characters in the constraint name. Overall, reflection for SQLite is tailored towards being able to reflect CREATE TABLE statements that were originally created by SQLAlchemy DDL constructs. Long term work on a DDL parser that does not rely upon regular expressions may eventually improve upon this situation. A wide range of additional cross-dialect CHECK constraint reflection tests have been added as it was also a bug that these changes did not trip any existing tests. .. change:: :tags: orm, bug :tickets: 11849 Fixed issue in ORM evaluator where two datatypes being evaluated with the SQL concatenator operator would not be checked for :class:`.UnevaluatableError` based on their datatype; this missed the case of :class:`_postgresql.JSONB` values being used in a concatenate operation which is supported by PostgreSQL as well as how SQLAlchemy renders the SQL for this operation, but does not work at the Python level. By implementing :class:`.UnevaluatableError` for this combination, ORM update statements will now fall back to "expire" when a concatenated JSON value used in a SET clause is to be synchronized to a Python object. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11853 An warning is emitted if :func:`_orm.joinedload` or :func:`_orm.subqueryload` are used as a top level option against a statement that is not a SELECT statement, such as with an ``insert().returning()``. There are no JOINs in INSERT statements nor is there a "subquery" that can be repurposed for subquery eager loading, and for UPDATE/DELETE joinedload does not support these either, so it is never appropriate for this use to pass silently. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11855 Fixed issue where using loader options such as :func:`_orm.selectinload` with additional criteria in combination with ORM DML such as :func:`_sql.insert` with RETURNING would not correctly set up internal contexts required for caching to work correctly, leading to incorrect results. .. change:: :tags: bug, mysql :tickets: 11870 Fixed issue in mariadbconnector dialect where query string arguments that weren't checked integer or boolean arguments would be ignored, such as string arguments like ``unix_socket``, etc. As part of this change, the argument parsing for particular elements such as ``client_flags``, ``compress``, ``local_infile`` has been made more consistent across all MySQL / MariaDB dialect which accept each argument. Pull request courtesy Tobias Alex-Petersen. .. changelog:: ``` ### 2.0.34 ``` :released: September 4, 2024 .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11831 Fixed regression caused by issue :ticket:`11814` which broke support for certain flavors of :pep:`593` ``Annotated`` in the type_annotation_map when builtin types such as ``list``, ``dict`` were used without an element type. While this is an incomplete style of typing, these types nonetheless previously would be located in the type_annotation_map correctly. .. change:: :tags: bug, sqlite :tickets: 11832 Fixed regression in SQLite reflection caused by :ticket:`11677` which interfered with reflection for CHECK constraints that were followed by other kinds of constraints within the same table definition. Pull request courtesy Harutaka Kawamura. .. changelog:: ``` ### 2.0.33 ``` :released: September 3, 2024 .. change:: :tags: bug, sqlite :tickets: 11677 Improvements to the regex used by the SQLite dialect to reflect the name and contents of a CHECK constraint. Constraints with newline, tab, or space characters in either or both the constraint text and constraint name are now properly reflected. Pull request courtesy Jeff Horemans. .. change:: :tags: bug, engine :tickets: 11687 Fixed issue in internal reflection cache where particular reflection scenarios regarding same-named quoted_name() constructs would not be correctly cached. Pull request courtesy Felix Lüdin. .. change:: :tags: bug, sql, regression :tickets: 11703 Fixed regression in :meth:`_sql.Select.with_statement_hint` and others where the generative behavior of the method stopped producing a copy of the object. .. change:: :tags: bug, mysql :tickets: 11731 Fixed issue in MySQL dialect where using INSERT..FROM SELECT in combination with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE would erroneously render on MySQL 8 and above the "AS new" clause, leading to syntax failures. This clause is required on MySQL 8 to follow the VALUES clause if use of the "new" alias is present, however is not permitted to follow a FROM SELECT clause. .. change:: :tags: bug, sqlite :tickets: 11746 Improvements to the regex used by the SQLite dialect to reflect the name and contents of a UNIQUE constraint that is defined inline within a column definition inside of a SQLite CREATE TABLE statement, accommodating for tab characters present within the column / constraint line. Pull request courtesy John A Stevenson. .. change:: :tags: bug, typing :tickets: 11782 Fixed typing issue with :meth:`_sql.Select.with_only_columns`. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11788 Correctly cleanup the internal top-level module registry when no inner modules or classes are registered into it. .. change:: :tags: bug, schema :tickets: 11802 Fixed bug where the ``metadata`` element of an ``Enum`` datatype would not be transferred to the new :class:`.MetaData` object when the type had been copied via a :meth:`.Table.to_metadata` operation, leading to inconsistent behaviors within create/drop sequences. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11814 Improvements to the ORM annotated declarative type map lookup dealing with composed types such as ``dict[str, Any]`` linking to JSON (or others) with or without "future annotations" mode. .. change:: :tags: change, general :tickets: 11818 The pin for ``setuptools<69.3`` in ``pyproject.toml`` has been removed. This pin was to prevent a sudden change in setuptools to use :pep:`625` from taking place, which would change the file name of SQLAlchemy's source distribution on pypi to be an all lower case name, which is likely to cause problems with various build environments that expected the previous naming style. However, the presence of this pin is holding back environments that otherwise want to use a newer setuptools, so we've decided to move forward with this change, with the assumption that build environments will have largely accommodated the setuptools change by now. .. change:: :tags: bug, postgresql :tickets: 11821 Revising the asyncpg ``terminate()`` fix first made in :ticket:`10717` which improved the resiliency of this call under all circumstances, adding ``asyncio.CancelledError`` to the list of exceptions that are intercepted as failing for a graceful ``.close()`` which will then proceed to call ``.terminate()``. .. change:: :tags: bug, mssql :tickets: 11822 Added error "The server failed to resume the transaction" to the list of error strings for the pymssql driver in determining a disconnect scenario, as observed by one user using pymssql under otherwise unknown conditions as leaving an unusable connection in the connection pool which fails to ping cleanly. .. change:: :tags: bug, tests Added missing ``array_type`` property to the testing suite ``SuiteRequirements`` class. .. changelog:: ``` ### 2.0.32 ``` :released: August 5, 2024 .. change:: :tags: bug, examples :tickets: 10267 Fixed issue in history_meta example where the "version" column in the versioned table needs to default to the most recent version number in the history table on INSERT, to suit the use case of a table where rows are deleted, and can then be replaced by new rows that re-use the same primary key identity. This fix adds an additonal SELECT query per INSERT in the main table, which may be inefficient; for cases where primary keys are not re-used, the default function may be omitted. Patch courtesy Philipp H. v. Loewenfeld. .. change:: :tags: bug, oracle :tickets: 11557 Fixed table reflection on Oracle 10.2 and older where compression options are not supported. .. change:: :tags: oracle, usecase :tickets: 10820 Added API support for server-side cursors for the oracledb async dialect, allowing use of the :meth:`` and similar stream methods. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 10834 Fixed issue where using the :meth:`_orm.Query.enable_eagerloads` and :meth:`_orm.Query.yield_per` methods at the same time, in order to disable eager loading that's configured on the mapper directly, would be silently ignored, leading to errors or unexpected eager population of attributes. .. change:: :tags: orm :tickets: 11163 Added a warning noting when an :meth:`_engine.ConnectionEvents.engine_connect` event may be leaving a transaction open, which can alter the behavior of a :class:`_orm.Session` using such an engine as bind. On SQLAlchemy 2.1 :paramref:`_orm.Session.join_transaction_mode` will instead be ignored in all cases when the session bind is an :class:`_engine.Engine`. .. change:: :tags: bug, general, regression :tickets: 11435 Restored legacy class names removed from ``sqlalalchemy.orm.collections.*``, including :class:`_orm.MappedCollection`, :func:`_orm.mapped_collection`, :func:`_orm.column_mapped_collection`, :func:`_orm.attribute_mapped_collection`. Pull request courtesy Takashi Kajinami. .. change:: :tags: bug, sql :tickets: 11471 Follow up of :ticket:`11471` to fix caching issue where using the :meth:`.CompoundSelectState.add_cte` method of the :class:`.CompoundSelectState` construct would not set a correct cache key which distinguished between different CTE expressions. Also added tests that would detect issues similar to the one fixed in :ticket:`11544`. .. change:: :tags: bug, mysql :tickets: 11479 Fixed issue in MySQL dialect where ENUM values that contained percent signs were not properly escaped for the driver. .. change:: :tags: usecase, oracle :tickets: 11480 Implemented two-phase transactions for the oracledb dialect. Historically, this feature never worked with the cx_Oracle dialect, however recent improvements to the oracledb successor now allow this to be possible. The two phase transaction API is available at the Core level via the :meth:`_engine.Connection.begin_twophase` method. .. change:: :tags: bug, postgresql :tickets: 11522 It is now considered a pool-invalidating disconnect event when psycopg2 throws an "SSL SYSCALL error: Success" error message, which can occur when the SSL connection to Postgres is terminated abnormally. .. change:: :tags: bug, schema :tickets: 11530 Fixed additional issues in the event system triggered by unpickling of a :class:`.Enum` datatype, continuing from :ticket:`11365` and :ticket:`11360`, where dynamically generated elements of the event structure would not be present when unpickling in a new process. .. change:: :tags: bug, engine :tickets: 11532 Fixed issue in "insertmanyvalues" feature where a particular call to ``cursor.fetchall()`` were not wrapped in SQLAlchemy's exception wrapper, which apparently can raise a database exception during fetch when using pyodbc. .. change:: :tags: usecase, orm :tickets: 11575 The :paramref:`` parameter to :func:`_orm.aliased` may now be combined with the :paramref:`_orm.aliased.flat` parameter, producing per-table names based on a name-prefixed naming convention. Pull request courtesy Eric Atkin. .. change:: :tags: bug, postgresql :tickets: 11576 Fixed issue where the :func:`_sql.collate` construct, which explicitly sets a collation for a given expression, would maintain collation settings for the underlying type object from the expression, causing SQL expressions to have both collations stated at once when used in further expressions for specific dialects that render explicit type casts, such as that of asyncpg. The :func:`_sql.collate` construct now assigns its own type to explicitly include the new collation, assuming it's a string type. .. change:: :tags: bug, sql :tickets: 11592 Fixed bug where the :meth:`.Operators.nulls_first()` and :meth:`.Operators.nulls_last()` modifiers would not be treated the same way as :meth:`.Operators.desc()` and :meth:`.Operators.asc()` when determining if an ORDER BY should be against a label name already in the statement. All four modifiers are now treated the same within ORDER BY. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm, regression :tickets: 11625 Fixed regression appearing in 2.0.21 caused by :ticket:`10279` where using a :func:`_sql.delete` or :func:`_sql.update` against an ORM class that is the base of an inheritance hierarchy, while also specifying that subclasses should be loaded polymorphically, would leak the polymorphic joins into the UPDATE or DELETE statement as well creating incorrect SQL. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm, regression :tickets: 11661 Fixed regression from version 1.4 in :meth:`_orm.Session.bulk_insert_mappings` where using the :paramref:`_orm.Session.bulk_insert_mappings.return_defaults` parameter would not populate the passed in dictionaries with newly generated primary key values. .. change:: :tags: bug, oracle, sqlite :tickets: 11663 Implemented bitwise operators for Oracle which was previously non-functional due to a non-standard syntax used by this database. Oracle's support for bitwise "or" and "xor" starts with server version 21. Additionally repaired the implementation of "xor" for SQLite. As part of this change, the dialect compliance test suite has been enhanced to include support for server-side bitwise tests; third party dialect authors should refer to new "supports_bitwise" methods in the file to enable these tests. .. change:: :tags: bug, typing Fixed internal typing issues to establish compatibility with mypy 1.11.0. Note that this does not include issues which have arisen with the deprecated mypy plugin used by SQLAlchemy 1.4-style code; see the addiional change note for this plugin indicating revised compatibility. .. changelog:: ``` ### 2.0.31 ``` :released: June 18, 2024 .. change:: :tags: usecase, reflection, mysql :tickets: 11285 Added missing foreign key reflection option ``SET DEFAULT`` in the MySQL and MariaDB dialects. Pull request courtesy of Quentin Roche. .. change:: :tags: usecase, orm :tickets: 11361 Added missing parameter :paramref:`` that allows specifying the name of returned :class:`_orm.AliasedClass`. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11365 Fixed issue where a :class:`.MetaData` collection would not be serializable, if an :class:`.Enum` or :class:`.Boolean` datatype were present which had been adapted. This specific scenario in turn could occur when using the :class:`.Enum` or :class:`.Boolean` within ORM Annotated Declarative form where type objects frequently get copied. .. change:: :tags: schema, usecase :tickets: 11374 Added :paramref:`_schema.Column.insert_default` as an alias of :paramref:`_schema.Column.default` for compatibility with :func:`_orm.mapped_column`. .. change:: :tags: bug, general :tickets: 11417 Set up full Python 3.13 support to the extent currently possible, repairing issues within internal language helpers as well as the serializer extension module. .. change:: :tags: bug, sql :tickets: 11422 Fixed issue when serializing an :func:`_sql.over` clause with unbounded range or rows. .. change:: :tags: bug, sql :tickets: 11423 Added missing methods :meth:`_sql.FunctionFilter.within_group` and :meth:`_sql.WithinGroup.filter` .. change:: :tags: bug, sql :tickets: 11426 Fixed bug in :meth:`_sql.FunctionFilter.filter` that would mutate the existing function in-place. It now behaves like the rest of the SQLAlchemy API, returning a new instance instead of mutating the original one. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11446 Fixed issue where the :func:`_orm.selectinload` and :func:`_orm.subqueryload` loader options would fail to take effect when made against an inherited subclass that itself included a subclass-specific :paramref:`_orm.Mapper.with_polymorphic` setting. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11449 Fixed very old issue involving the :paramref:`_orm.joinedload.innerjoin` parameter where making use of this parameter mixed into a query that also included joined eager loads along a self-referential or other cyclical relationship, along with complicating factors like inner joins added for secondary tables and such, would have the chance of splicing a particular inner join to the wrong part of the query. Additional state has been added to the internal method that does this splice to make a better decision as to where splicing should proceed. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm, regression :tickets: 11509 Fixed bug in ORM Declarative where the ``__table__`` directive could not be declared as a class function with :func:`_orm.declared_attr` on a superclass, including an ``__abstract__`` class as well as coming from the declarative base itself. This was a regression since 1.4 where this was working, and there were apparently no tests for this particular use case. .. changelog:: ``` ### 2.0.30 ``` :released: May 5, 2024 .. change:: :tags: bug, typing, regression :tickets: 11200 Fixed typing regression caused by :ticket:`11055` in version 2.0.29 that added ``ParamSpec`` to the asyncio ``run_sync()`` methods, where using :meth:`_asyncio.AsyncConnection.run_sync` with :meth:`_schema.MetaData.reflect` would fail on mypy due to a mypy issue. Pull request courtesy of Francisco R. Del Roio. .. change:: :tags: bug, engine :tickets: 11210 Fixed issue in the :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.logging_token` option, where changing the value of ``logging_token`` on a connection that has already logged messages would not be updated to reflect the new logging token. This in particular prevented the use of :meth:`_orm.Session.connection` to change the option on the connection, since the BEGIN logging message would already have been emitted. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11220 Added new attribute :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_from_statement` to detect statements created using :meth:`_sql.Select.from_statement`, and enhanced ``FromStatement`` to set :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_select`, :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_insert`, :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_update`, and :attr:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.is_delete` according to the element that is sent to the :meth:`_sql.Select.from_statement` method itself. .. change:: :tags: bug, test :tickets: 11268 Ensure the ``PYTHONPATH`` variable is properly initialized when using ```` in the tests. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11291 Fixed issue in :func:`_orm.selectin_polymorphic` loader option where attributes defined with :func:`_orm.composite` on a superclass would cause an internal exception on load. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm, regression :tickets: 11292 Fixed regression from 1.4 where using :func:`_orm.defaultload` in conjunction with a non-propagating loader like :func:`_orm.contains_eager` would nonetheless propagate the :func:`_orm.contains_eager` to a lazy load operation, causing incorrect queries as this option is only intended to come from an original load. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11305 Fixed issue in ORM Annotated Declarative where typing issue where literals defined using :pep:`695` type aliases would not work with inference of :class:`.Enum` datatypes. Pull request courtesy of Alc-Alc. .. change:: :tags: bug, engine :tickets: 11306 Fixed issue in cursor handling which affected handling of duplicate :class:`_sql.Column` or similar objcts in the columns clause of :func:``, both in combination with arbitary :func:`_sql.text()` clauses in the SELECT list, as well as when attempting to retrieve :meth:`_engine.Result.mappings` for the object, which would lead to an internal error. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11327 Fixed issue in :func:`_orm.selectin_polymorphic` loader option where the SELECT emitted would only accommodate for the child-most class among the result rows that were returned, leading intermediary-class attributes to be unloaded if there were no concrete instances of that intermediary-class present in the result. This issue only presented itself for multi-level inheritance hierarchies. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11332 Fixed issue in :meth:`_orm.Session.bulk_save_objects` where the form of the identity key produced when using ``return_defaults=True`` would be incorrect. This could lead to an errors during pickling as well as identity map mismatches. .. change:: :tags: bug, installation :tickets: 11334 Fixed an internal class that was testing for unexpected attributes to work correctly under upcoming Python 3.13. Pull request courtesy Edgar Ramírez-Mondragón. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11347 Fixed issue where attribute key names in :class:`_orm.Bundle` would not be correct when using ORM enabled :class:`` vs. :class:`_orm.Query`, when the statement contained duplicate column names. .. change:: :tags: bug, typing Fixed issue in typing for :class:`_orm.Bundle` where creating a nested :class:`_orm.Bundle` structure were not allowed. .. changelog:: ``` ### 2.0.29 ``` :released: March 23, 2024 .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 10611 Fixed Declarative issue where typing a relationship using :class:`_orm.Relationship` rather than :class:`_orm.Mapped` would inadvertently pull in the "dynamic" relationship loader strategy for that attribute. .. change:: :tags: postgresql, usecase :tickets: 10693 The PostgreSQL dialect now returns :class:`_postgresql.DOMAIN` instances when reflecting a column that has a domain as type. Previously, the domain data type was returned instead. As part of this change, the domain reflection was improved to also return the collation of the text types. Pull request courtesy of Thomas Stephenson. .. change:: :tags: bug, typing :tickets: 11055 Fixed typing issue allowing asyncio ``run_sync()`` methods to correctly type the parameters according to the callable that was passed, making use of :pep:`612` ``ParamSpec`` variables. Pull request courtesy Francisco R. Del Roio. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 11091 Fixed issue in ORM annotated declarative where using :func:`_orm.mapped_column()` with an :paramref:`_orm.mapped_column.index` or :paramref:`_orm.mapped_column.unique` setting of False would be overridden by an incoming ``Annotated`` element that featured that parameter set to ``True``, even though the immediate :func:`_orm.mapped_column()` element is more specific and should take precedence. The logic to reconcile the booleans has been enhanced to accommodate a local value of ``False`` as still taking precedence over an incoming ``True`` value from the annotated element. .. change:: :tags: usecase, orm :tickets: 11130 Added support for the :pep:`695` ``TypeAliasType`` construct as well as the python 3.12 native ``type`` keyword to work with ORM Annotated Declarative form when using these constructs to link to a :pep:`593` ``Annotated`` container, allowing the resolution of the ``Annotated`` to proceed when these constructs are used in a :class:`_orm.Mapped` typing container. .. change:: :tags: bug, engine :tickets: 11157 Fixed issue in :ref:`engine_insertmanyvalues` feature where using a primary key column with an "inline execute" default generator such as an explicit :class:`.Sequence` with an explcit schema name, while at the same time using the :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.schema_translate_map` feature would fail to render the sequence or the parameters properly, leading to errors. .. change:: :tags: bug, engine :tickets: 11160 Made a change to the adjustment made in version 2.0.10 for :ticket:`9618`, which added the behavior of reconciling RETURNING rows from a bulk INSERT to the parameters that were passed to it. This behavior included a comparison of already-DB-converted bound parameter values against returned row values that was not always "symmetrical" for SQL column types such as UUIDs, depending on specifics of how different DBAPIs receive such values versus how they return them, necessitating the need for additional "sentinel value resolver" methods on these column types. Unfortunately this broke third party column types such as UUID/GUID types in libraries like SQLModel which did not implement this special method, raising an error "Can't match sentinel values in result set to parameter sets". Rather than attempt to further explain and document this implementation detail of the "insertmanyvalues" feature including a public version of the new method, the approach is intead revised to no longer need this extra conversion step, and the logic that does the comparison now works on the pre-converted bound parameter value compared to the post-result-processed value, which should always be of a matching datatype. In the unusual case that a custom SQL column type that also happens to be used in a "sentinel" column for bulk INSERT is not receiving and returning the same value type, the "Can't match" error will be raised, however the mitigation is straightforward in that the same Python datatype should be passed as that returned. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm, regression :tickets: 11173 Fixed regression from version 2.0.28 caused by the fix for :ticket:`11085` where the newer method of adjusting post-cache bound parameter values would interefere with the implementation for the :func:`_orm.subqueryload` loader option, which has some more legacy patterns in use internally, when the additional loader criteria feature were used with this loader option. .. change:: :tags: bug, sql, regression :tickets: 11176 Fixed regression from the 1.4 series where the refactor of the :meth:`_types.TypeEngine.with_variant` method introduced at :ref:`change_6980` failed to accommodate for the ``.copy()`` method, which will lose the variant mappings that are set up. This becomes an issue for the very specific case of a "schema" type, which includes types such as :class:`.Enum` and :class:`_types.ARRAY`, when they are then used in the context of an ORM Declarative mapping with mixins where copying of types comes into play. The variant mapping is now copied as well. .. change:: :tags: bug, tests :tickets: 11187 Backported to SQLAlchemy 2.0 an improvement to the test suite with regards to how asyncio related tests are run, now using the newer Python 3.11 ``asyncio.Runner`` or a backported equivalent, rather than relying on the previous implementation based on ``asyncio.get_running_loop()``. This should hopefully prevent issues with large suite runs on CPU loaded hardware where the event loop seems to become corrupted, leading to cascading failures. .. changelog:: ``` ### 2.0.28 ``` :released: March 4, 2024 .. change:: :tags: engine, usecase :tickets: 10974 Added new core execution option :paramref:`_engine.Connection.execution_options.preserve_rowcount`. When set, the ``cursor.rowcount`` attribute from the DBAPI cursor will be unconditionally memoized at statement execution time, so that whatever value the DBAPI offers for any kind of statement will be available using the :attr:`_engine.CursorResult.rowcount` attribute from the :class:`_engine.CursorResult`. This allows the rowcount to be accessed for statements such as INSERT and SELECT, to the degree supported by the DBAPI in use. The :ref:`engine_insertmanyvalues` also supports this option and will ensure :attr:`_engine.CursorResult.rowcount` is correctly set for a bulk INSERT of rows when set. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm, regression :tickets: 11010 Fixed regression caused by :ticket:`9779` where using the "secondary" table in a relationship ``and_()`` expression would fail to be aliased to match how the "secondary" table normally renders within a :meth:`_sql.Select.join` expression, leading to an invalid query. .. change:: :tags: bug, orm, performance, regression :tickets: 11085 Adjusted the fix made in :ticket:`10570`, released in 2.0.23, where new logic was added to reconcile possibly changing bound parameter values across cache key generations used within the :func:`_orm.with_expression` construct. The new logic changes the approach by which the new bound parameter values are associated with the statement, avoiding the need to deep-copy the statement which can result in a significant performance penalty for very deep / complex SQL constructs. The new approach no longer requires this deep-copy step. .. change:: :tags: bug, asyncio :tickets: 8771 An error is raised if a :class:`.QueuePool` or other non-asyncio pool class is passed to :func:`_asyncio.create_async_engine`. This engine only accepts asyncio-compatible pool classes including :class:`.AsyncAdaptedQueuePool`. Other pool classes such as :class:`.NullPool` are compatible with both synchronous and asynchronous engines as they do not perform any locking. .. seealso:: :ref:`pool_api` .. change:: :tags: change, tests pytest support in the tox.ini file has been updated to support pytest 8.1. .. changelog:: ``` ### 2.0.27 ``` :released: February 13, 2024 .. change:: :tags: bug, postgresql, regression :tickets: 11005 Fixed regression caused by just-released fix for :ticket:`10863` where an invalid exception class were added to the "except" block, which does not get exercised unless such a catch actually happens. A moc