python-qt-tools / PySide6-stubs

Stubs for Qt6 for Python/PySide6
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
16 stars 4 forks source link

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Mypy stubs for the PySide6 (Qt6 for Python)

Author : Philippe Fremy

This package provides improved typing stubs for Qt6 for Python/PySide6. The official stubs delivered along with PySide6 are insufficent for proper typing verification with mypy.

Notable improvements:

See for full details.

This effort was inspired by the PyQt5-stubs and PySide2-stubs project.

Please note that this work is far from complete. Don't hesitate to report problems or propose improvements.


As a derived work from PySide6, the stubs are delivered under the LGPL v2.1 . See file LICENSE for more details.


Install from pypi:

$ pip install PySide6-stubs

If you want to install the stable development version from the Git repository:

$ pip install git+

Help improve the stubs

If you notice incorrect or missing typing information (mypy reports errors eventhough your code is correct), please report it here with the following steps: