python-rope / ropevim

vim mode that uses rope library to provide features like python refactorings and code-assists
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Installation is very hard on Windows #68

Open tngreene opened 6 years ago

tngreene commented 6 years ago


I was very excited to try using this in VIm, but found it to be a frustrating mess. I'm filing some bugs for each problem I encountered.

Details: I'm using gVim 8, huge features, compiled Sept 6th, 2017.

Firstly, installation:

  1. The instructions said "New Features: ropemode is not the part of distribution now", which I understood as "This is a good thing!" Not, "this is secretly a requirement and you'll only find out that when you dig into the for ropevim or notice and understand ImportError: No module named ropemode.decorators "

  2. "Add ropevim folder to PYTHONPATH" is unclear. After running the setup script, a compiled copy of rope_omni and ropevim were put in "C:\Vim\Lib\site-packages" (yes, I know that is an odd place for it to go). Adding "C:\Vim\Lib\site-packages" made it work. So

  1. The install script was not very clean. Running it did not put the contents in their own folder, ropevim, like it's brother ropemode. This was a bit annoying to deal with. and made me unsure if I was using it right/putting it in the right place. This is my folder at the end of the day.

I am somewhat new at python's package managment system and don't know what the norms are. An issue I had was that the only way to get my copy of Vim to work with python was to copy a whole Python 3.6 installation into the Vim folder, which is probably why C:\Vim\Lib\site-packages was where it thought these things should go, right?

  1. I don't know if there is a way to increase the error messages on the script, but having it say "You don't have ropemode/you don't have it in the right place!" would have been a big help. Otherise it said that it had completed. Which is true, just that its not the same as it working.

Making the instructions a little clearer would have been a big help. I did get it loading, but not really working.

mcepl commented 6 years ago

Yeah, it is not very clearly said. “Not part of distribution” means in fact “you should install it via pip install ropevim”. Then all dependencies install as well. Pull request explaining installation for normal humans in README would be gratefully accepted.