Open JavierParada opened 4 years ago
The HeatMap is shown behind the image.
I quess better late then never. If anybody else has problem with HeatMapWithTime drawing data behind ImageOverlay. Instead of using above mentioned line of HTML code which tries to push heatmap layer foward.
You can instead push ImageOverlay back with code <style>.leaflet-image-layer{z-index:-1 !important}</style>
(Index -1 sets image back of the stack).
HeatMapWithTime is visualized in the back of the overlay image, even after including in my html.
According to, including this in my html should bring the Heatmap to the front. However, that did not work.
My map looks like this:
m = folium.Map([35, 41], tiles='stamentoner', zoom_start=6)
Land Use Changes
folium.raster_layers.ImageOverlay( image=dataimage, bounds=[[ymin, xmin], [ymax, xmax]], colormap = lambda x: (x, x, x), name= 'MODIS Transitions 2009 vs. 2017', opacity=.8, zindex=1, overlay=False, mercator_project=True).add_to(m)
UCDP HeatMap
hm = HeatMapWithTime(data=list(data.values()), # coordinates index=list(data.keys()), # years name = 'UCDP events', radius=10, auto_play=False, max_opacity=1).add_to(m)
My html header is attached: index.txt