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When FireFox is installed as a Flatpak but not a snap, webbrowser fails to detect it #124921

Open Scripter17 opened 1 month ago

Scripter17 commented 1 month ago

Bug report

Bug description:

I have my default browser set to FireFox installed as a Flatpak, and the /bin/firefox and /usr/bin/firefox executables that tell you to install FireFox as a snap exist (though I'm not sure if that's important).

Under this configuration, I need to pass BROWSER=/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin/org.mozilla.firefox as an environment variable to make the webbrowser module open URLs in FireFox. Without the environemnt variable webbrowser does nothing, so maybe it's running the "install as snap" executables?

CPython versions tested on:


Operating systems tested on:


rruuaanng commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I don't seem to understand the important point. This doesn't seem to have anything to do with python.

Scripter17 commented 1 month ago

I've found a probably not that uncommon state where the built-in webbrowser module completely fails to work or, it seems, even return an error

If this is the wrong place to report standard library issues then I'm sorry but I think this is well within reason for Python to solve?

I've set my default browser in Kubuntu to the FireFox Flatpak and everything else can figure it out