python / mypy

Optional static typing for Python
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Exhaustiveness checking fails on non-trivial use of pattern matching #14833

Open ajasmin opened 1 year ago

ajasmin commented 1 year ago

Code using assert_never() to ensure exhaustive use of match-case yields a type error on many non-trivial cases.

mypy can only verify exhaustiveness when matching directly against a Union type or Enum value.

Though, proving the exhaustiveness of non-trivial matches may be beyond mypy domain. Here are a couple of examples for the sake of argument:

*Matching on both [] and `[x, xs]onSequence` will not narrow the type**

from import Sequence
from typing import assert_never

def my_sum(s: Sequence[float]) -> float:
    match s:
        case []:
            return 0
        case [num, *rest]:
            return num + my_sum(rest)
        case _ as u:
            # error: Argument 1 to "assert_never" has incompatible type "Sequence[float]"; expected "NoReturn"
            return assert_never(u)

Matching against all Enum values that a single-member wrapper class may contain

import dataclasses, enum
from typing import assert_never, final

class E(enum.Enum):
    A =
    B =

class Foo:
    x: E

def match_enum_attribute(f: Foo) -> None:
    match f:
        case Foo(E.A):
        case Foo(E.B):
        case _ as r:
            # error: Argument 1 to "assert_never" has incompatible type "Foo"; expected "NoReturn"  [arg-type]
erictraut commented 1 year ago

I think mypy is working as intended here. Exhaustiveness checking is based on type narrowing.

In your top example, the initial type of s is Sequence[float]. The type cannot be further narrowed by the first case statement because the length of the sequence cannot be determined statically. For the same reason, the type cannot be further narrowed by the second case statement. If you were to add a third case statement that uses the pattern [*x], mypy should be able to narrow the type to Never. (It doesn't do this currently, so that looks to me like a missing feature. Pyright is able to narrow to Never in this case.)

In your second example, the initial type of f is Foo. Neither of the case statements can further narrow the type. It remains Foo. There is no type in the Python type system that represents "an instance of Foo where the x attribute does not contain E.A". If you want mypy to check for exhaustiveness in this case, you could modify your code as follows:

def match_enum_attribute(f: Foo) -> None:
    match f:
        case Foo():
            match f.x:
                case E.A:
                case E.B:
                case _ as r:
        case _ as r:
ajasmin commented 1 year ago

When rewriting the second example to match on tuple[E], mypy correctly narrows the type of the Enum E but still fails on assert_never(r):

import enum
from typing_extensions import assert_never

class E(enum.Enum):
    A =
    B =

def match_enum_attribute(f: tuple[E]) -> None:
    match f:
        case (E.A,):
        case (E.B,):
        case _ as r:

error: Argument 1 to "assert_never" has incompatible type "Tuple[<nothing>]"; expected "NoReturn"  [arg-type]
AlexWaygood commented 1 year ago

When rewriting the second example to match on tuple[E], mypy correctly narrows the type of the Enum E but still fails on assert_never(r):

There's a bug in your code here. You want to call assert_never on the first element of f in the fallback case, rather than f itself (since f is known to be a tuple). If you correct your code to the following, mypy is fine with it:

import enum
from typing_extensions import assert_never

class E(enum.Enum):
    A =
    B =

def match_enum_attribute(f: tuple[E]) -> None:
    match f:
        case (E.A,):
        case (E.B,):
        case (_,) as r:

ajasmin commented 1 year ago

When matching on tuples of two enums, it's also possible for enum values to be narrowed too aggressively.

import enum
from typing_extensions import assert_never

class E(enum.Enum):
    A =
    B =

def do_match(t: tuple[E,E]) -> None:
    match t:
        case (E.A,E.A):
        case (E.B,_):
        case (x,y):
            # no type error there

# Fails at runtime

From my understanding, we'd need a broad match like (E.A, _) or (E.A, *rest) to narrow out E.A from the first element. Though, mypy narrows on (E.A, E.A) and doesn't reach assert_never(x).

With (E.A, *rest), we can check exhaustiveness on rest by nesting match statements and calling assert_never() in each branch though this is more verbose.