pytroll / satpy

Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can pytroll process MetOp L0 Data? #1266

Closed Aang23 closed 1 month ago

Aang23 commented 4 years ago

I am looking to process data acquired by my own amateur station from the AHRPT downlink. I see this is supported for FengYun as long as you can provide raw CCSDS data (which I can). Can you do the same for MetOp with all supported instruments? Or does it need to be processed in a specific way before doing so?

mraspaud commented 4 years ago

Welcome to satpy @Aang23! At the moment, I think the only raw data we support is HRPT from NOAA, and we just extract AVHRR from it in the reader.

Can you do the same for MetOp with all supported instruments?

We don't have the code to do it now, but it sounds definitely interesting, if you want to give us a hand with that :) In the case of AVHRR, that would imply two things (after decoding the AHRPT stream and getting the channel data, the telemetry and the time):

Or does it need to be processed in a specific way before doing so?

As far as I know, the Metop AVHRR data we process in satpy can come from two sources:

Keep us updated on which way you go!

mraspaud commented 1 month ago

Closing this due to inactivity.

Aang23 commented 4 weeks ago

It's been a long while indeed, but I might as well chip in to give an update anyway :

In the end, this was implemented on my end in a project started after I was asking this. We've implemented L1B+ processing on our own for various satellite, including several reverse-engineered as to not required the hard-to-obtain official software (eg, METEOR, FengYun-3, etc).

PS : That more or less means "re-writing" AAPP but in a ways that fits more usecases and is much simpler for users :-)

mraspaud commented 4 weeks ago

@Aang23 thanks a lot for coming back to us and sharing this project! It sure looks interesting :)