qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Change the driveletter of torrents on qb(more details bellow) orMove torrents to another drive keeping the foldertree #7194

Open GiRaFa-SM opened 6 years ago

GiRaFa-SM commented 6 years ago

i've created 200~folders with specific filenames and sometimes with description to easier managment), some folders are in other folders (for example, i store my ISOs on my D: disk, series in G:, and books (sorted by author). If it were possible to move the main torrent directory to another drive (where the books are stored, and change JUST the driveletter in qb, keeping the foldertree) it wouldnt be necessary move every torrent manually,

Another solution to illustrate my issue:

I move files to G:\Torrent(This is the main torrent directory)\Books\J.K. Rowling(this is where the torrent was downloaded) and so on. The original path was H:\Torrent\Books\J.K. Rowling\

But when i use the option to change directory in qb, it just moves the file the new folder without keeping the foldertree,(ex: G:\Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) so it's a hassle setting everything up again. Mainly if you have 200~torrents saved like this.

Another solution to solve this problem: name another drive with the same driveletter, for example, if i buy a big hdd for seeding, I'd just need to move the main torrent directory and change the driveletter through windows hd management program.

The problem of this is: If you move files from another drives with linked programs on it, it would create the same issue of above. Except that it would be easier to set a bunch of programs on a new drive in custom folders.

I dont know if i was clear enough, if i wasnt, please comment and i'll try to explain in another way.

Thank you for your time, thanks.

berbiche commented 6 years ago

qBittorrent deletes the folder if it is empty after moving stuff.

What you are asking for is an option to keep the folder after moving stuff around right?

GiRaFa-SM commented 6 years ago

No, what you said it's not even remotely close to what i asked for. Please read again. Do the following: Download a torrent and create various subfolders from that torrent. After finishing downloading, move this torrent to another drive or directory to a new folder(without creating any other folders inside this folder) using qbitorrent.

Check if the program keeps the folder(s) you created previously, it'll probably just move the downloaded file to that directory without keeping the foldertree you created. I did the following here: I moved my torrent folder to another bigger drive and expected to JUST change the driveletter in qb, because by moving the files to another drive, i would keep the foldertree and i wouldnt need to move every torrent manually to a new folder. IF qb could move the foldertree it would solve my problem, but also, if it could just give an option to change the driveletter of selected torrents, it also would solve my problem, because this way it would automatically detects torrents in a new drive after restarting the program.

I hope you understand.

rsgabriel commented 5 years ago

Just FYI:

No, what you said it's not even remotely close to what i asked for. Please read again.

You're trying to ask for help and someone is trying to help, and you say this? Quite rude I would say.

The simplest way I can explain the issue is this:

let's say there are torrents located in the following locations:



Using "Set Location" and setting the location to d:\ would result in the following file structure:


instead of this:


I think there would need to be a new "Change Drive" or "Set Drive" dialog that prompts the user for a destination drive letter. Then qBittorent would check if the following exists


and see it doesn't exist, then create that directory and move file1.txt to it. if it does, just move file1.txt there.

then move on to


and repeat the process.

rsgabriel commented 5 years ago

This may only apply to windows.

A manual way to do this, although, much less tedious is to use the following command:

xcopy /t /e "C:\Source" "D:\Destination"

Which will copy the directory structure without the files.

Then, in qBittorent, highlight a series of files in the same directory at the source and Set Location, now instead of navigating to or creating folders via this dialog, you may simply select the address bar and replace the drive letter there, and choose select folder. With a macro you could automate this.