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qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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qBittorrent v4.0.0 - Issues, Forum Topics #7741

Closed Nemo-qB closed 5 years ago

Nemo-qB commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

People complain about the UI with v4.0.0, but reverting back to the old style will also make some complain again. You can't make both sides happy it seems. https://qbforums.shiki.hu/index.php/topic,5465.0.html https://qbforums.shiki.hu/index.php/topic,5292.0.html https://qbforums.shiki.hu/index.php/topic,5464.0.html

Poorly rendered icons like this, confirmed by me. https://qbforums.shiki.hu/index.php/topic,5460.msg26665.html#msg26665

Weird speed behaviour, did change alot of settings with the cache but still the same up and down issue, confirmed by me https://qbforums.shiki.hu/index.php/topic,5461.0.html speeds

Double click issue with downloading torrents. https://qbforums.shiki.hu/index.php/topic,5462.0.html

Windows defender issue. https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/7737

Crashing issue, like the one is reported here. https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/7739

I have redirected the users that have problems to this issue so we have everything at one place.

oldman777 commented 6 years ago


After update to 4.0 speed became unstable.

3.3.16 no issue.

Is it possible to fix this?


Nemo-qB commented 6 years ago

I can confirm this, updated the main post. Makes me think that someting is wrong with libtorrent 1.1.5.

sherba800 commented 6 years ago

New design is gorgeous. Old design is ugly. Few issues are really annoying after update:

  1. Poorly rendered icons: 1
  2. Constantly appearing crash window after torrent or magnet link is added (on Windows 10): 2
  3. Unstable speed.
cr0ssmind commented 6 years ago

Yes, icons are poorly rendered me too and the speed is unstable, as oldman777 mentioned it earlier.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I'm seeing almost all these issues on the machine I tested 4.0.0 on.

At this point, there's too many issues with 4.0.0 to recommend using it.

There should have been more than 2 betas. At least 4 betas would have fixed most of these issues, and too many outstanding issues were simply ignored and slapped with a 4.0.1 label instead.

4.0.0 should have been rolled out in early 2018. I suspect 4.0.0 was rushed out in order to get in front of the holiday season.

I'm sticking with 3.3.16 until we get a release everybody is happy with.

quxixian commented 6 years ago

Scrolling vertical and especially sideways with mouse feels chunky and jerky to me, can't say for sure so please check on your side too.

BobMarley77 commented 6 years ago

Im getting this error after clicking on magnet link https://image.ibb.co/dJN2Cm/Capture.jpg the torrent does load but the error appears every time.

matpu commented 6 years ago

when double click to open the File, it only open the General folder not the folder containing the click file or folders

zpoison commented 6 years ago

@quxixian Same here, it moves in "blocks" of 10 torrents , kinda 1 - it feels it cannot scroll smoothly

And if you guys don't mind I will add:

2 - VISUAL The visual is hard on the eyes colors and blacks and writings are too contrasted, but the design is nice (greyer and more pastel like previous version was much softer on the eyes IMO)

3 - BETTER RECEPTION At first connection, after install, there was a progress, it was like the old stalled torrents have started to donwnload again, it was nice, I did 30 Gb in very little time It stabilized ( I have 2000 resumed torrents in it, + 800 are completed, to me its like that all the time) It seems the old stalled torrents are doing kinda well, some are downloading right now

4 - "NOT WORKING" After 1-2 hours I added 3-4 new torrents and they were "not working" Nothing could be done to start the trackers (not normal, because they had many seeds)

5 - LONGER TO CLOSE I had to close Qbittorrent and it took a long time before it closed, as like it was a couple of releases ago, but that is not that bad since Qbittorrent is so great we can live with it (too many download in progress maybe but in the previous release it did not matters, nevermind)

6 - FOLDER ISSUE The open folder location is opening the root folder, so that's another strange thing that's happenning.

jaykae89 commented 6 years ago

issue with the rss downloader, setting a saved folder but still keeps putting the files in the complete save folder in the settings

completely ignores the separate saved folder set in rss

PMmeyourgits commented 6 years ago

I also had qb4.0.0 crash on me right after update. Hoping to see all these bugs fixed, since an update is supposed to be better than the older version...

sledgehammer999 commented 6 years ago

About the speed issues: Try playing with the μTP-TCP mixed mode algorithm option in Advanced settings. The previous default was "Prefer TCP".

About antialiased icon: https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/7725#issuecomment-345696356

About "Double click issue with downloading torrents." : #7720

MarkoFil commented 6 years ago

Hello, After the update, newly added torrents don't want to start download, no matter the tracker. The activity is just zero. Seeding of old finished torrents still works.

UPDATE: after uninstalling 4.0 and reverting to 3.3.15, everything works again. User settings have not been changed in any of the versions that I've used.

fstlaneukraine commented 6 years ago

Hello, After the update, newly added torrents don't want to start download, no matter the tracker. The activity is just zero. Seeding of old finished torrents still works.

Except if, like me, your RSS is broken and you go back to 3.3.16. In which case, all previously downloaded torrents (haven't tried a new one yet) will not seed. Only way to keep them from pausing is to force seed.

allnex commented 6 years ago

I'm getting a lot of I/O errors, all from the same file. With 3.3.6 it also happened but less times.

(N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:56:03 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo (N) 2017-11-20T15:57:06 - Ocurrió un error de I/O, 'file.mkv' pausado. file.mkv read (Z:\Series\file.mkv) error: El dispositivo no está listo

Taomyn commented 6 years ago

I cannot install either the 32bit or 64bit on my Windows Server 2016 - I can re-install v3.3.16 but running the new 4.0.0 installer and nothing happens. There is no message, no hanging process, no eventlog messages, just nothing. Very strange,

brechreiz commented 6 years ago

re-checking more than 1 file at a time does no longer pause the checking for the other files :/ it checks every file at once... that's not cool.

please fix, or tell me if there is an option to change this behavior.

sledgehammer999 commented 6 years ago

Hello, After the update, newly added torrents don't want to start download, no matter the tracker. The activity is just zero. Seeding of old finished torrents still works.

Except if, like me, your RSS is broken and you go back to 3.3.16. In which case, all previously downloaded torrents (haven't tried a new one yet) will not seed. Only way to keep them from pausing is to force seed.

Right click on your completed torrents and select "Limit share ratio...". Make sure that it has the correct value.

fstlaneukraine commented 6 years ago

Right click on your completed torrents and select "Limit share ratio...". Make sure that it has the correct value.

That was it. I never set that, so 4.0 must have done something to my value and when I went back to 3.3.16 it was f'ed up. Thanks!

N1mu3h commented 6 years ago

Please give us the option which icon set to use - these new ones look simply hideous on a dark theme (not to mention that the systray icon on win7 looks like it was drawn by someone with Parkinsons):

Also the speeds were so bad I reverted back to 3.3.16 ... the new version only had maybe 1/8th of the download speed on the same file.

matpu commented 6 years ago

Also, The Delete Command did not delete the file from the System even if you select "Also Delete the File from the Hard Drive option"

Apesbrain commented 6 years ago

Child windows do not respect screen boundaries. If the main window is not maximized, both the "Options" window and the "Display torrent content and some options" window can run off the screen and do not retain new position when moved.

ghost commented 6 years ago
Im getting this error after clicking on magnet link
the torrent does load but the error appears every time.

I'm getting the exact same error.

sledgehammer999 commented 6 years ago

Im getting this error after clicking on magnet link https://image.ibb.co/dJN2Cm/Capture.jpg the torrent does load but the error appears every time.

I'm getting the exact same error.

Already fixed with https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/commit/236abcf3f1447e1f96c370e0ca78b7a5d47971c7

dreamhunt commented 6 years ago

Please, add an option to keep the old glossy icons as an alternative option in the settings for those who prefer to use them. New icon set is VERY ugly!

sledgehammer999 commented 6 years ago

Please, add an option to keep the old glossy icons as an alternative option in the settings for those who prefer to use them

Nope. Personally I downvote this.

alexpetrut93 commented 6 years ago

Link to old icons back (qbitorent v 336)

dreamhunt commented 6 years ago

Nope. Personally I downvote this.

What do you mean? Do you like this shitty icons??? Are you blind or something?

ghost commented 6 years ago

@sledgehammer999 OK, what am I supposed to do with that? Sorry for being such a noob...

Nemo-qB commented 6 years ago


Thats your opinion. Others do like it who didn't liked the old style and so on.

I can still remember when everyone was complaining at the forums about the UI that it looked so "outdated".

Chocobo1 commented 6 years ago

@Tuff-Gong OK, what am I supposed to do with that? Sorry for being such a noob...

Wait for the next release, I suspect it won't be long.

ghost commented 6 years ago

OK, thanks!

N1mu3h commented 6 years ago

@Nemo-qB Thats your opinion. Others do like it who didn't liked the old style and so on.

Can't be all THAT hard to add an option in settings so we can have the choice between old + new icons? Those new ones look cheap and are hard to see on a dark theme.

ghost commented 6 years ago

The new icons just need to be brightened up and be completely finished so they replace all of the old icons instead of most of the old icons.

The problem is that 4.0.0 was rushed out too early. We should have had 4 or 5 betas instead of just 2.

vit5421 commented 6 years ago

Run external program on torrent completion option is changing command syntaxes between parameters from \ to / .

shoomow commented 6 years ago

Hi, all. After I updated to 4.0.0, the list of torrents became all messed up. The ratio is correct, but the uploaded ammount is wrong. Speed doesn't go higher that 1.5 Mb/s for upload and download doesn't happen at all. fireshot pro screen capture 013 - -

P.S.: The design is fine.

dreamhunt commented 6 years ago

You are using ultra ugly Square 10 and It's obvious that you'll like the new ugly look of qbittorrent too. "Modern", flat ugliness. About speed problems, it has been written already in this thread. Don't be shy, read it!

t0lik commented 6 years ago

I have the antivirus-related issue but not the same as #7737. After successful installation Panda antivirus said: the virus W32/Exploit.gen is in qBitTorrent.exe.

Nemo-qB commented 6 years ago


Im not sure why you are bashing others who do like the icons and have a different opinion? Im using Windows 10 too whats the problem? Its personal taste who do and who don't like it, calm down a bit. It will always be like that but have some respect to each other in the first place.

Anyway.. Im sure that the devs will look into the issues.

dreamhunt commented 6 years ago

The problem is big and it's sad that you don't realize it. Spyware 10 is a disaster in so many ways. And people like you are using it because of force of habbit, nothing more. Ugly spyware, sheeps and the good shepherd Microsoft. Qbittorrent became such ugly too. Please, add an option to keep the old glossy icons as an alternative option in the settings for those who prefer to use them. New icon set is VERY ugly!

sledgehammer999 commented 6 years ago

@Tuff-Gong yes wait for the next release. It will be a hot-fix release. Probably tomorrow. I hope in the meantime we can fix another crashing issue that has been reported and we're investigating. Your crash is just annoying. I don't think it can cause loss of data until tomorrow.

dreamhunt commented 6 years ago

On Arch Linux with KDE there aren't problems at all. Just the ugliest icons...

shoomow commented 6 years ago

Stop whining already, nobody cares

Prisoner416 commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I won't be updating as long as this new icon is in use. Sticking with 3.3.16.

The slightly glossy, lightning in background icon was perfect and there was no real reason to change it to this "modern" flat... THING. I really hate the Windows Metro look.

zeule commented 6 years ago

On Arch Linux with KDE there aren't problems at all. Just the ugliest icons...

@dreamhunt: You can switch to your system icon theme (the setting is in "Advanced" tab)

dreamhunt commented 6 years ago

Yes, it's obvious. The opinion of the users doesn't matter, right? Sheeps are all using ugly and flat icons, f*ck the rest that don't want to blend in the herd! They all must obey to the flat madness, they haven't right to dislike them!

scanferr commented 6 years ago

Since updating to version 4, I am unable to seed. All torrents show as "Seeding" but after 10 seconds they change to "Completed" and therefore don't seed. Everything was working fine with the previous version. All settings are set up accordingly, number of connections, torrents, etc.

Any ideas?

ghost commented 6 years ago

I also try to install qbt 4.0 which turns into a nightmare. Crash on update, I/O errors and unstable dl/up speeds (no matter what) - I thought it was my connection ^_^; Luckly, prev version works. I hope the devs implements toolbar skinning like the one that emule had, so everyone has the possibility to change the icons to his hearts content (not my concern, I'm more interested in functionality and stability).

BTW thanks so much to the devs for this awesome piece of software given to us for free with no bloat/ads like other piece of software nowadays are full of.

sledgehammer999 commented 6 years ago

Since updating to version 4, I am unable to seed. All torrents show as "Seeding" but after 10 seconds they change to "Completed" and therefore don't seed. Everything was working fine with the previous version. All settings are set up accordingly, number of connections, torrents, etc.

Any ideas?

Right click and "limit share ratio..." on those torrents. Check that the correct option is selected.

sledgehammer999 commented 6 years ago

Old icons weren't svgs or high resolution. The world moves to higher res and dpi. So we need something that can scale.