qdm12 / BillSplitter

Mobile website app to split your bill at a venue (backend and frontend)
5 stars 5 forks source link

Sharing of dynamic webpage link procedure #11

Open qdm12 opened 6 years ago

gs2723 commented 6 years ago

Research how to create sharing functionality from iOS/Android. Any specific api or documentation on how to do.

gs2723 commented 6 years ago

I did some research - this is what I found:


We can have our app interface with other apps through what are known as "app extensions". Specifically, we want a "share" extension that will allow pull up an Apple UI (which we can customize somewhat) to allow the user to select which method they want to share through: SMS, email, Facebook, etc.

A simpler but less comprehensive approach seems to be to simply use the built-in iOS instance method: openURL. This method uses common URL schemes so should be very simple to launch mail & iMessage system apps using mailto or sms.


Seems to be conceptually the same. We have the option to use the built-in ACTION_SEND intention or similar to iOS, we can create use the built-in AndriodShareActionProvider widget, which appears to just need a call.