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Alternative biodiversity models #11

Open qdread opened 3 years ago

qdread commented 3 years ago

For robustness it would be a good idea to compare the results from Chaudhary with other potential models. This is just a note and needs a lot of elaboration.

qdread commented 3 years ago

First thing to do will be to use the Chaudhary 2019 characterization factors, since they may be an improvement on the ones from 2015. Already working on this...

qdread commented 3 years ago

I did end up using the Chaudhary and Brooks 2018 characterization factors which is a good improvement. Still have not tried to do any alternative models.

qdread commented 3 years ago

Reading the methods of Leclere et al 2020, they use eight different biodiversity models. However only three of them use the counting global species extinctions approach. One is Chaudhary and Brooks, one is the older Chaudhary 2015 model (we can skip this one as it has been superseded by the newer set of factors), and the other is something called BILBI. The following references are cited:

Maybe look into this and see if the model output is available for me to use and compare to Chaudhary results.

qdread commented 3 years ago

A small subset of the data is available as a notebook which has a worked example of fitting BILBI. The baseline model could be fit to this subset, then somehow I'd have to put my scenarios into a form that can be fed into the scenario part of BILBI. This might work but it would be best to have the model fits be based on the full dataset. See https://data.csiro.au/collections/collection/CIcsiro:45328v1/DItrue