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Routing plugin: Symbology of routes and reachability areas map viewer vs print/export #558

Open danceb opened 2 weeks ago

danceb commented 2 weeks ago

I discovered, that the symbology of routes and reachability areas created with the routing plugin differs within the map view compared to the version which is printed/exported as image. As the color is hard coded with rgb(10, 10, 255) within the plugin, the style which is used for export is a different one (I don't get, where it comes from). Moreover the route itself is missing within the export (the way points are printed).

Routing: grafik grafik

Reachability: grafik grafik

It would be nice to get the route printed aswell and furthermore the same symbology for the way points, routing lines and area polygons and used font family of the labels within the map and print/export.

manisandro commented 2 weeks ago

The mismatching geometry style should be fixed by [1]. Regarding the markers, the problem is that the marker symbol is not available to the server resp QGIS Server currently does not appear to correctly handle references to images in the SLD symbology.

[1] https://github.com/qgis/qwc2/commit/682113a8966b5603de96fab335470e1d1974ba92

danceb commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, I see. Thanks for the fix for the mismatching geometry styles! But is there a chance to consider the font family of the label in the map viewer aswell?

manisandro commented 2 weeks ago

Not via request, the redlining request parameters do not allow you to specify the font family [1]. What could/should work is setting the default font family in the QGIS Server environment.

[1] https://docs.qgis.org/3.16/en/docs/server_manual/services.html#redlining