Open mestaki opened 4 years ago
The error is due to these types not mapping correctly within the Qiita/QIIME2 artifact types:
(qiime2.2019.10) 18:31:04 (qiita@qiita):classify_samples_ncv$ qiime tools peek predictions.qza
UUID: 10d83423-1360-458e-8503-bb86ef161e0e
Type: SampleData[ClassifierPredictions]
Data format: PredictionsDirectoryFormat
(qiime2.2019.10) 18:31:39 (qiita@qiita):classify_samples_ncv$ qiime tools peek probabilities.qza
UUID: bf9766e0-109c-43e1-bf99-d72e8af96855
Type: SampleData[Probabilities]
Data format: ProbabilitiesDirectoryFormat
(qiime2.2019.10) 18:31:58 (qiita@qiita):classify_samples_ncv$ qiime tools peek feature_importance.qza
UUID: 52690214-828d-463f-a50e-42ed17f9e3d5
Type: FeatureData[Importance]
Data format: ImportanceDirectoryFormat
Which would need to be created as a plugin
Had someone show me this error on their dataset and I was able to duplicate it with some existing data in qiita. Just trying to run a random forest sample classifier on one categorical data with a non-rarefied data table. The collaborator mentions the same error with a rarefied version of the table as well as taxonomy collapsed table.
See full output below.
The confusing part is why it is executing executing alpha-group- significance? Not sure what it has to do with that plugin unless it is just using the KW test included there for some reason?