qiskit-advocate / qamp-fall-21

Qiskit advocate mentorship program (QAMP) fall 21 cohort (Sep - Dec 2021)
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Circuit/Pulse optimization across different quantum hardware modalities #18

Open nbronn opened 2 years ago

nbronn commented 2 years ago


While Qiskit is nominally a hardware-agnostic platform for gate-based quantum computing, the current transpiler (which takes an "abstract" quantum circuit to one that can be implemented on the available hardware) is more optimized for superconducting qubits (i.e., 2-qubit gates, immutable qubits, static couplings, etc). In order to expand the Qiskit ecosystem to different hardware modalities such as trapped ions, cold neutral atoms, and quantum dots, transpiler passes that take advantage of the physical interactions will be desired (for example, see this preprint as it relates to trapped ions).


@nbronn, Research Staff Member at IBM Research

Type of participant

Participants should be familiar with the physics of qubits (for example, this section of the Qiskit textbook or equivalent) and/or compilation and manipulation of quantum circuits as represented by directional acyclic graphs (DAGs), as in this tutorial.

Number of participants



Transpiler passes for optimization of circuits for non-superconducting quantum modalities.

areeq-hasan commented 2 years ago

Wow this sounds so cool, I'd be really interested in exploring this!

HitanshuGedam commented 2 years ago

I'm interested in exploring and contributing towards this project

brandhsn commented 2 years ago

@nbronn Is this a pure coding project? If it isn't, I'm very interested. :-)

nbronn commented 2 years ago

Happy to hear the interest! I would not say it is a pure coding project, since the operations will be determined by qubit physics, mathematical analyses (see Zhang et al) and/or compiling techniques (see Ding et al) can be used to increase efficiency of the operations, and this will inform how this information is coded in the transpiler. The idea is that someone will eventually use this on actual quantum hardware, but that is outside the scope of this project.

peachnuts commented 2 years ago

I'm really interested in this project and looking forward to contributing to it!

shil-m commented 2 years ago

Is this project suitable for someone who isn't very proficient in coding? I really like the idea and being a Physics undergraduate I can help with the mathematical formulations.

msciwoj1 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I was assigned to this project, to the spin modality group. I'm excited to begin exploring it.

brandhsn commented 2 years ago

Hi, I was assigned to this project, looking forward to working on it.

HuangJunye commented 2 years ago

Sorry I mixed up with project #17 and #18.

HuangJunye commented 2 years ago

@kjwcoo @msciwoj1 Can you please comment in this issue so that I can assign you?

kjwcoo commented 2 years ago

Like this? @HuangJunye

peachnuts commented 2 years ago

@HuangJunye Thanks Junye!

msciwoj1 commented 2 years ago

@HuangJunye I commented here two weeks ago, but doing it again if it helps.

HuangJunye commented 2 years ago

@kjwcoo @peachnuts @brandhsn @msciwoj1 Can you please upload your presentation here by the end of today? Thank you!

kjwcoo commented 2 years ago

#18 CircuitPulse optimization across different quantum hardware modalities.pptx.pdf

brandhsn commented 2 years ago

QAMP_Report_18.pdf qamp_18.pdf qamp_18

brandhsn commented 2 years ago

Final QAMP presentation #18 CircuitPulse optimization across different quantum hardware modalities_final.pptx