qiskit-advocate / qamp-fall-21

Qiskit advocate mentorship program (QAMP) fall 21 cohort (Sep - Dec 2021)
30 stars 6 forks source link

Qiskit Ecosystem #6

Open IceKhan13 opened 2 years ago

IceKhan13 commented 2 years ago


Build central repository for Qiskit Ecosystem.

The Ecosystem consists of projects, tools, utilities, libraries and tutorials from a broad community of developers and researchers. The goal of the Ecosystem is to recognize, support and accelerate development of quantum technologies using Qiskit.

Repository will be fully automated to accept submission for membership and update lists of participants.

More detailed description here



Iskandar Sitdikov (@IceKhan13), Qiskit Community Developer Advocate

Type of participant

Developers with knowledge of CI processes

Number of participants



Central ecosystem repository with fully automated management.

mickahell commented 2 years ago

Hi :) I used to develop CI, mainly on GitLab (at my work) but I also know Actions and I always try to automatize build, test and deployment on my personals projects with Actions. I like doing this kind of stuff to automate everything I can 🤖

bala-ceg commented 2 years ago

Hi @IceKhan13, I am a network software developer have theoretical knowledge about the CI process, also I am a new advocate. I worked on automating unit tests in my work. I would very much like to be part of this project.

IceKhan13 commented 2 years ago

Happy to see the interest in this project! Entire community will greatly benefit from this 💯

mickahell commented 2 years ago

#6 Qiskit Ecosystem.pdf

mickahell commented 2 years ago

The speech :

Since first checkpoint our focus was on finishing 2 main workflows: 
- submission - workflow that triggers after new project candidate has been submitted, it checks tests, style and coverage for project and notify if any issues were found. 
- projects scheduled check - workflow that triggers by cron to make sure all of projects within ecosystem are staying up to date with new versions of Qiskit
Major PRs with workflows were merged and we are running some regression tests at this moment. 

Ecosystem page POC for qiskit.org is also in the works as separate project.

- We also implemented ecosystem template for python based projects as separate repository for new developers to use as starting point.
- Language version support has been added to projects - it will allow to specify versions of language project supports
- 2 projects has been added to ecosystem

Remaining works in our TODO list without specific order:
- badging system (in progress) - dynamic badges that shows status of ecosystem membership and tests status 
- more projects - add more (up to 5) new projects to community tier of ecosystem
- documentation (in progress) - well document all modules, classes and methods for ecosystem
- final regression tests - final manual/regression tests to discover potential bugs and flaws of workflows
- (optional) configuration in DB  - add configuration options for each project into DB
mickahell commented 2 years ago
Screenshots tab tab_bis actions dasboard ![functional-structure](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20951376/141278007-5bcb3509-1ebd-40f6-b43f-f0bfdb90fc48.png) ![sub-wf](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20951376/141278022-a7f61188-ea98-448c-9a95-2e57df5c5b5c.png) ![weekly-wf](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20951376/141278027-62e63f76-d366-44d4-9e69-041d6d829ac3.png)
bala-ceg commented 2 years ago

Final Check Point Presentation qiskitecosystem_qampfinalcheckpoint.pdf

HuangJunye commented 2 years ago

Linking the PRs for this project for future references. Thanks for the awesome work and also marking the PR with QAMP label! https://github.com/qiskit-community/ecosystem/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+label%3A%22QAMP+fall+2021%22

mickahell commented 2 years ago

@HuangJunye maybe this can be helpful : https://github.com/qiskit-community/ecosystem/projects/1