qiskit-advocate / qamp-spring-23

Qiskit advocate mentorship program (QAMP) Spring 23 cohort (April - July 2023)
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Exploring QUBOs, QAOA, and circuit knitting #11

Open Travis-S-IBM opened 1 year ago

Travis-S-IBM commented 1 year ago


The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is one of the workhorses of near-term algorithms for tackling optimization problems with quantum computers. One of the core aspects of the QAOA is particular circuit structure it uses: repeated layers of unitary operations corresponding to a cost Hamiltonian (derived from the particular optimization problem being solved) and a mixing Hamiltonian.

Scaling out the QAOA to practical problem sizes (e.g., hundreds to thousands of variables) has been hindered by the fact that, typically, each variable in the problem is mapped to 1 qubit. Thus, naively, addressing such problems would require very large (high-qubit-count) quantum systems.

However, recent research has shown how high-width circuits can be decomposed (cut) into circuits with lower widths, via techniques that have come to be known collectively as circuit knitting.

In this project, we would explore the QAOA at scale, through the use of circuit knitting, to understand the factors which would affect the scaling of QAOA to extremely large problem instances. (Here, I envision these instances as being random instances of quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) problems).

More specifically, I'd like to understand the following:

I envision using the Qiskit Optimization module to study these questions, along with the circuit knitting toolbox.

The only prior work I've seen on QAOA + circuit knitting is this: https://scirate.com/arxiv/2302.01792 Note this work studies the impact of circuit knitting on the outcomes of running QAOA; this project would stop short of that, and not actually run the QAOA.


For the project:

For you:

For me:

Mentors details

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Type of mentees

For mentee 2, the same profile would apply.

MarcoBarroca commented 1 year ago

Also interested in this. I haven't used the knitting toolbox for circuit cutting but I have played around with Entanglement Forging.

gideonuchehara commented 1 year ago

Hello @Travis-S-IBM, I am a PhD student working on quantum circuit cutting. In my work titled "Rotation-inspired circuit optimization" https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.07358#:~:text=We%20propose%20Rotation%2DInspired%20Circuit,to%20solve%20an%20optimization%20problem., I explored an alternative circuit cutting method which reduces the post-processing overhead of circuit cutting, at the cost of having to solve an optimization problem. I am currently working on applications of this method to VQE with plans to extend it to QAOA as part of my PhD work. This project naturally aligns with my area of interest and I would like to be one of your mentees.

hsanthan commented 1 year ago

Hello @Travis-S-IBM, I'm interested in working on this project. I haven't used the circuit knitting toolbox, but I do have a ton of interest in learning in-depth entanglement forging. I was a mentee in QAMP 22 under Daniel Sierra-Sosa in which we analyzed x-ray images using hybrid QML methods. I wish to be one of your mentees and learn more. Thanks!

hsanthan commented 1 year ago


garrison commented 1 year ago


Is there supposed to be an attachment? I see only a filename.

MarcoBarroca commented 1 year ago


MarcoBarroca commented 1 year ago


hsanthan commented 1 year ago


hsanthan commented 1 year ago


MarcoBarroca commented 11 months ago
