qownnotes / scripts

QOwnNotes script repository
GNU General Public License v3.0
102 stars 78 forks source link

[SUPPORT] #218

Closed tmheath closed 6 months ago

tmheath commented 8 months ago

Script name


Script authors



I see that the Backlinks heading is created, but it does not fill in with any links. I was wondering more if I'm doing something wrong but also if something changed on the Gentoo or main distribution to cause this not to work (I doubt it but I just started using this). Really think that I'm using this incorrectly.

Copy paste of the rendering because I don't have a simple screenshot utility installed right now. Inverse Function An Inverse Function is a function that maps the range of another function to that functions domain. A function is only capable of having an inverse if it is also a one to one function Representations Given a function: f(x) The inverse of f is denoted f-1(x) Examples Use


Inverse Function

An Inverse Function is a [[Function|function]] that maps the range of another function to that functions domain. A function is only capable of having an inverse if it is also a [[One to One Function|one to one function]]


Given a function: f(x)

The inverse of f is denoted f-1(x)




A function is a mapping from elements of a [[Set|set]] (the domain usually called D) to elements of another set (the range usually called R) such that each element from the domain maps to only a single value from the range.




I'm using the wiki style link, as it is mentioned, and I've looked for issues in both the scripts repo and the app repo that might be similar. I've also looked over the code script and the loop for printing the backlinks looks correct, I have no idea why this would be broken.

Output from the debug section in the settings dialog

QOwnNotes Debug Information

General Info

Current Date: Tue Jan 16 17:47:54 2024 Version: 24.1.3 Build date: Jan 13 2024 Build number: 1074 Platform: linux Operating System: Gentoo Linux Build architecture: x86_64 Current architecture: x86_64 Release: Gentoo Qt Version (build): 5.15.11 Qt Version (runtime): 5.15.11 Portable mode: no Settings path / key: /home/Timothy/.config/PBE/QOwnNotes.conf Application database path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/QOwnNotes.sqlite Application arguments: /usr/bin/QOwnNotes Qt Debug: 0 Locale (system): C Locale (interface): empty Primary screen resolution: 1920x1080 Icon theme: breeze-dark-qownnotes Notes in current note folder: 21 Calendar items: 0 Enabled scripts: 24

Server Info

serverUrl: empty appIsValid: no notesPathExists: empty connectionErrorMessage: empty


Enabled: false Selected language: empty Language codes: empty Language names: empty Application dictionaries path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/dicts

Note folders

currentNoteFolderId: 1

Note folder default

id: 1 isCurrent: yes activeTagId: 8 localPath: /home/Timothy/Notes remotePath: Notes cloudConnectionId: 1 isShowSubfolders: yes isUseGit: no allowDifferentNoteFileName: no activeNoteSubFolder name: empty database file: /home/Timothy/Notes/notes.sqlite

Cloud connections

Cloud connection Default

id: 1 isCurrent: yes serverUrl: empty username: empty accountId: empty

Enabled scripts

Script Add Multiple tags

id: 1 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/add-multiple-tags/add-multiple-tags.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: add-multiple-tags version: 0.0.1 minAppVersion: 17.06.2

Script Backlinks Script

id: 2 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/backlinks/backlinks.qml variablesJson:

    "triggerOnPreview": false

identifier: backlinks version: 0.0.1 minAppVersion: 20.4.18

Script Blank Note

id: 3 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/blank-note/blank-note.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: blank-note version: 0.0.1 minAppVersion: 22.2.6

Script Definition lists

id: 4 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/definition-lists/definition-lists.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: definition-lists version: 0.0.2 minAppVersion: 20.6.0

Script Dictionary Autocomplete

id: 5 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/dictionary-autocomplete/dictionary-autocomplete.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: dictionary-autocomplete version: 0.0.3 minAppVersion: 20.8.6

Script Disable read-only mode on note double-click

id: 6 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/disable-readonly-mode/disable-readonly-mode.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: disable-readonly-mode version: 1.0.0 minAppVersion: 18.08.1

Script Export notes as one HTML file

id: 7 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/export-notes-as-one-html/export-notes-as-one-html.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: export-notes-as-one-html version: 1.0.0 minAppVersion: 18.03.7

Script File Export

id: 8 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/file-export/file-export.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: file-export version: 0.0.2 minAppVersion: 20.5.0

Script Favorite note

id: 9 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/favorite-note/favorite-note.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: favorite-note version: 0.0.1 minAppVersion: 17.05.6

Script GitHub Headline

id: 10 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/github-headline/github-headline.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: github-headline version: 0.2.2 minAppVersion: 17.05.6

Script Image preview

id: 11 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/image-preview/image-preview.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: image-preview version: 1.0.1 minAppVersion: 20.6.0

Script Inbox [beta]

id: 12 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/inbox/inbox.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: inbox version: 0.2.2 minAppVersion: 17.05.8

Script Insert Table of Contents (TOC)

id: 13 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/insert-toc/insert-toc.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: insert-toc version: 0.0.3 minAppVersion: 17.06.2

Script Insert selected text from webpage with url

id: 14 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/companion-select-text-insert/selected-text-below.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: companion-select-text-insert version: 1.0.1 minAppVersion: 20.11.7

Script Journal entry

id: 15 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/journal-entry/journal-entry.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: journal-entry version: 1.6.0 minAppVersion: 20.4.16

Script Latex Math

id: 16 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/latex-math/latex-math.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: latex-math version: 0.0.6 minAppVersion: 20.8.0

Script Link titles

id: 17 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/link-titles/link-titles.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: link-titles version: 0.0.1 minAppVersion: 20.6.0

Script List maker

id: 18 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/list-maker/list-maker.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: list-maker version: 0.1.2 minAppVersion: 17.07.8

Script Mermaid Diagrams

id: 19 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/mermaid/mermaid.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: mermaid version: 0.0.4 minAppVersion: 22.1.1

Script Note link to clipboard

id: 20 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/note-link-to-clipboard/note-link-to-clipboard.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: note-link-to-clipboard version: 0.0.2 minAppVersion: 17.02.4

Script Note stats

id: 21 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/note-stats/note-stats.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: note-stats version: 0.0.2 minAppVersion: 17.06.3

Script QOwnNotes Blog Post

id: 22 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/qownnotes-blog-post/qownnotes-blog-post.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: qownnotes-blog-post version: 1.0.6 minAppVersion: 20.10.10

Script Random note

id: 23 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/random-note/random-note.qml variablesJson: empty identifier: random-note version: 1.0 minAppVersion: 20.4.16

Script Wiki Links

id: 24 path: /home/Timothy/.local/share/PBE/QOwnNotes/scripts/wiki-links/wiki-links.qml variablesJson:

    "wikilinksBackgroundColor": "#FFFF00",
    "wikilinksForegroundColor": "#ff832b",
    "wikilinksHideSubfolder": true,
    "wikilinksLowerCase": true,
    "wikilinksRemoveSpaces": true,
    "wikilinksReplaceSpacesSymbol": "-",
    "wikilinksSanitizeFilename": true

identifier: wiki-links version: 0.0.1 minAppVersion: 20.6.0


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tagsPanelOrder (QString): 0 tagsPanelSort (QString): 0 todoCalendarSupport (QString): true toolbar/1/items (QStringList): action_New_note, action_Find_note, action_Remove_note, action_Open_note_in_external_editor, actionShow_local_trash, actionAllow_note_editing, , action_Back_in_note_history, action_Forward_in_note_history, , action_Find_text_in_note, actionReplace_in_current_note, , actionShow_versions, actionShow_trash, actionShare_note, , actionShow_Todo_List toolbar/1/name (QString): mainToolBar toolbar/1/title (QString): main toolbar toolbar/2/items (QStringList): actionFormat_text_bold, actionFormat_text_italic, actionStrike_out_text, actionInsert_code_block, actionInsert_block_quote toolbar/2/name (QString): formattingToolbar toolbar/2/title (QString): formatting toolbar toolbar/3/items (QStringList): actionInsert_text_link, actionInsert_image, actionInsert_current_time toolbar/3/name (QString): insertingToolbar toolbar/3/title (QString): inserting toolbar toolbar/4/items 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System environment

SHELL: /bin/zsh LSCOLORS: Gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad XDG_CONFIG_DIRS: /home/Timothy/.config/kdedefaults:/etc/xdg LESS: -R -M --shift 5 JDK_HOME: /etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK: /etc/sandbox.d /etc/fonts/fonts.conf /etc/gentoo-release /etc/terminfo /etc/dconf /etc/ca-certificates.conf /etc/texmf/web2c /etc/texmf/language.dat.d /etc/texmf/language.def.d /etc/texmf/updmap.d /etc/revdep-rebuild JAVA_HOME: /etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm DOTNET_ROOT: /usr/lib64/dotnet-sdk-8.0 EDITOR: /bin/nano XDG_SEAT: seat0 PWD: /home/Timothy CONFIG_PROTECT: /usr/share/gnupg/qualified.txt /usr/share/config /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/sofficerc LOGNAME: Timothy XDG_SESSION_TYPE: tty MANPATH: /etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm/man:/usr/share/gcc-data/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13/man:/usr/share/binutils-data/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/2.40/man:/etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm/man/:/usr/local/share/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/lib/rust/man:/usr/lib/llvm/17/share/man:/usr/lib/llvm/16/share/man _: /usr/bin/dbus-launch XAUTHORITY: /home/Timothy/.Xauthority WINDOWPATH: 1 MOTD_SHOWN: pam HOME: /home/Timothy LANG: POSIX LS_COLORS: rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=00:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.avif=01;35:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.cfg=00;32:*.conf=00;32:*.diff=00;32:*.doc=00;32:*.ini=00;32:*.log=00;32:*.patch=00;32:*.pdf=00;32:*.ps=00;32:*.tex=00;32:*.txt=00;32:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:*~=00;90:*#=00;90:*.bak=00;90:*.old=00;90:*.orig=00;90:*.part=00;90:*.rej=00;90:*.swp=00;90:*.tmp=00;90:*.dpkg-dist=00;90:*.dpkg-old=00;90:*.ucf-dist=00;90:*.ucf-new=00;90:*.ucf-old=00;90:*.rpmnew=00;90:*.rpmorig=00;90:*.rpmsave=00;90: INFOPATH: /usr/share/gcc-data/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13/info:/usr/share/binutils-data/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/2.40/info:/usr/share/autoconf-2.71/info:/usr/share/automake-1.16.5/info:/usr/share/info JAVAC: /etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm/bin/javac XDG_SESSION_CLASS: user TERM: linux ZSH: /home/Timothy/.oh-my-zsh LESSOPEN: |lesspipe %s USER: Timothy MANPAGER: manpager NPM_CONFIG_GLOBALCONFIG: /etc/npm/npmrc DISPLAY: :0 SHLVL: 3 PAGER: /usr/bin/less LEX: flex XDG_VTNR: 1 SBCL_HOME: /usr/lib64/sbcl XDG_SESSION_ID: 2 XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: /run/user/1000 GCC_SPECS: empty GSETTINGS_BACKEND: dconf XDG_DATA_DIRS: /usr/local/share:/usr/share HUSHLOGIN: FALSE PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/lib/llvm/17/bin:/usr/lib/llvm/16/bin:/home/Timothy/common-lisp/lem:/home/Timothy/.qlot/bin:/home/Timothy/go/bin MAIL: /var/mail/Timothy SBCL_SOURCE_ROOT: /usr/lib64/sbcl/src OLDPWD: /home/Timothy DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS: unix:path=/tmp/dbus-2kHU36LIP4,guid=99b77d107249297fa54e68ec659dfbbe XCURSOR_THEME: breeze_cursors XCURSOR_SIZE: 24 SSH_ASKPASS: /usr/bin/ksshaskpass QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR: 0 KDE_FULL_SESSION: true KDE_SESSION_VERSION: 5 KDE_SESSION_UID: 1000 XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: KDE KDE_APPLICATIONS_AS_SCOPE: 1 GTK_RC_FILES: /etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/Timothy/.gtkrc:/home/Timothy/.config/gtkrc GTK2_RC_FILES: /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:/home/Timothy/.gtkrc-2.0:/home/Timothy/.config/gtkrc-2.0 SESSION_MANAGER: local/DominusSuperConnecterus:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/2598,unix/DominusSuperConnecterus:/tmp/.ICE-unix/2598

Relevant log output in the Log panel

[17:50:24] [debug] on_noteTreeWidget_itemSelectionChanged [17:50:24] [debug] setCurrentNote - 'note': Note: 3 "Inverse Function" "Inverse Function.md" 0 "" false - 'updateNoteText': true - 'updateSelectedNote': false [17:50:24] [debug] currentLocalPath - 'currentLocalPath': "/home/Timothy/Notes" [17:50:24] [debug] added to history: NoteHistoryItem: "Inverse Function" "" 273 0 [17:50:28] [debug] currentLocalPath - 'currentLocalPath': "/home/Timothy/Notes" [17:50:29] [debug] currentLocalPath - 'currentLocalPath': "/home/Timothy/Notes"

dohliam commented 8 months ago

@tmheath What happens when you visit the pages Function, Set, or One to One Function? The idea with the backlinks script is that it provides a list of pages that link to the current page, so something should show up on those target pages at least.

Alternatively, if you have any pages that link to the current one (i.e., Inverse function) it would be helpful to see how it is linked from there.

It would also be good to know what the article filenames look like. For example, the page "Function" probably has a filename function.md. Since you have the "Replace Spaces Symbol" option set to use a dash, I assume the page "Inverse function" is stored in a file called inverse-function.md (at least, that is where the script will look for it.)

By the way (and I don't think this is related to the issue you are having), just as a tip, when using Wiki Style links if you are also using the "Sanitize filename" option (which it looks like you are), links should be case insensitive, so there is no need to retype the article name after a bar / using the link text syntax if the only difference is capitalization. For example, you don't need to write the link as [[Function|function]] -- just [[function]] should work just as well.

tmheath commented 8 months ago

The heading, Backlinks, gets inserted but nothing else in the view pane. I'll dig in shortly and look over if it might be a file name thing.

I thought that I had included enough information in the note contents that I copy/pasted into the issue, I'm misunderstanding what you're saying about including more details. Here are the contents of the file you mentioned and all files linking to it.

Inverse Function

An Inverse Function is a [[Function|function]] that maps the range of another function to that functions domain. A function is only capable of having an inverse if it is also a [[One to One Function|one to one function]]


Given a function: f(x)

The inverse of f is denoted f-1(x)




A function is a mapping from elements of a [[Set|set]] (the domain usually called D) to elements of another set (the range usually called R) such that each element from the domain maps to only a single value from the range.





A set is a mathematical construct containing multiple elements such that each element is included at most once.




From the below listing, the assumption on file names might vary on how the note is created. I have been figuring things out, either clicking the note button, clicking a new link, clicking new note, and using some of the scripts to create links, and using multiple link styles, and renaming after creation so it's a mess.

notes directory listing: Application.md Bookmarks.md First Note.md Function.md Inverse Function.md Journal 20240114.md Journal 20240115.md Linux.md Markdown Cheatsheet.md Music I Enjoy.md OSX.md One to One Function.md Operating System.md QOwnNotes.md Windows.md Zetelkasten.md media notes.sqlite pointbuy.md set.md totalwar.md trash video-game.md warhammer.md

Thanks, I had just noticed that link insensitivity while I was preparing this.

Thanks also for the rapid response, I had expected nothing for some time, I was shocked by the report template, I also keep seeing as I look through the repo that there is a huge amount of support despite seeming like a small open source project. Is there some kind of company you guys work for, I see the org site but that isn't necessarily indicative?

dohliam commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the additional details @tmheath! I wonder if the filenames might be part of the issue in that case. The script probably won't see the filename Inverse Function.md for instance if you have the "Ignore spaces" option selected. Of course, you can always toggle that option off if needed once you decide on a naming convention for your notes.

Even so, a minimal link example like [[function]] or [[set]] should create a list when viewing the target file at least, regardless of how you have named the file (since the linking is case-insensitive). Just to double-check, when you visit the "Set" page for example and wait a moment or two for the list to generate, you don't see anything in the Preview pane in QOwnNotes, is that correct?

(Just confirming this because you might be looking in the Markdown/Source pane in which case you won't see anything. The reason I mention waiting a moment is that it might not display the list instantly depending on a number of factors including how many notes it needs to look through to create the list.)

Also, I can't speak for the main developers but I'm just a happy user who has contributed a few small helper scripts here to add some features I was missing. Not officially affiliated though I agree that @pbek (and the rest of the community) is amazing. :smile:

tmheath commented 8 months ago

Set and Inverse Function after waiting some time show the Backnotes header in the preview pane. Function however does not show the Backnotes header (I closed completely and restarted qnotes to be sure). The link to Function from Inverse Function is working, just checked.

Starting to look over how I have the file names on disk now. Thanks

dohliam commented 8 months ago

Glad to hear at least some of the backlinks are working! That's also a good sign that this may have something to do with the file names. If you want to confirm this, one thing you could try is temporarily renaming the files Inverse function.md and One to One Function.md to inverse-function.md and one-to-one-function.md respectively and see if that makes a difference. If it does, you can change them back and we should then be able to get things working for you by just adjusting the script options so it knows where to find the files on disk.

tmheath commented 8 months ago

I mean the header looks like it's there, there aren't actually any links though. I have not actually seen any links generated yet, just a lot of headers, after reading the script, it doesn't make sense (though I gave up midway through understanding anything other than the render loop, but that's because I started considering that a likely culprit... of course I think I noticed that there weren't really any changes a bit after lol).

I'll check the file names now. Honestly I just thought to create a few notes, all linking to each other all a single word, that should fix any kind of space problem.

tmheath commented 8 months ago

Can confirm

new notes notea noteb notec names match titles the contents of each note are identicle. note[x]

[[notea]] [[noteb]] [[notec]]

the fs names are notea.md noteb.md notec.md

Should I still see about the file names?

dohliam commented 7 months ago

Finally got the chance to spin up a virtual machine to try this out from scratch with a brand new installation of QOwnNotes on the latest Xubuntu. It was admittedly a bit finicky to set up but I did manage to get a minimal test working.

The pre-requisites were that the Wikilinks script and Backlinks script both needed to be installed, and the note title needed to be written using an ATX-style header (i.e., # note title). Use the following note text for a note named test (file name: test.md):

# test

This will be a test of the backlinks script.

A link to this page should appear on the [[note]] page.

And the following text for a separate note named note (file name: note.md):

# test

This will be a test of the backlinks script.

A link to this page should appear on the [[note]] page.

The backlinks then appear more or less as they should, although it seems that there are numerous ways that this could be improved...

tmheath commented 7 months ago

Awesome, thanks...

Internet is down at my house and has been for a while so all my personal, non-work open source stuff is on hold, annoyingly...

I'm not sure if I'll remember to dig in and see how I might improve it, if I remember than I might....

I'd meant to be doing more work than simply launching complaints, thanks though, getting it working is helpful regardless

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

tmheath commented 6 months ago

Fell out of using QOwnNotes, hopefully I'm going to start again. Everything has been hectic, closing this issue since it's open still.