qq456cvb / Point-Transformers

Point Transformers
MIT License
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pointcloud with 7 features #41

Open Sottix99 opened 7 months ago

Sottix99 commented 7 months ago

hello, my pointcloud data has 7 features (x,y,z,nx,ny,nz, A) where the first 3 are classical coordinates, the second chunck from 3 represents the normals and the last element is the triangle area associated with the point. to make the model defined by Menghao work, what should i change? i simply camped imput_dims = 7 but the model doesn't work very well in perfromances

qq456cvb commented 7 months ago

As the original model works with the xyz coordinates, can you try feeding your data with only xyz coords. I would expect the triangle area be a disturbing factor since one can always simpify an object(thus increasing the area) but still keep the object roughly the same. Another thing is that you may want to check if your xyz coordinates spread uniformly across the surface in order to generalize.