qq99 / echoplexus

Socket.io powered chat, JavaScript REPL, whiteboard, and WebRTC calls
394 stars 53 forks source link

Post-installation issue #200

Closed docent-net closed 10 years ago

docent-net commented 10 years ago

Hi guys,

I've just finished my installation on Centos 6.5. I just followed installation notes from INSTALL.md - everything worked like a charm.

So i started echoplexus with grunt:

bash-4.1$ grunt exec:production Running "exec:production" (exec) task

DEBUG: Running node-supervisor with DEBUG: program 'src/server/main.coffee' DEBUG: --watch '.' DEBUG: --ignore 'undefined' DEBUG: --extensions 'node|js|coffee' DEBUG: --exec 'coffee' DEBUG: Starting child process with 'coffee src/server/main.coffee' DEBUG: Watching directory '/srv/echoplex/echoplexus' for changes. Root: /srv/echoplex/echoplexus/src Public: /srv/echoplex/echoplexus/src/../public Sandboxed: /srv/echoplex/echoplexus/src/../public/sandbox Using index: public/index.dev.html Listening on port 8080 info: socket.io started /chat /code /draw /call /info

And... that's it. When I enter webpage via browser I just see dark page with one settings icon. Unfortunately clicking on it does nothing at all.

I assume that server is working fine - stracing tells me that's normal work:

[pid 19974] futex(0x7f12c80008c8, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1 [pid 19974] gettimeofday({1392065421, 500891}, NULL) = 0 [pid 19979] <... futex resumed> ) = 0 [pid 19974] gettimeofday( <unfinished ...> [pid 19979] nanosleep({0, 900000}, <unfinished ...> [pid 19974] <... gettimeofday resumed> {1392065421, 501067}, NULL) = 0 [pid 19974] gettimeofday({1392065421, 501179}, NULL) = 0 [pid 19974] epoll_wait(5, <unfinished ...> [pid 19979] <... nanosleep resumed> NULL) = 0 [pid 19979] futex(0x7f12c80008c8, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 0, NULL

When I reload webpage strace of course returns more. But nothing there - no errors or any issues. Unfortunately I couldn't find any logs or whatever else. Any ideas which way to go now? :) Thanks,

qq99 commented 10 years ago

Are you using nginx as well? How about also running: npm install; bower install; grunt build;?

qq99 commented 10 years ago

Since you see it get to the part where socket.io started and it lists the names of the modules that are used, looks like everything is good on the server side. I'm just curious perhaps it's either an nginx misconfiguration or the client side JS hasn't been compiled yet

docent-net commented 10 years ago

Hi qq99, thanks for your reply,

After "npm install; bower install; grunt build;" and then executing production everything is fine, thanks

qq99 commented 10 years ago

Awesome, glad to hear :)