qq99 / echoplexus

Socket.io powered chat, JavaScript REPL, whiteboard, and WebRTC calls
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IRC hooks #217

Open heyakyra opened 10 years ago

heyakyra commented 10 years ago

Create hooks for connecting to echoplexus through an IRC client with basic functionality

qq99 commented 10 years ago

Agreed, it'd be awesome if echoplexus could also be an IRC client

heyakyra commented 10 years ago

No, sorry I meant that existing IRC clients could connect to echoplexus. echoplexus being an irc client would be cool too, but that would be a different bug!

heyakyra commented 9 years ago

This could be achieved by creating a freenode channel such as #echo-[echoplexus-room-name] for each room and using the existing irc support to make sure that everything sent from echoplexus and IRC goes through. Alternatively, echoplexus could create a new IRC network...but that would be more work and add an additional hurdle to those who are already connected to freenode