quarto-ext / include-code-files

Quarto extension to include code from source files.
MIT License
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Include Code Files Extension For Quarto

Filter to include code from source files.

The filter is largely inspired by pandoc-include-code.


quarto add quarto-ext/include-code-files

This will install the extension under the _extensions subdirectory. If you're using version control, you will want to check in this directory.


The filter recognizes code blocks with the include attribute present. It swaps the content of the code block with contents from a file.

Here is how you add the filter to a page (it can also be added to a _quarto.yml project file with the same syntax):

title: "My Document"
   - include-code-files

Including Files

Once adding the filter to you page or project, the simplest way to use the filter is the include attribute

```{.python include="script.py"}

You can still use other attributes, and classes, to control the code blocks:

```{.python include="script.py" code-line-numbers="true"}


If you want to include a specific range of lines, use start-line and end-line:

```{.python include="script.py" start-line=35 end-line=80}


Using the dedent attribute, you can have whitespaces removed on each line, where possible (non-whitespace character will not be removed even if they occur in the dedent area).

```{.python include="script.py" dedent=4}


Using the snippet attribute, one may use pandoc-include-code style snippets, for instance

```{.python include="script.py" snippet="main"}

will include the snippet 'main' which is enclosed between # start snippet main and # end snippet main in the following

# script.py

# start snippet main
def main():
    print("It works!")

# end snippet main

For now this should support include for python, r, julia, html, js, ojs, and css. It might work on other documents too, but will have to guess.