This template is ONLY used for create new paper items. The title of the issue is strongly suggested as the doi for published papers or arxiv number for preprints.
Title: Discrete disorder models for many-body localization
Keywords (optional): MBL, discrete disorder distribution
Authors (optional): Jakub Janarek, Dominique Delande, and Jakub Zakrzewski
Reason (optional): similar to the lattice gauge mbl, in which the effective disorder satisfies the discrete distribution.
Summary (optional): This paper shows that the mbl in discrete disorder is similar to the uniform continuous contribution, except for the binary case. The reason is that in the binary case, conserved quantities in the pure model cannot be completely destroyed by the disorder. These residual conserved quantities change the properties of the MBL significantly.
Ideas (optional): Employ the real space rg to explore the mbl-thermal phase transition in the case of binary distribution. It should be another universality class. (suggested by Shixin several months ago)
This template is ONLY used for create new paper items. The title of the issue is strongly suggested as the doi for published papers or arxiv number for preprints.