Title: Many-body localization in one dimensional optical lattice with speckle disorder
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Summary (optional): Some differences between speckle potential and randomness MBL: MBL in the speckle potential has increased sample to sample variation as compared to random uniform disorder, as visualized in the gap ratio analysis as well as in the study of eigenvector properties. With increasing correlations the critical regime of transition broadens.
But in sum, the difference is not that much as different phases.
Experimentally may be observed by local imbalance histograms
Ideas (optional): MBL study on standard model but with real type of speckle potential instead of uniformly distributed randomness,
numerical approach utilized in this work: Polynomially filtered exact diagonalization approach to many-body localization: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.09534. ED for 18 and 20 sites.