questdb / questdb-kubernetes

Configuration to run QuestDB in your Kubernetes cluster
Apache License 2.0
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Add UDP protocol for influxdb port #70

Open PaddyDoyle88 opened 2 years ago

PaddyDoyle88 commented 2 years ago

The current service and statefulset yaml files have TCP protocol hard coded for the influxdb port, but UDP protocol is not configured.

- port: {{ $influxdb.port }}
  targetPort: influxdb
  protocol: TCP
  name: influxdb

This is impacting usage of the LineUdpSender, as messages never reach the application

sklarsa commented 2 years ago

Following up on this, the UDP receiver has been deprecated (since QuestDB version 6.5.2) so we recommend using the TCP receiver at this time. Which version of QuestDB are you running?