quiclog / pcap2qlog

A tool to convert .pcap and .pcapng files into qlog files
MIT License
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Does pcap2qlog support gQUIC ? #1

Open PercyLau opened 4 years ago

PercyLau commented 4 years ago

Hi, there!

Thank you for developing the analysis tool of quic protocol. Just wondering whether this pcap2qlog converter supports gQUIC as well as IETF QUIC?

I just run the script as the follows. /projects/pcap2qlog$ sudo node ./out/main.js --input=./input_dir/quic.pcap --tshark=~/projects/wireshark/run/tshark

and I got an error in the generated qlog file:

{ "qlog_version": "draft-01", "description": "", "traces": [ { "error_description": "TypeError: Cannot read property 'quic.scid' of undefined", "uri": "./input_dir/ming.pcap" } ] }

Sincerely, Percy

rmarx commented 4 years ago

Hello Percy,

Sadly, no, we currently don't support gQUIC (and, to be honest, we probably are a bit flaky on IETF QUIC by this point as well, though it should still work for most things).

I don't plan to support gQUIC either, because it is slowly evolving towards IETF QUIC anyway and will eventually go out of use completely.

That being said: there is really no rocket science here... you mainly need to copy the correct fields from the tshark JSON output into a qlog-compliant format. It should be easy enough to do for the basic gQUIC stuff. I know that's probably not what you wanted to hear, but I don't have time to work on a gQUIC transformer myself at this time. I would of course accept PRs ;)

More feedback on pcap2qlog for IETF QUIC or the qvis toolset is of course always welcome as well!

With best regards, Robin