The server raises an AlreadyExistsException when some partition is added twice.
We want the client doesn't raise an error in this case: if some partition already exists then nothing should be done.
This will make the code cleaner for libs users that don't need to handle errors on their side.
What? :wrench:
add a try block for add_partitions_to_table
Type of change :file_cabinet:
[X] enhancement (non-breaking change)
[X] This change requires a documentation update
How everything was tested? :straight_ruler:
Unit tests
Checklist :memo:
[x] I have added labels to distinguish the type of pull request.
[x] My code follows the style guidelines of this project (docstrings, type hinting and linter compliance);
[x] I have performed a self-review of my own code;
[x] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation;
[x] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works;
[x] I have made sure that new and existing unit tests pass locally with my changes;
Why? :open_book:
The server raises an AlreadyExistsException when some partition is added twice. We want the client doesn't raise an error in this case: if some partition already exists then nothing should be done. This will make the code cleaner for libs users that don't need to handle errors on their side.
What? :wrench:
Type of change :file_cabinet:
How everything was tested? :straight_ruler:
Unit tests
Checklist :memo: