I am trying to implement your code but have a problem as below:
When I use the code:
field_samples_ts <- getTimeSeries(raster_timeseries,
y = field_samples, proj4string = proj_str)
this shows up:
Error in extractTimeSeries.twdtwRaster(object, y) :
Extents do not overlap
raster_timeseries object is as below:
raster_timeseries <- twdtwRaster(blue, red, ndvi, green, nir,
timeline = dates)
> raster_timeseries
An object of class "twdtwRaster"
Time series layers: blue red ndvi green nir
Time range: 2018-01-30 ... 2018-07-07
Dimensions: 5 13084 18025 7 (nlayers, nrow, ncol, length)
Resolution: 3 3 (x, y)
Extent : 581337 635412 4425114 4464366 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
Coord.ref.: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0
Although I converted the coordinates to longlat from UTM values, it still has extents as UTM. I understood the error as the coordinates do not match with csv file I had, but it should be so. I taught it is because extent coordinates are in a different form. My csv coordinates are in
I am trying to implement your code but have a problem as below:
When I use the code:
this shows up:
raster_timeseries object is as below:
Although I converted the coordinates to longlat from UTM values, it still has extents as UTM. I understood the error as the coordinates do not match with csv file I had, but it should be so. I taught it is because extent coordinates are in a different form. My csv coordinates are in
as suggested. (i.e. -50.2707, -79.317)
If you may help me, it would really be perfect!
Thanks in advance