r0man / oauth-clj

Clojure OAuth library
95 stars 27 forks source link

** Usage

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

 (use 'oauth.twitter)


Define your consumer key and secret.

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

 (def consumer-key "qcz2O57srPsb5eZA2Jyw")
 (def consumer-secret "lfs5WjmIzPc3OlDNoHSfbxVBmPNmduTDq4rQHhNN7Q")


Obtain a OAuth request token from Twitter to request user authorization.

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

 (def request-token (oauth-request-token consumer-key consumer-secret))
 ;;=> {:oauth-callback-confirmed "true",
 ;;=>  :oauth-token-secret "1TPRuaqWZ9Y9viEdKbU4SQ2QsF5auLcMZaHOwYLK2ao",
 ;;=>  :oauth-token "C6FCXGYUIutgTZZP1EAAx2nT0cv8QO15K4EbjbzOmBs"}


Send the user to Twitter's authorization endpoint.

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

 (oauth-authorize (:oauth-token request-token))


Parse the parameters in your oauth callback endpoint.

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

 (def authorization
   {:oauth-verifier "ZCpKl8mgIUJmTkO8rfBeFotrKKd84igvytvLqlzo"
    :oauth-token "a5wQRcMsl5BMSPTmxZG5ER8OzMH6jdG4kX4uPtbC4Rw"})


Obtain the OAuth access token from Twitter.

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

 (def access-token
    (:oauth-token authorization)
    (:oauth-verifier authorization)))


Make a clj-http OAuth client.

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

 (def client
    (:oauth-token access-token)
    (:oauth-token-secret access-token)))


Post a Tweet ...

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

  {:method :post
   :url "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json"
   :body (str "status=setting%20up%20my%20twitter%20私のさえずりを設定する")})


** License

Copyright (C) 2012-2016 r0man

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.