rabbitmq / rabbitmq-auth-backend-http

HTTP-based authorisation and authentication for RabbitMQ
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RabbitMQ permissions with wildcards in topic #98

Closed andreagilardoni closed 4 years ago

andreagilardoni commented 4 years ago

I am writing a web app that integrates with rabbitmq-auth-backend-http and provides authentication given some permission rules. In my specific case I would like to restrict the access of a topic containing a wildcard only to the topics the user is allowed to access to.

Example: Topics are structured as follow:


The user A is able to access applications with id 1, but not application with id 2, thus the user when subscribing to 'application.*.feature' should be allowed and listen only to messages in the topic 'application.1.feature'. This has to be extended to a situation were the user could potentially listen for messages coming from more than one topic.

The issue is that I am not able to provide a response to the plugin rabbitmq-auth-backend-http stating that the user is allowed but restricted to only certain topics. Is my request beyond rabbitmq protocol permission or is this plugin that has not implemented this yet?

michaelklishin commented 4 years ago

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michaelklishin commented 4 years ago

I'm afraid I do not understand what is being asked here. This plugin does not control how topic permissions are enforced. This sounds like something that belongs to the mailing list at this point.

It's fairly unlikely that we will be changing how topic permissions work, there are too many other streams of work at play at the moment.

michaelklishin commented 4 years ago

Topic permissions use regular expressions and a small subset of expandable variables (such as user name). The docs admittedly need more examples but I don't see what is missing. Wildcards are trivially simulated with regular expressions.