rachelss / SISRS

Site Identification from Short Read Sequences.
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Added biallelic option #46

Closed BobLiterman closed 6 years ago

BobLiterman commented 6 years ago

Previous (-s) option allowed for choice of Singletons vs. No Singletons. -s now has 3 options:

0 [Default]: All variable sites considered in 'loci' (alignment.nex) 1: No singletons (alignment_pi.nex) 2: Biallelic only (alignment_bi.nex)

changeMissing now partitions data subsets into separate folders (alignmentDataWithoutSingletons; alignmentDataWithOnlyBiallelic) and 'loci' will read from whichever dataset the user requests via -s.

BobLiterman commented 6 years ago

Also changed output of alignments.

BobLiterman commented 6 years ago

Changed changeMissing.py to report basic statistics about how many sites are lost after filtering for missing taxa.

BobLiterman commented 6 years ago


BobLiterman commented 6 years ago
