radical-collaboration / MDFF-EnTK

MDFF-EnTK: Scalable Adaptive Protein Ensemble Refinement Integrating Flexible Fitting
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entk namd summit workflow-engine

R-MDFF Workflow Application

R-MDFF installation guide:



Python virtualenv activation

The command activate python with RADICAL Cybertools, otherwise python does not recognize RCT e.g. EnTK.

source $HOME/simple_mdff/bin/activate

Conda works fine, if preferred. e.g. conda activate simple_mdff

ORNL Summit

The special script for Summit loads configuration files and start a workflow described by:

 python simple_mdff_vds.py --resource ornl_summit_cuda


 python simple_mdff_vds_codh.py --resource ornl_summit_cuda

The example output message on the screen is like:

EnTK session: re.session.login4.hrlee.018391.0000
Creating AppManagerSetting up RabbitMQ system                                 ok
Validating and assigning resource manager                                     ok
Setting up RabbitMQ system                                                   n/a
new session: [re.session.login4.hrlee.018391.0000]                             \
database   : [mongodb://rct:rct_test@two.radical-project.org/rct_test]        ok
create pilot manager                                                          ok
submit 1 pilot(s)
All components created
create unit managerUpdate: simple-mdff state: SCHEDULING
Update: simple-mdff.Generating a simulated density map state: SCHEDULING
Update: simple-mdff.Generating a simulated density map.Starting to load the target PDB state: SCHEDULING
Update: simple-mdff.Generating a simulated density map.Starting to load the target PDB state: SCHEDULED
Update: simple-mdff.Generating a simulated density map state: SCHEDULED

It shows that one pilot job (here it is a EnTK workflow) is submitted to ornl.summit resource with 336 cpu cores (== 2 nodes, where 1 node has 168 cores by 42 physical cores * 4 hw threads), and the first stage is scheduled to start. The messages of the sebsequent stages are supressed but states are reported like SCHEDULED, EXECUTED, and DONE. If there was a problem executing the task, you may find FAILED with the stage/task name on your screen. Also note that this runs on foreground so the terminal needs to be active until a job finishes. tmux, screen, or nohup are recommended to avoid any interruption if a workflow runs very long time.

XSEDE Bridges

We also have tested XSEDE Bridges with the following script. Run it like:

 python simple_mdff_vds.py --resource xsede_bridges

Task STDOUT files and intermediate arbitrary files

If you remember your session id of your last run e.g. re.session.login4.hrlee.018391.0000, you will find raw output/results here on Summit:

$MEMBERWORK/[PROJECT ID]/radical.pilot.sandbox/[SESSION ID]/pilot.0000

for example with the session id above and project id csc393:

cd $MEMBERWORK/csc393/radical.pilot.sandbox/re.session.login4.hrlee.018391.0000/pilot.0000
$ ls -d uni*/
unit.000000/  unit.000001/  unit.000002/  unit.000003/  unit.000004/  unit.000005/  unit.000006/  unit.000007/  unit.000008/  unit.000009/

Software Dependency


Necessary modules are loaded first before to use python and pip for installation.

Modules on Summit

. /sw/summit/python/3.7/anaconda3/5.3.0/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate /gpfs/alpine/world-shared/chm155/hrlee/conda/openmm

Modules on Bridges

module load python3

PIP via Virtualenv

virtualenv $HOME/simple_mdff
source $HOME/simple_mdff/bin/activate
pip install radical.entk pyaml 

Conda env also works fine.

Configuration (cfg directory)

HPC job description (cfg/resource_cfg.yml)

A job submission with a number of CPUs/GPUs, computing expected duration, and project ID to consume allocation is defined in the yaml file, and multiple HPC platforms are supported, e.g. ORNL Summit, XSEDE Bridges.

ornl_summit:             # key name to recognize resource, this is also used in the parameter of `simple_mdff.py`. This has to be identical to the key name used in the workflow yaml file.
  label: 'ornl.summit'   # Unique name to identify HPC platform, find a full list here: https://github.com/radical-cybertools/radical.pilot/blob/devel/examples/config.json
  walltime: 30          # walltime in minute
  cpus: 168             # the number of CPUs, and the number of nodes is calculated based on the cpu counts. For example, Summit provides 168 usable processes per node, and then 168 requires 1 node. 169+ requires 2+ nodes as well.
  gpus: 0               # the number of GPUs, and the number of nodes is calculated based on the gpu counts. Upper bounds of CPUs/GPUs are used to calculate the number of nodes.
  queue: 'batch'         # system queue name which the job will be dispatched, Summit has `batch` and `killable` queues with different policies.
  access_schema: 'local' # remote access method, there are `ssh`, `gsissh`, and `local`
  project: 'CSC393'      # project id to gain allocation

Workflow description (cfg/workflow_cfg.yml)

Simulation/analysis tasks have individual resource requirements such as cpu counts and a list of pre-executables.

    pre_exec:                      # list of commands prior to execute
        - 'module load fftw/3.3.8' # new command can be added in a new line
    cpus: 160

RabbitMQ and MongoDB

Workflow state and session data are exchanged by RabbitMQ and stored by MongoDB in RADICAL-Cybertools. The default values are provided but a local system can be used instead.

Results of Experiments

The raw results of the experiments are stored on the following directory, experiments per HPC system. Find the README for the details of :


Issue reporting

If there are any issues/questions, please create a ticket in the EnTK repository