radical-cybertools / radical.pilot

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TaskManager.submit_raptors() documentation needs clarification. #2986

Open eirrgang opened 1 year ago

eirrgang commented 1 year ago

The descriptions parameter [https://github.com/radical-cybertools/radical.pilot/blob/7d84f3916f9f71ca4e7eda08bd48d37ad96c1aca/src/radical/pilot/task_manager.py#L840](is documented) as referring to worker descriptions. The content is used principally for the RaptorMaster task, but "worker" implies rp.raptor.Worker, I think.

The documentation for this method and this parameter need further clarification. It is undocumented which fields of the description are replaced and how.

For instance: a perplexing bug arises when replacing taskmanager.submit_tasks(raptor_description) with pilot.submit_raptors(raptor_description) if the raptor_description uses an executable with a different command line interface than expected. The executable field is left alone, but the arguments are replaced by submit_raptors without warning.