radical-cybertools / radical.pilot

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client_sandbox path setup is not behaving as expected #3072

Closed AymenFJA closed 11 months ago

AymenFJA commented 11 months ago

When setting up as the following:

rp.Session(cfg={"client_sandbox": "new_path"})

It is totally ignored. And the session path created in cwd.

If we do:

import radical.pilot as rp

s = rp.Session(cfg={'base': 'runinfo'})
new session: [rp.session.controlplane.kc-internal.019656.0007]                 \
zmq proxy  : [tcp://]  

The expected behavior is for the session to be in runinfo. We get an unusual behavior (2 sessions are created in nested folders and another runifno is created under runinfo/rp.session.xxxxx/runifno/rp.session.xxx):

In [11]: ls rp.session.controlplane.kc-internal.019656.0007/
proxy_control_pubsub.log  proxy_control_pubsub.prof  proxy_state_pubsub.log  proxy_state_pubsub.prof  proxy_task_queue.log  proxy_task_queue.prof  radical.pilot.bridge.log

In [12]: ls runinfo/rp.session.controlplane.kc-internal.019656.0007/
cmgr.0000.log         heartbeat_pubsub.prof  radical.saga.log                                          runinfo/          stager_request_queue.err     state_pubsub.err
cmgr.0000.prof        log_pubsub.err         radical.utils.log                                         server.0000.log   stager_request_queue.out     state_pubsub.out
control_pubsub.err    log_pubsub.out         rp.session.controlplane.kc-internal.019656.0007.log       server.0000.prof  stager_request_queue.prof    state_pubsub.prof
control_pubsub.out    log_pubsub.prof        rp.session.controlplane.kc-internal.019656.0007.prof      stager.0000.err   stager_response_pubsub.err
control_pubsub.prof   radical.saga.api.log   rp.session.controlplane.kc-internal.019656.0007.reg.log   stager.0000.out   stager_response_pubsub.out
heartbeat_pubsub.log  radical.saga.cpi.log   rp.session.controlplane.kc-internal.019656.0007.reg.prof  stager.0000.prof  stager_response_pubsub.prof
mtitov commented 11 months ago

Corresponding paths should be updated for Proxy component (-> need to use cfg.path)


AymenFJA commented 11 months ago

This is addressed by: #3073, and it should be closed once the PR (already approved) is merged.