radistmorse / PEPatch

Multiplayer patch for Planet Explorers
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 4 forks source link

Crash after pressing Join button #3

Closed malev01ence closed 4 years ago

malev01ence commented 4 years ago

The game crashes after pressing Join button. Attaching log file.


radistmorse commented 4 years ago

Judging by the logfile, you are not using the latest version of the patch. Is there some particular reason for that?

For the older version you need to enter the hostname or IP in the server search input. Did you do it?

malev01ence commented 4 years ago

That's strange, I downloaded the last version from here, and so did my friend, and we both get that crash error when we press Join button. It crashes even if I try to join my own server or even when I press Join without anything selected. I tried searching for IP too, but didn't find anything.

Hmm here's what I did: I copied the contents of PEPatch to the game directory and contents of PEServerPatch to Server folder, then I launch PE_Server.exe. Are there any other actions I needed to do?

radistmorse commented 4 years ago

Well, the logfile definitely belongs to some older patch version. Here is the latest release


make sure to use it. For both the client and the server.

malev01ence commented 4 years ago

This version doesn't crash, thank you. It appears I downloaded from Code - Download ZIP and it doesn't work that way. Thanks!