A timelapse program for esp32 cam with ov2640 sensor. The exposure is done manually based on the light level, and the image quality is far better than the default settings.
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Picture with only the flash light / Zero environment light #9
// Don’t forget to switch to the register Bank 1 by writing 0x01 to 0xFF register.
s->set_reg(s,0x11,0xff,48);//frame rate (1 means longer exposure) - was 48
s->set_reg(s,0x13,0xff,0);//manual everything
s->set_reg(s,0x0c,0x6,0x8);//manual banding
Serial.print("Value for line 139 - (s,0x11,0xff) = ");
Serial.println("Getting first frame at");
// Take Picture with Camera
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
Serial.println("Got first frame at");
Hello @raduprv,
hope this message finds you well.
My question is not a issue. Your code is perfect .
It is just a challenge that I am facing and maybe you can point me in the right direction.
I am playing with ESP CAM AI Thinker OV2640 for some time but facing massive problems to set the right register and be able to take a complete photo.
Please be advised that the photo is taken with no environment light , only the light provided by the flash light (GPIO 4).
To increase exposure, I have changed the registers 0x45, 0x10, 0x04 but I can[t find the most adequate values.
Would you be able to look at the two pictures attached, the code and serial report below and let me know what I am doing wrong ?
I appreciate any help, tip or experience you are willing to share.
Many Thanks for your help.
Best Regards,
Serial monitor below :
16:15:14.105 -> rst:0x5 (DEEPSLEEP_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) 16:15:14.105 -> configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee 16:15:14.105 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 16:15:14.105 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1 16:15:14.105 -> load:0x3fff0030,len:1344 16:15:14.105 -> load:0x40078000,len:13864 16:15:14.105 -> load:0x40080400,len:3608 16:15:14.105 -> entry 0x400805f0 16:15:14.879 -> Setup ESP32 to sleep for every 10 Seconds 16:15:14.910 -> Value for line 139 - (s,0x11,0xff) = 48 16:15:14.910 -> Getting first frame at 16:15:14.910 -> 763 16:15:18.770 -> Got first frame at 16:15:18.770 -> 4629 16:15:18.770 -> Size of image:43311 16:15:18.770 -> Shape->width:1600 height:1200 16:15:18.770 -> Picture file name: /picture155.jpg 16:15:18.995 -> Saved file to path: /picture155.jpg 16:15:21.054 -> Going to sleep now
code below :
include "esp_camera.h"
include "Arduino.h"
include "FS.h" // SD Card ESP32
include "SD_MMC.h" // SD Card ESP32
include "soc/soc.h" // Disable brownour problems
include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h" // Disable brownour problems
include "driver/rtc_io.h"
include // read and write from flash memory
define uS_TO_S_FACTOR 1000000 / Conversion factor for micro seconds to seconds /
define TIME_TO_SLEEP 10 / Time ESP32 will go to sleep (in seconds) /
// define the number of bytes you want to access
define EEPROM_SIZE 1
// Pin definition for CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER
define PWDN_GPIO_NUM 32
define RESET_GPIO_NUM -1
define XCLK_GPIO_NUM 0
define SIOD_GPIO_NUM 26
define SIOC_GPIO_NUM 27
define Y9_GPIO_NUM 35
define Y8_GPIO_NUM 34
define Y7_GPIO_NUM 39
define Y6_GPIO_NUM 36
define Y5_GPIO_NUM 21
define Y4_GPIO_NUM 19
define Y3_GPIO_NUM 18
define Y2_GPIO_NUM 5
define VSYNC_GPIO_NUM 25
define HREF_GPIO_NUM 23
define PCLK_GPIO_NUM 22
int pictureNumber = 0;
void setup() { pinMode(4, OUTPUT); WRITE_PERI_REG(RTC_CNTL_BROWN_OUT_REG, 0); //disable brownout detector
camera_config_t config; config.ledc_channel = LEDC_CHANNEL_0; config.ledc_timer = LEDC_TIMER_0; config.pin_d0 = Y2_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d1 = Y3_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d2 = Y4_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d3 = Y5_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d4 = Y6_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d5 = Y7_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d6 = Y8_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_d7 = Y9_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_xclk = XCLK_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_pclk = PCLK_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_vsync = VSYNC_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_href = HREF_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_sscb_sda = SIOD_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_sscb_scl = SIOC_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_pwdn = PWDN_GPIO_NUM; config.pin_reset = RESET_GPIO_NUM; config.xclk_freq_hz = 20000000; config.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_JPEG;
if(psramFound()){ config.frame_size = FRAMESIZEUXGA; // FRAMESIZE + QVGA|CIF|VGA|SVGA|XGA|SXGA|UXGA config.jpeg_quality = 10; // valor inicial = 10 config.fb_count = 1; } else { config.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_SVGA; config.jpeg_quality = 12; // valor inicial = 12 config.fb_count = 1; }
// Init Camera esp_err_t err = esp_camera_init(&config); if (err != ESP_OK) { Serial.printf("Camera init failed with error 0x%x", err); return; }
//Serial.println("Starting SD Card"); if(!SD_MMC.begin()){ Serial.println("SD Card Mount Failed"); return; }
uint8_t cardType = SD_MMC.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ Serial.println("No SD Card attached"); return; }
esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(TIME_TO_SLEEP * uS_TO_S_FACTOR); Serial.println("Setup ESP32 to sleep for every " + String(TIME_TO_SLEEP) + " Seconds");
void loop() {
camera_fb_t * fb = NULL;
sensor_t * s = esp_camera_sensor_get();
int light=0;
s->set_whitebal(s, 1); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable s->set_awb_gain(s, 1); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable s->set_wb_mode(s, 2); // 0 to 4 - if awb_gain enabled (0 - Auto, 1 - Sunny, 2 - Cloudy, 3 - Office, 4 - Home) // s->set_exposure_ctrl(s, 1); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable // s->set_aec2(s, 0); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable //s->set_ae_level(s, 2); // -2 to 2 //s->set_aec_value(s, 1200); // 0 to 1200 s->set_gain_ctrl(s, 0); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable s->set_agc_gain(s, 0); // 0 to 30 s->set_gainceiling(s, (gainceiling_t)6); // 0 to 6 s->set_bpc(s, 1); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable s->set_wpc(s, 1); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable s->set_raw_gma(s, 1); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable s->set_lenc(s, 0); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable s->set_hmirror(s, 0); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable s->set_vflip(s, 0); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable s->set_dcw(s, 0); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable s->set_colorbar(s, 0); // 0 = disable , 1 = enable
// Don’t forget to switch to the register Bank 1 by writing 0x01 to 0xFF register. s->set_reg(s,0xff,0xff,0x01);//banksel
s->set_reg(s,0x11,0xff,48);//frame rate (1 means longer exposure) - was 48 s->set_reg(s,0x13,0xff,0);//manual everything s->set_reg(s,0x0c,0x6,0x8);//manual banding
Serial.print("Value for line 139 - (s,0x11,0xff) = ");
Serial.println("Getting first frame at"); Serial.println(millis());
// Take Picture with Camera digitalWrite(4, LOW); fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
Serial.println("Got first frame at"); Serial.println(millis());
if(!fb) { Serial.println("Camera capture failed"); return; }
Serial.print("Size of image:"); Serial.println(fb->len); Serial.print("Shape->width:"); Serial.print(fb->width); Serial.print(" height:"); Serial.println(fb->height);
// initialize EEPROM with predefined size EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); pictureNumber = EEPROM.read(0) + 1;
// Path where new picture will be saved in SD Card String path = "/picture" + String(pictureNumber) +".jpg";
fs::FS &fs = SD_MMC; Serial.printf("Picture file name: %s\n", path.c_str());
File file = fs.open(path.c_str(), FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ Serial.println("Failed to open file in writing mode"); } else { file.write(fb->buf, fb->len); // payload (image), payload length Serial.printf("Saved file to path: %s\n", path.c_str()); EEPROM.write(0, pictureNumber); EEPROM.commit(); } file.close(); esp_camera_fb_return(fb);
// Turns off the ESP32-CAM white on-board LED (flash) connected to GPIO 4
digitalWrite(4, LOW); //rtc_gpio_hold_en(GPIO_NUM_4);
delay(2000); Serial.println("Going to sleep now"); delay(2000); esp_deep_sleep_start(); Serial.println("This will never be printed");