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Can not compile Android_rk12.1 Rock 5B #39

Closed abrilevskiy closed 1 year ago

abrilevskiy commented 1 year ago

`Runtime aborting... All threads: DALVIK THREADS (1): "main" prio=5 tid=1 Runnable (still starting up) | group="" sCount=0 ucsCount=0 flags=0 obj=(nil) self=0x555556ec7760 | sysTid=28570 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7ffffedf0740 | state=R schedstat=( 190898998 68334 22 ) utm=16 stm=2 core=3 HZ=100 | stack=0x5554ff800000-0x5554ff802000 stackSize=8192KB | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held) native: #00 pc 0000000000da4aa8 /home/android12-docker/rock-android12/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/dex2oatd64 (UnwindStackCurrent::UnwindFromContext(unsigned long, void*)+88) (no managed stack frames)

dex2oatd E 04-24 18:08:16 28570 28570 thread-inl.h:158] holding "abort lock" at point where thread suspension is expected Aborting thread: "main" prio=5 tid=1 Runnable (still starting up) | group="" sCount=0 ucsCount=0 flags=0 obj=(nil) self=0x555556ec7760 | sysTid=28570 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7ffffedf0740 | state=R schedstat=( 268896750 83583 41 ) utm=24 stm=2 core=0 HZ=100 | stack=0x5554ff800000-0x5554ff802000 stackSize=8192KB | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held) native: #00 pc 0000000000da4aa8 /home/android12-docker/rock-android12/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/dex2oatd64 (UnwindStackCurrent::UnwindFromContext(unsigned long, void)+88) native: std::1::compressed_pair_elem<std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::rep, 0, false>::compressed_pair_elem() native: external/libcxx/include/memory:2140 native: std::1::compressed_pair<std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >::rep, std::1::allocator >::compressed_pair<true, void>() native: external/libcxx/include/memory:2234 native: std::__1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator >::basic_string<decltype(nullptr)>(char const) native: external/libcxx/include/string:820 native: UnwindStackCurrent::UnwindFromContext(unsigned long, void*) native: system/unwinding/libbacktrace/UnwindStack.cpp:169 (no managed stack frames) Aborted ERROR: Dex2oat failed to compile a boot image.It is likely that the boot classpath is inconsistent.Rebuild with ART_BOOT_IMAGE_EXTRA_ARGS="--runtime-arg -verbose:verifier" to see verification errors. 18:08:26 ninja failed with: exit status 1`

dex2oatd I 04-24 16:44:59 26806 26806 method_verifier.cc:5171] Soft verification failures in java.lang.String java.net.IDN.toASCII(java.lang.String, int) dex2oatd I 04-24 16:44:59 26806 26806 method_verifier.cc:5171] java.lang.String java.net.IDN.toASCII(java.lang.String, int): [0x0] (possibly) illegal class access: 'Precise Reference: java.net.IDN' -> 'Unresolved Reference: com.android.icu.text.ExtendedIDNA' dex2oatd I 04-24 16:44:59 26806 26806 method_verifier.cc:5171] Soft verification failures in void java.text.Bidi.<init>(java.lang.String, int) dex2oatd I 04-24 16:44:59 26806 26806 method_verifier.cc:5171] void java.text.Bidi.<init>(java.lang.String, int): [0x5] (possibly) illegal class access: 'Precise Reference: java.text.Bidi' -> 'Unresolved Reference: android.icu.text.Bidi' dex2oatd I 04-24 16:44:59 26806 26806 method_verifier.cc:5171] void java.text.Bidi.<init>(java.lang.String, int): [0x17] (possibly) illegal class access: 'Precise Reference: java.text.Bidi' -> 'Unresolved Reference: android.icu.text.Bidi' ...

peterwang2050 commented 1 year ago

Maybe it's a compile env issue. such as memory size is not large enough


abrilevskiy commented 1 year ago

I was able to build working image in Ubuntu 22.04