raethkcj / RatingBuster

An item comparison tool for WoW Classic.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Feature Request] Add ability to customize the stat translation directly in the addon settings #128

Open Mard35 opened 1 year ago

Mard35 commented 1 year ago

If possible, I suggest adding the ability to customize the stat translation option directly in the addon settings in the game for the following templates:

L["$value% Crit"] = "$value% к крит. удару"
L["$value% Spell Crit"] = "$value% к крит. удару"
L["$value% Dodge"] = "$value% к уклонению"
L["$value% Parry"] = "$value% к парированию"
L["$value HP"] = "$value к здоровью"
L["$value MP"] = "$value к мане"
L["$value AP"] = "$value к силе атаки"
L["$value RAP"] = "$value к силе атаки"
L["$value Spell Dmg"] = "$value к силе заклинаний"
L["$value Heal"] = "$value к силе заклинаний"
L["$value Armor"] = "$value к броне"
L["$value Block"] = "$value к показателю блокирования"
L["$value MP5"] = "$value маны раз в 5 сек."
L["$value MP5(OC)"] = "$value маны раз в 5 сек. (вне боя)"
L["$value MP5(NC)"] = "$value маны раз в 5 сек. (вне каста)"
L["$value HP5"] = "$value здоровья раз в 5 сек."
L["$value to be Dodged/Parried"] = "$value уклонения/парирования"
L["$value to be Crit"] = "$value% к получению крит. удара"
L["$value Crit Dmg Taken"] = "$value к получению крит. урона"
L["$value DOT Dmg Taken"] = "$value к получению урона от ДоТ"
L["$value Spell"] = "$value для заклинаний"

Some people want the translation to be more official and authentic. And some want the translation to be as short as possible. Some people want to see English stat names on Russian tooltips. It is impossible to please everyone, so the solution to this problem is to add the ability to customize the translation directly in the addon settings.