rafaello7 / linux-nanopi-m3-v4.14

64-bit Linux kernel 4.14.x for NanoPi M3
9 stars 6 forks source link

NanoPi Fire3 support? #4

Open romanrm opened 6 years ago

romanrm commented 6 years ago


As the NanoPi M3 is not sold anymore by FriendlyARM, the current replacement seems to be NanoPi Fire3-LTS: http://www.friendlyarm.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=206&search=S5P6818&description=true&category_id=0&sub_category=true http://wiki.friendlyarm.com/wiki/index.php/NanoPi_Fire3 Using the same S5P6818 SoC. Will this kernel (and the related Debian installer) work on that board? And maybe consider renaming projects to something more generic like "Linux-S5P6818" if it will?

rafaello7 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I apologize for delay in response.

I have only NanoPi M3, so I'm unable to verify whether the kernel may or may not work on other boards. Some people have reported that it works on NanoPC T3, but I don't have any information about the Fire3. Because I'm unable to check all possible boards with S5P6818 SoC, I don't want to give a name that would suggest that the kernel will work on any such board. It may or may not - everyone can take the kernel and check. Even if the kernel would generally work, I'm unable to support/fix any issues if some would appear. I can perform only corrections for NanoPi M3 board from obvious reason.