raid-guild / RIPs

Registry of internal raidguild improvment projects
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Moloch's Rejects: SEO RODEO #154

Closed boucherbox closed 2 months ago

boucherbox commented 8 months ago

Project Idea

October 2022 Degeneroach lead a RIP to optimize the high Domain Rank of the main site to bring more client work to the Guild. Details in the RIP Proposal below.

The project suffered Moloch at the implementation stage. The designs were completed but there was disagreement on implementation and build stalled. The FE build was rushed to get the new portfolio section out the door for ETH Denver 2023, kudos to Scott.

This RIP proposes to:

Project Submitted By


Why should we build this?

Gone are the days of a line of clients outside the walls waiting for their chance. We need visibility to generate new business. Improving our online presence to draw in more clients passively should be a priority.

Anything else you'd like to add?

Focus Points

Raid Party Skills Needed

Cost (in USD)

FrontEnd Build -------- $1,100 Design ----------------- $1,700 Copy ------------------- $1,700
SEO -------------------- $2,400 Total $6,900


Week 1:

Week 2:


Follow-Up Work

boucherbox commented 8 months ago

Content needs review

derrekcoleman commented 8 months ago

Funded. Kicked off!

derrekcoleman commented 7 months ago

Cruising~ Demo next week, ideally. Sas trying to get portfolio entries from clerics to highlight on the site. sayonara taking designs, Sasquatch and degeneroach working on content. ECWireless and scott helped sayonara get access to gated stuff.

derrekcoleman commented 6 months ago

Vercel issue fixed. Content still coming in. Updating buttons (thx vika) is proving tricky (thx nitegeist). Optimistic for Thursday demo.

derrekcoleman commented 6 months ago

Remaining tasks have been outlined. Once ._sayonara's cleared, team will be ready to finish up.

derrekcoleman commented 6 months ago

Check out new design system updates on Dungeon Master, Hire Us, and so on. _.sayonara will finish soon ™️

derrekcoleman commented 5 months ago

_.sayonara implemented EC's feedback. Buttons are finally cute. Scott gave Sasquatch access to more past raid data. Sasquatch parsing data slow and steady~

Waiting on designs for static elements.

boucherbox commented 2 months ago

Moving to close this RIP as partially completed. Design, build, Copy and a partial SEO scope was completed and paid out. Have $1100 left in Team safe that will be applied to next iteration of this RIP

@Seroxdesign is conducting a audit and will apply these funds to the next iteration of